Chapter 2934

"It's a site carefully selected by the dwarves. The stones here contain incomparably hard purple gold It is such a weak little guy, also want to shake the whole mountain? Dream

The giant star also jumped out at the right time and vomited a bad sentence. [2] [3] [w] [x]}

Qin Fang's idea is very good, which the star giant does not deny. However, the split sky beast used to carry out the plan is too weak. It might be easier to replace it with a native holy beast like the star giant.

Obviously, there is no such trump card in Qin Fang's hands!

What's more, if there was a native sacred animal, Qin didn't have to be so complicated. He just had to break the life cage of the seedling of the tree of life The holy beast is enough to have such a strong fighting power.

"Stay away..."

But Qin Fang despised the star giant.

Even if he didn't help him, how could Qin Fang have a good tone?

"This method doesn't seem to work very well..."

Qin Fang frowned and was not in a good mood, which can even be described as scratching his heart with a hundred claws The tree of life is such a precious treasure in front of your eyes, but you can only enjoy it with your eyes, but you can't take it as your own. It's really a shame.

It's as if there is a gorgeous beauty lying in front of you, playing with all kinds of attractive postures, but you tragically find that you are tied to death, and you don't even have the strength to play

"We have to think of another way..."

Helplessly took back the split beast. Just now, he did his best, but I can't blame him. Even he was shaken back and hurt a little. By the way, he let him go back to cultivate.

And Qin Fang, of course, is also looking for other ways!

"It's not realistic to shake its foundation directly, so we can only give up..."

This is Qin Fang's attempt just now. The dwarves have made full preparations in advance, which makes him unable to start. Then Qin Fang can only focus on another way. "Break the cage of life..."

The cage of life is very powerful. With Qin Fang's current strength, there is almost no possibility of success, which is why he gave up this idea from the beginning, but now he has returned to the origin.

"Try gas explosion..."

Qin Fang's steps moved. It came to the periphery of the tree of life in an instant. It's not quite close yet. He felt a strong repulsive force and refused to let Qin Fang move forward. Even vaguely repelled.

This is also Qin Fang's real feeling of the strength of the cage of life

You know, in order to get close to the tree of life as much as possible, Qin Fang deliberately suppressed the breath of other attributes in his body and completely shocked the vitality of Qinglong The wood system is powerful, so it can be closer to the tree of life.

Can still feel such a strong rejection

This also made Qin understand how terrible Zitong, the abyss slayer, suffered!

That's why Zitong's special blood power has played a great role. If you change it into a general strong person of the same level, I'm afraid that he has already been destroyed by the enemy. This power is really too strong.

"It's not easy!"

Qin Fang was also blocked by a burst of air. He wanted to rely on the past to use the air explosion technique to break the cage of life protection from the inside and outside. But he didn't expect that he could not even get close to him.

The more you squeeze in, the stronger the power of rejection. The result is Qin Fang not only failed to get closer, but was forced to retreat again!

There is no doubt that Qin's air explosion technique can not be implemented.

"It's not going to work!"

Qin Fang had no choice but to give up, and then he thought of other ways. He even rummaged in his own prop box There are too many things in the prop box. There are many things that are very useful, but Qin Fang usually can't use them.

Qin Fang's rummaging can not only check what he has mastered, but also spread his thinking. Maybe he can find the treasure that can solve the present dilemma at any time!


Not to mention, when Qin Fang saw something in the prop box, he couldn't help but scream. At the same time, the smile on his face became bright in an instant!

Although not completely happy, but at least much better than before!

"How can I forget you?"

Qin Fang murmured to himself and took it out.


When this thing was taken out, the star giant could not help making such a strange cry. Obviously, it did not expect that Qin Fang would have such a treasure in his hand.

"I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that You have it? "This kind of thing is very unexpected for the star giant, "it seems that I really underestimate you, human boy There are more things under my hand than I expected! "

"It's just the root of a tree of life And it's the one that's been dead for years! "

Qin Fang is very modest said.

His mouth is so modest, but his expression is quite excited and excited, and he is proud of himself!

