Chapter 3081

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Evil spirit and evil saint is an artifact handed down from generation to generation, but its biggest defect is that it is consumptive With the constant consumption of energy, its power will also be weakened, and eventually it will become a waste. The most important point of the novel is that it is not as powerful as Shura's heart

This also doomed it to use a little, less, until it completely lost its use, and then randomly discarded!

Maybe that's why the ancestors of Yanluo mansion came out to kill Tianxing mansion with this handed down artifact hundreds of years ago There is no strong aura of heaven and earth, and the power of handed down artifact is constantly weakening. There is really no choice but to return to Penglai's secret place honestly!

It's just, obviously

The ancestors of Yanluo mansion didn't give in because of this. Instead, they found a new way to warm up and strengthen the evil spirits This is what Qin Fang saw as the art of Yuan Shen's sacrifice.

As for the art of yuan God sacrifice, Qin just heard its name, but did not master it.

However, from Yan Xing's warm cultivation of this evil spirit in his own sea of knowledge, Qin Fang can roughly guess

It is estimated that in the past hundreds of years, every leader of the Yanluo mansion, or every strong man who has stepped into the half step of Emperor Wu, has sacrificed the power of the yuan God to this evil spirit before his death.

Most of the masters above half step Wudi in Yanluo Prefecture are short-lived ghosts. None of them has lived for more than 60 years. How could there be more than a dozen such strong people offering sacrifices to the yuan God

Maybe one or two, not too strong, but ten or eight or even more people, that's totally different.

If there were one or two yuan gods of Emperor Wu's strongmen to offer sacrifices, it would be even more terrifying. It would warm up the evil spirits and saints to the present level of terror. There's nothing to be surprised about.

"It's no wonder that even the God Wu Mo Yan has to be scared, and he has been rejected so far..."

That is to say, Qin Fang knew why wumoyan failed to devour. The evil spirit and evil saint who had been cultivated by Yan Xing for at least ten or twenty years had evolved to a very high level.

Although it is far from the thunder hammer level of the dwarves, it is more powerful than some of the best handed down artifacts In particular, its strong breath can restrain the evil spirit.


"A powerful evil spirit It seems that even I can't get it! "

Qin Fang was immediately embarrassed.

If it's just a common evil spirit, Qin Fang won't be afraid of it. It's a big deal that Qin Fang can fight against it with his own big move.

But. The evil spirit and saint in front of him is extremely powerful, even more powerful than the Qin Dynasty's four elephant heaven and earth tripod. The four elephant heaven and earth tripod can restrain him at most for a while, but this time is very short, and it is difficult for Qin Dynasty to take this opportunity to kill Yan Xing.

That is to say, wumoyan can't kill Yan Xing, and so can Qin Fang

All of a sudden, it made Qin Fang sit on the wax.

Qin also became hesitant. At this time. Giving up is definitely not the best choice

Yan Xing's health is very bad, and this evil spirit can only help him for a moment at most. Once Yan Xing can't control it, it's the time for Wu Moyan to start. Then Yan Xing will become the key to lift the ban on the ancient coffin of the gods, and release the power of the immortal.

This is something Qin can't tolerate!

Therefore, Qin Fang certainly can't leave, and even has to compete with those gods Wu Moyan for the control of Yan Xing's body Although they all want to kill Yan Xing. It's just a little different.

Qin Fang planned to wait

Waiting is a very good way, waiting for Yan Xing to lose his body, waiting for the power of evil spirit to weaken, then it's time for Qin Fang to start, he must make good use of such a time difference!


However, when Qin Fang noticed Yan Xing's strange expression. Suddenly something was wrong.

Yan Xing, who had possessed the evil spirit and evil saint, could not kill Qin Fang or the evil spirit, but he would not look dull But now, Yan Xing's expression is very wrong, just like It was as if he had been invaded by the spirit of wumoyan again.

"No, it's forbidden by the ancient coffin of gods."

Qin Fang looked back at the movement of the ancient coffin, and found that its power was growing. Eight black smoke columns were fierce and furious, frantically impacting the defense of the star stone necklace, and there was a faint sign that they were about to rush out.This is obviously problematic

The defense of Xingshi necklace is very stable, and its power comes from Xingshi. It is born with a strong restraining effect on the ancient coffin of gods Now it seems that I can't help it. The only possibility is that the God in the ancient coffin is about to get out of trouble.

