Chapter 3027

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"Since there is no one here, I will kill Shiva at the gate of Mount Zong Blood washed Shiva

Qin Fang's evil spirit also overflowed. His relatives are his fault and taboo Shiva Zong violated his taboo and repeatedly provoked Qin, which made Qin's anger more intense.

At the moment, he can't care so much.

"Not one!"

Back to the base of shivazong, Qin just waved his hand, and then he could see a shadow rushing into the base It's Zitong, the abyss butcher who has been lurking around Qin Fang's body.

What he did in this base is also very obvious.

"Song chain!"

As for Qin Fang himself, he cheered coldly.


Song chain is also haunted general jumped out from the side, tone blunt response way He had already dealt with the magic saber Tianzhao. He had already followed Qin Fang, but he didn't show up. He was afraid that it would hinder Qin Fang's action.

Now, Qin Fang killed him alone and called him, so he didn't need to hide.

"Go! Kill Shiva sect... "

The base was solved by Zitong, the abyss slayer, but it was Qin Fang who wanted to wash the Shiva sect himself

Although the most powerful fighting power of Shiva and other sects has been dealt with by the Qin side, there are still many powerful experts in Shiva sect. Although the Qin side is not afraid, he still has to save people, so there is one more half step Emperor Wu strong man like song chain. It's definitely a big help!


Song chain naturally won't refuse, immediately followed Qin Fang's back, and quickly entered into the direction of Shiva Zong.

Compared with langtuo temple, which is so easy to find, the Mountain Gate of Shiva sect is more hidden Even the vast majority of people do not know that there is such a huge force in the vast mountains that has been here for thousands of years.

Even in the underground world, few people know the specific location of Shiva sect.

Originally, Qin was not very clear. But who let him know Shi Qingfeng? In a disguised way, it made Qin know where the Mountain Gate of Shiva sect was So what else can he be polite about.

Shiva sect is not very far away from langtuo temple. The two of them don't even need to drive. They just use light body skill and move forward very fast. In less than an hour, they have already arrived at the foot of the mountain where Shiva sect is located.

It's just

Qin Fang didn't go up the mountain To be exact, I met some people at the foot of the mountain.

"Mr. Qin, we meet again!"

Su Yutong. Wrong, it should be called Vishnu. Sitting on a huge stone at the foot of the mountain with a smile, he looked at Qin Fang and said politely She did not show any hostility, and even clapped her hands. After seeing the boulder, Qin Tiannan and others came out.

"Dad! Mom! Feifei... "

I saw my relatives come out safely. Qin Fang was also stunned for a moment, but he hurried to get there For this Vishnu. He didn't trust him. Naturally, he had to check whether his relatives were involved in any conspiracy or suffered any losses.

"We're all fine. It's ok..."

Qin Tiannan and others also showed a smile on their faces. They hugged Qin Fang in turn, and they were very happy. "Although we were arrested, they didn't dare to do anything about us..."

"If it's OK, if it's ok..."

Qin also used the detection skills to all the people in turn. After confirming that they had no damage or prohibition, his face finally showed a smile. Finally, this trip is not in vain.

As for Vishnu

Although the Qin side did not deliberately guard against her, the half step emperor song chain was in a key position. As long as there was any change in Vishnu, he would kill him at the first time.

Even if Vishnu didn't hide his strength, he only had the cultivation at the beginning of the supreme realm. There was a big gap between Vishnu and Song Dynasty Song chain want to kill it, it is absolutely easy, especially so close.

However, looking at Vishnu's appearance, we can see that she did not intend to do anything wrong!

Qin Fang hugged his relatives in turn. After confirming that everyone was ok, he went back to Vishnu. Looking at the woman who had no body or appearance to say, he didn't know what to say.

In terms of identity, Vishnu is one of the three heavenly gods of Shiva sect, the real core and high-level, and the prominent However, the relationship between Qin and Shiva sect was not harmonious, and they killed so many senior officials of Shiva sect that there was no reason to let Vishnu go.In terms of hatred, Vishnu used the black flower in the sachet to plot against Qin Fang If Qin had not been immune to all kinds of poisons, plus the might of emperor banbu Wu, Qin might have been killed by Vishnu, so Qin had no reason to let go of this plot against his own Vishnu.

