Chapter 2809

"Finally It's broken

Seeing the crystal broken, Qin Fang was relieved

Then, as soon as his body softened, he immediately fell to the ground, as if the huge stone oppressed him disappeared. His whole body was completely free, and his mind was relaxed for a moment!

Bo ~ ~

the magic crystal is broken, but the killing gun is no better Qin's two successive eruptions are almost based on it, and the endless power of fury is bestowed on it!

This certainly makes the God killer gun have a very terrible attack power, but also makes it unbearable. , ybdu,

when the shotgun penetrates the magic crystal and completely blows it up, its mission will be over When it inserted into the nine netherworld, it burst abruptly.

A good God killer gun, so burst into countless pieces, splashing everywhere

So the killing gun was completely destroyed!

"Huhuhuhu ~ ~"

he was paralyzed on the ground, and Qin Fang was gasping, his face was pale and terrible, but his eyes were full of joy At least he tried so hard, not in vain!

Even if he wasted such a precious weapon, he didn't regret it!

The original release of the God killing gun almost released all the power of Qin At that time, Qin Fang was already very weak. There's almost no more fighting.

However, Qin underestimated the resistance of the magic altar and the difficulty of the magic crystal, and the killing gun failed to succeed in the end In order to accomplish this task, Qin Fang squandered his own potential and broke out again with the help of Bruce Lee. Only then did he successfully blow up the magic crystal and complete this crucial blow!

Contact two outbreaks, for ordinary people's words, I am afraid already lying on the ground motionless. If it's more serious, you may die of dry blood It's very good for Qin Fang to be weak, tired and lack of Qi and blood.


Qin Fang took several pills in succession. After a recovery, his physical condition is gradually getting better. I believe it won't be long before he can recover


It's too early for Qin to be happy!

"Roar ~ ~"

the magic crystal has been broken, and the biggest reaction is definitely not Qin Fang's side. It's the 72 pillar demon Yuanshen projection has been initially condensed. And has entered the earth plane. But in such a critical moment was interrupted, you can imagine how fierce the reaction of these demons.

The roar of fury also shook the whole world violently, especially Qin Fang's eardrum. It seems that I'm going to be deaf

Wuwuwuwu ~ ~

not to mention the projection of the seventy-two pillars of demons towards the Qin Dynasty If they hadn't been able to get rid of the magic pillar, they would have rushed to tear Qin Fang to pieces.

However, these demons can't be underestimated, even if they are just a little bit of Yuanshen projection, they can't be underestimated


I heard some strange sounds, and then I saw that the broken magic crystal was quickly gathering together, as if there was a sign that it needed to be repaired

"I wipe it!"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang could not help but burst into a rude remark.

In order to break the magic crystal, he almost spent nine cattle and two tigers to succeed For this reason, his loss is also very huge, and just a sigh of relief, these demons are going to give him a knife, Qin can be happy to have a ghost.

"No! We can't let them succeed... "

Qin Fang knows very well that the magic crystal can never be restored again At that point, all Qin's efforts will be in vain, and even the chance of Qin's escape will be lost.

Qin Fang at the moment is not Qin Fang at its peak

Once the magic crystal is restored, the magic altar will start to operate again, and Qin Fang, whose strength is far from recovered, is totally unable to stop it He will have no choice but to run away.

However, with Qin Fang's current physical condition, could he escape?

Obviously not!

Once unable to escape, the projection of the original spirit of 72 demons came to the earth, then Qin Fang would have to die!

This is obviously not the result that Qin hoped to get!

SoQin must prevent such things from happening Not for other people, not for the so-called salvation, just to protect their own lives, he must fight again!

Hum ~ ~

Qin's strength is far from being recovered. Even taking a few pills only calmed the restlessness in Qin's body. Now its strength is still in the initial stage of gradual recovery, and its real combat power is less than one of the peak period.


In addition to its own combat power, Qin has another aspect of combat power Flying sword!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh This is the strongest attack power Qin can release at present.

In order to achieve the strongest attack power, Qin Fang immediately took out the magic source and held it in his hand

The attack power of Feijian has something to do with Qin's own strength, the grade of Feijian, and the persistence and strength of its spiritual power This time, Qin also did his best.

"Roar ~ ~"

when the magic crystal breaks, the magic altar stops running, and the projection of the original spirit of the seventy-two pillars of the magic God is only so strong, which will only be constantly consumed, and can not be supplemented!

In order to repair the magic crystal, they are already desperately wasting their own strength

If not for the number of demons as many as 72, even if each demons is just a projection of the primordial deities, but the huge number is still a terrible force

However, this can not support their multi line operations!

When Qin Fang's flying sword came, the projection of these demons also sensed the powerful threat, and they roared furiously. It seemed that they wanted to scare off Qin Fang's attack by this means!

It's just

Flying swords are not living beings at all. How can they be afraid of their threats?

Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop The fierce sword spirit rips the simple defense system constructed by the projection of these demons with the most ferocious posture, and directly attacks the repairing demons crystal!

Qin Fang didn't want to do anything else For example, kill the proto gods projection of these demons and so on. Just interrupt the proto gods projection to repair the operation of the demons crystal!

Without the magic crystal, no matter how weak Qin Fang was, he would not care about the projection of the 72 pillars of the magic God who could not leave the magic altar and the magic pillar

"Roar ~ ~"

the demons roared wildly, but they couldn't affect the three flying swords' rushing forward!

Qin Fang also grasped the magic source, released his mental power furiously, forced to resist the terrible pressure from the projection of the original gods, and controlled the flying sword to finish the fatal blow!

Ding Ding Ding ~ ~

the three flying swords are extremely sharp. Under the control of the Royal sword technique, their attack power has burst to the extreme. In the most ferocious state, they have torn the poor defense system constructed by the projection of Yuan Shen and rushed to the demon crystal quickly.

Almost without any pause, three flying swords hit the magic crystal under repair from three different directions at the same time

The sound of the crash came

The already broken magic crystal was once again hit hard before it was really repaired

What's different from the previous one is that the magic crystal has little resistance, and it was directly split by Qin Fang's flying sword Although the cracks are the original cracks, the black gas used for repairing and bonding is cut off.

These pieces of magic crystal also fell directly on the ground

"Roar ~ ~"

such a scene made Qin Fang feel a little relieved. His face was also a little pale, but his spirit seemed to be quite full

However, the demons were obviously different. They all roared like crazy. They didn't take care of the fragments of the crystal. Instead, they struggled to break out of the confinement of the demons column and tear Qin Fang to pieces!

"It's just the end of a strong crossbow."

Qin Fang didn't pay any attention to this Although there are several demons who seem to be very powerful, almost all of them are about to completely break away from the demons column. With their teeth and claws, the demons burst into the sky. He just smiles with contempt!

Without the energy supply of the demon God, these yuan Shen projections have no strong lethality at all

Especially after they spent a lot of power to repair the magic crystal, but they were interrupted and destroyed by Qin Fang, the projection of the original gods had no threat at all.

"Zitong, I'll give it to you next..."After being tossed about by Qin Fang, the projection of the original gods of hell is basically useless. Even if they rush out of the devil's pillar, they are still a lot of waste

Qin Fang didn't even have the mind to do it by himself. He summoned Zitong, the abyss butcher, to deal with the projection of these fragile hell gods. (to be continued.).. )