Only at this time, the power of the ancient coffin of gods will explode at all costs, even if it is completely broken.

Thinking of the movement of Yan Xing's side, Qin Fang naturally fully understood it.

"Ma Dan, this is really forcing me..."

Qin Fang was also a little worried at this time. He was in a hurry, and then he quickly looked for the right way However, after thinking about it, it seems that it is not a very good way to deal with it, and Qin Fang seems to be forced to use that move.

"You are cruel..."

There was almost no way out, and Qin Fang could only bite his teeth It's up to you this time. I promise you the terms. I won't let you down! Let's do it... "

It's true that Qin's strength at the moment has only recovered 45%.

The time was too short. The last big move just now was the extreme of Qin Fang. However, it was blocked by the evil spirit of Yan Xing and declared the attack invalid.

The Qin side also has some skills of pressing the bottom of the box, such as the four elephant heaven and earth tripod and so on. Although the power is also terrible, it is obviously not enough to blow away the evil spirit's defense.

In all desperation, Qin had to turn to the star giant.

But this guy took the opportunity to negotiate with Qin After paying a certain price and some conditions, the star giant finally agreed to help Qin solve the problem.

"Roar ~ ~"

how to say that the star giant is also the powerful existence of the saint beast level Even if they signed an equal contract with Qin, their strength was limited to a certain extent. But after swallowing several cores, its strength has also recovered more than 50%, which is very terrible.

But now, it is the first time that the star giant has truly exposed its terrifying combat power

A wild animal roar came, shaking the whole world.

It's just in this secret place, but it seems to spread all over the earth in an instant Almost every corner of the earth, there are strong people above the supreme realm, the body can not help shivering.

The power of the beast is absolutely terrible.

Buzzing ~ ~

just a roar, it's already ferocious. Only to see the opposite of those gods wumoyan seems to have suffered a very serious attack like, immediately disappeared.

"Si ~ ~"

such a scene also made Qin Fang tremble.

Although he knew that the giant beast in the starry sky, as a sacred beast, was very terrible, he did not expect that it would be so terrible He could not help sweating when he recalled how he had accepted the star giant.

There is no doubt that the original Star giant did not release real combat power.

In other words, it's just a kind of fun and banter

The reason why he signed a contract with Qin was that he was really hungry. If you want to continue to live, just use this way. Let Qin Fang come out with himself.

This is the reason why it has always been indifferent to Qin's demands.

Wumoyan is just the power of the ancient coffin. Without Yan Xing's body, it is the rootless duckweed. The giant beast in the starry sky just roars, and the terrible sound will destroy them.

And the real difficulty lies in Yan Xing, especially the extremely powerful evil spirits and saints who are nurtured by Wen

It was fierce just now. Even Qin Fang's most powerful killing move could be easily resisted, but in the starry sky, the giant beast poked out a paw and patted it gently. The evil spirit was just like a missile and was directly patted out.

Poof ~ ~

although the evil spirit is a treasure. But it has long been connected with Yan Xing's mind and spirit. The evil spirit suffered such a violent blow from the giant beast in the starry sky, so Yan Xing naturally had a hard time.

Even if his expression is dull now, and he is being invaded by the power of the ancient coffin, he is also gushing out a mouthful of blood.

"This What's the matter?

the spitting blood was so timely that it directly interrupted the invasion of the evil power of the ancient coffin. Yan Xing also woke up and looked at everything around him, as if he didn't know what happened.

"Ho ~ ~"

however, it was the huge paw of the giant star beast that responded to him, and it was photographed directly and impolitely At the same time, Qin Fang immediately chased the evil spirit who was shot by the giant beast in the starry sky.

Yan Xing can die, but this evil spirit and Saint can't be wasted

The evil spirit and evil Saint had been kept warm by Yan Xing for many years, and had already formed a very close relationship. Qin Fang was also worried that Yan Xing would do some irrational behavior before he died, thus destroying the evil spirit and evil saint, so he had to cut off the evil spirit and evil saint in advance.Hum ~ ~

almost when Qin Fang caught the evil spirit and quickly threw it into his own prop box, the star giant's paws were also shot down, and Yan Xing, the strong man of Emperor Wu, was directly patted into a pile of meat sauce! (it's a good activity for pie falling from the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Focus on the point / official account (WeChat adds friends - add the official account - enter DD), join in immediately! Everyone has a prize. Now pay close attention to DD WeChat official account! (to be continued.).. )