However, Vishnu brought out Qin's relatives and released them directly Let the Qin side smoothly welcome back their relatives, also considered to Qin side enough sincerity.

In this way, it seems that it is a bit too much for Qin to kill Vishnu again.

This way, Qin Fang was a bit of a wax sitter. He didn't know what to do with this woman

"Mr. Qin, I'm from the Dragon Kingdom, too..."

Perhaps Vishnu understood the entanglement of Qin and took the initiative to walk up to Qin. He said sincerely, "although I was born in Tianzhu and lived high in Vishnu's position, I never forget that I am from the Dragon kingdom. My name is Su Yutong!"


Qin Fang also felt strange, but he didn't know how to say it.

"Forget it, that's it..."

After a moment's silence, Qin didn't want to fight Vishnu, so he simply waved his hand. Don't worry about those things, "Dad, mom, let's go home now..."

So far, the crisis brought by Shiva sect has been completely solved

The master of the supreme realm of Shiva sect is 70% to 80%. Even Shiva, the leader of Shiva sect, was captured alive by Qin. Now she is still in the prop box Fantian had already been slaughtered by Qin. The key treasure of Brahma is also in Qin's hands. This Vishnu is very interesting to Qin, and Qin doesn't want to poison her, so he just doesn't care about those.


Vishnu not only didn't obstruct them, but also took the initiative to open the way for them, which reduced a lot of unnecessary troubles for Qin Shiva Zong had a prominent position in China. Vishnu was under one person and above ten thousand people. With her help, all the troubles could be easily solved.

Until Qin Fang boarded the plane to China. There was no accident. Even Qin Fang was surprised However, it doesn't matter how surprised or surprised he is. His goal has been accomplished, so there is nothing to remember.

Seeing the Qin family leave by plane, Vishnu (Su Yutong) looks calm and strange.

She didn't take her cell phone out of her until the plane disappeared into the clouds. A call was made Of course, it's not to arrange hijacking or plane bombing, but to talk to someone.

"You're right. He's really strong And it has already stepped into the level of Emperor Wu. Maybe it won't be long before it will become a strong one at the level of Emperor Wu! He is the man we are looking for... "

Facing the phone, Vishnu said calmly.

However, from her slight twinkling eyes, it is not difficult to see that her mood is not as calm as the expression, and even a little excited!

Who's on the other side of the line. There was no one else to know except Vishnu himself.

However, from her words, it also revealed some information It seems that Vishnu is not only one of the three gods of Shiva sect, but also has another identity. A more mysterious identity.

However, these are not what Qin Fang can know

After all, Qin Fang was a human being, not a mysterious God. So maybe he could listen to Vishnu's words from such a distance?

But from Vishnu's words, it's not hard to know that her connection with Qin will not be cut off Maybe soon, they will meet again, and even have closer cooperation.

In any case, Qin is still relatively relaxed and can take a rest for a while.

"Qin Fang, what are you thinking?"

On the plane, Tang Feifei and other women sat next to Qin Fang. Seeing his frown, they also asked with concern

In fact, some of them also felt very uncomfortable. They felt that they were a burden and a drag on Qin Fang. So when they noticed Qin Fang's expression, they were worried.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that I don't quite understand some things!"

Qin Fang is also back to God, smile, do not care about the response.

"What's wrong? Maybe you can say it and let's think about it for you The so-called three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. Maybe you can figure it out? "

Don Feifei is also a kind persuasion.

They are all women of Qin Fang. They love Qin Fang deeply. Naturally, they don't want to see Qin Fang's frown. They want to be Qin Fang's help instead of a useless drag.

"In fact, it's nothing. It's just some strange reaction from Vishnu I always feel that I have missed something! "

Qin Fang thought about it, but there was no need to hide it. It was also a simple explanation.This suspicion had already arisen when he saw Vishnu However, the situation at that time was that he and his relatives had just got together, and it was not good for Qin to release his family's poisonous hand to Vishnu in public, which temporarily suppressed this doubt in his heart. (the novel omnipotent wizard will have more fresh content on the official wechat platform. At the same time, there will be a 1OO% lucky draw for you! Now open WeChat, click the "+" number on the top right, add friends, search the official account "qdread" and pay attention to it. )(to be continued!