It's true that the treasure in Qin Fang's hand is the root of the ancient tree of life which he snatched from the heretic inquisition of the Holy See A short piece!

But such a short section is the only part of the whole earth.

Therefore, it is in the hands of the powerful figures of the Holy See

But no one thought that Qin Fang snatched it from Sullivan!

Then it was thrown in the prop box like garbage. After eating the dust for such a long time, it didn't work If it is still alive, it will definitely want to draw a sword to commit suicide.

However, it is very useful now!

"It seems that you should get this seedling of Life Tree..."

At this time, the giant star is no longer making sarcastic remarks. It was a murmur with deep feeling.

"Try it first..."

Although Qin Fang was a little more confident in his heart, he was still modest in his mouth. As long as the seedling of the tree of life was not taken away by him for a moment, he would not succeed.

If you say it too early and turn around to be beaten in the face, it's really not beautiful!

Hum ~ ~

holding the root of this ancient tree of life It has already lost its vitality, leaving only a little spiritual power of the ancient tree of life, so that it can have a very strong combat effectiveness!

But now it's totally different

Whoosh ~ ~

when Qin Fang approached the pale green cage of life, the strong force of rejection weakened. However, the roots of the ancient tree of life in his hands were shaking violently

And then you see the seedlings of the tree of life. Automatically a leaf flew over. Directly through the cage of life, and then pasted on the root of the ancient tree of life in Qin Fang's hands.

A strange scene happened

The leaves of the tree of life disappeared and turned into a strong green light, completely wrapping the roots of this ancient tree of life. Then I saw that the roots of the ancient trees, which had been extremely dry, began to slowly recover their vitality. And gradually a little bud burst out.

"Hiss ~ ~"

see such a scene. Qin Fang could not help but gasp, "this, this, this It's really an old tree sprouting! If it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes, it would be really hard for people to believe... "

It is said that the leaves of the tree of life have the effect of living the dead, flesh and bones. But that's only relative For ordinary living individuals, it naturally has a miraculous effect, but for the high-end existence of ancient tree roots, the effect can be ignored.

What I didn't expect is Such a short section has died, I don't know how many years of life, the ancient tree roots burst out buds again, it seems to resurrect!

"For this Even if I didn't take away the tree of life, I didn't come in vain! "

Looking at the root of the ancient tree of life in his hand, Qin Fang muttered to himself.

The tree of life in front of us is just a seedling, far from being comparable to the real ancient tree of life The root system in Qin Fang's hands is only cut off from the ancient tree of life. It has been dead for countless years. Even now that it has recovered its vitality and has a strong spirit, it can't be compared with the real tree of life!

But with it, Qin Fang has gained a lot. At least Qingmu longicorn can speed up the cultivation of those precious herbs or plants in Qin Fang's hands!

Of course, it would be better to take away the seedlings of the tree of life!

At least ten times stronger than the root system of this ancient life tree

"Try again..."

Therefore, Qin Fang also made a move to use the root system of this ancient tree of life to explore forward, trying to pierce the cage of life People are driven by ambition, and Qin is no exception.

Hum ~ ~

strange to say.

Before the amazing defense of the life cage, let Qin several times defeated, but in the face of this short life of the ancient tree roots, but as if there is no defense at all, directly through the defense of the life cage, directly into it!

Bang ~ ~


With its help, Qin Fang is also very impolite to use the gas explosion technique!

Only a dull sound was heard, and a violent explosion force detonated from the inside of the life cage. The violent force directly exploded the life cage, and completely displayed the seedling of the life tree in front of Qin Fang's eyes.

"This time, I won't give you a chance!"At this time, Qin Fang also made a slight step and came to the seedling of the tree of life in an instant. With one hand, he broke the new life cage that the seedling of the tree of life was trying to release!

This newborn cage of life is very fragile. Qin Fanggang's Qi can be easily broken by an earthquake!

In the end, it's just a seedling of the tree of life. Although it has great strength, it's far from the real peak period. Even Qin Fang can bully it now! (to be continued.).. )