Chapter 2774


Qin Fang rushed to those black balls regardless of everything Every black ball is a small drop of black magic water. It is the first-class treasure that Qin Fang wants to collect!

Heishenshui is not a common thing. You can't collect anything at will!

It seems very small and light, but in fact its weight is very terrible At the same time, it also has a very strong lethality, a little bit, touch, may put people to death!

Therefore, it is very difficult to collect heishenshui!

However, in Qin Fang's place, this is no trouble at all, because he has a prop box!

Whoosh ~ ~

Qin Fang rushes to the side of the black ball. With a flick of his sleeve, Qin Fang takes away a black ball and enters the prop box Qin Fang specially emptied a prop box, which was specially used to hold black water.

Heishenshui is too precious and ferocious. If it is put together with other things, it may easily destroy anything else Including Qin props inside the box of the ultimate strength of the powerful attendant, fierce beast!

In order to avoid those accidents, Qin decided to place these black water alone!

Of course, there is another reason These black balls seem to be big, but there are only a few black magic water in them. Therefore, Qin Fang needs to collect enough black balls to extract enough black magic water for his own use.

"Ten, eleven, twelve..."

I have to say. Qin Fang's choice of this time is really in place. It's just the time when the snake like sea beast, in order to protect itself, calls back the black balls that fly out!

Now, the snake shaped sea beast is temporarily imprisoned and subdued by Qin's hunting net, but it has made a "great contribution" to Qin's collection of these black balls.

Qin Fang collected dozens of small black balls with little effort

Although this number may be only one tenth or one percent of the black water controlled by snake like sea animals, it has satisfied Qin very much After all, it is basically impossible for Qin to collect these black water completely.


"Roar ~ ~"

the serpentine sea animal has come to life now!

Pa Pa ~ ~ ~

although the net is very powerful. It also caused a lot of damage to snake like sea animals But. When the snake like sea beast came to life and countless black balls came to the net, Qin Fang had to take back the net.

Hunter's net is a rare treasure. He doesn't want to waste it like this

Heishenshui is so ferocious. Such a huge amount of black balls came. You can absolutely tear up the defense of Hunter's net. Even destroyed this precious net!

What's more, the snake like sea beast wakes up, and Qin Fang can't collect these black balls ^

there is only one consequence of forcibly approaching these black balls Qin Fang's body will be instantly beaten into a sieve. die an untimely on!

Now that he can't trap the snake like sea beast and can't continue to collect the black balls, Qin Fang simply takes back the net In this way, we can at least ensure the integrity of this net.



Qin's killing moves have already been in place

Humming ~ ~ ~

Qin Fang retreated to the safety zone, and then quickly and violently manipulated the fierce vortex, driving the snake shaped sea animal to rotate quickly, and constantly approached the center of the vortex!

"Roar ~ ~"

at this time, the serpentine sea beast just broke free from the captivity of the God hunting net, and the black water had not been completely recovered, and it encountered the strong tearing of the whirlpool, so it was unable to calm down immediately. It roared in the mouth, and its huge body was also struggling violently.



Almost when the serpentine sea beast tried to take back all the black water and build a strong protective cover for itself, Qin immediately launched a long-term saving move!

Boom ~ ~

this huge whirlpool with a coverage of more than 200 meters was immediately detonated by the Qin side when it ran to the extreme speed!

The huge whirlpool, in a very short time, quickly shrinks, shrinks, shrinks again Originally, the radius was more than 80 meters, but it quickly shrank to a radius of only a dozen meters, and the size of the upper and lower parts was almost the same, becoming a huge sphere!

The huge body of the snake shaped sea beast is completely wrapped in this sphere

Then, such a huge sphere, under the violent rotation, suddenly exploded!

A super whirlpool has accumulated an unimaginable power of terror, and then such a power of terror explodes in an instant, and the instant destructive power is released ten times or 100 times."Roar, roar ~ ~"

and the serpentine sea beast is deeply trapped in it, which naturally bears the most terrible destructive force The fierce cry shocked such a huge sea area that even Qin Fang, an outsider, turned pale.

"This time, even if you have heishenshui to protect your body, you have to peel off your skin if you don't die..."

Qin Fang also cheered with a grim face.

That's what he's really hiding Whirlpool secret skill is a terrible killing move that can be used to the extreme. It's a terrible stunt that even the strong of Emperor Wu can be killed!

In Qin Fang's ears, such crackling sounds came one after another Most of them come from the body of the snake like sea beast. If its body is too large, the area of trauma is also huge.

The overwhelming defensive force is unable to resist such terrible killing and destruction

I only see the body of the snake like sea animal, which is constantly being blasted, bloody, and looks particularly tragic

However, this guy is also a fierce one. He gathered some black water to protect his head It is a powerful existence at the level of half step supreme spirit beast. As long as its original spirit is not destroyed, it is possible for it to survive.

But because it doesn't really advance to the level of the supreme spirit beast, it can't directly leave its original spirit from its body and attach it to a treasure like the silver footed kitten Like heishenshui!

This is Qin Fang's chance!

"Hum Do you think you can save your life with the protection of heishenshui? Dream

Qin Fang wasted so much energy to kill this snake like sea animal?

At the moment, his plans have been completely 70% How can you give up because of a little difficulty?

Hum ~ ~ ~

he took several precious pills and restored the vitality and vigorous Qi in his body. Then Qin Fang immediately sacrificed the four elephants heaven and earth tripod This is an artifact handed down from generation to generation. Even in the ocean, it can still release unparalleled terror power.

Hualala ~ ~

as soon as the four elephants came out, a huge hole appeared in the sponge around All the sea water was forced to retreat spontaneously, which allowed Qin to get freedom from the sea water.

This is the powerful pressure of the handed down artifact, and also the powerful power of the fire of the four elephants

"Cut it off!"

Qin Fang didn't care how much noise the four elephants heaven and earth cauldron would make. He directly urged the cauldron to fly towards the seriously injured snake shaped sea animal There is only one purpose. Destroy the shield of heishenshui and kill the snake like sea beast!

Sixiang Liuli fire is a heavenly fire, which can destroy everything Including Yuanshen!

"Roar ~ ~"

as soon as the four elephant heaven and earth cauldron comes out, the fierce heat wave of the four elephant glass fire strikes, which immediately makes the snake like sea animals who are still in the painful struggle become restless, and the scream is accompanied by a roar of fear.

Although the four elephant glass fire can't compare with heishenshui, it's just a little bit worse

But the problem is that the Qin side controls the four elephants heaven and earth cauldron, so as long as he has enough vitality and vigorous Qi, the four elephants glazed fire can almost be said to be continuous Even if the quality is poor, but with the huge advantage of quantity, it can completely destroy the shield built by heishenshui.

No wonder the serpentine sea beast becomes so restless and scared It feels the threat of death!

Pa Pa ~ ~ ~

the snake shaped sea animal is seriously injured, but at this time, it is also desperate to run away It doesn't want to die, but it doesn't have the strength to fight again, so it has to run.

"Want to go? Give me death... "

However, Qin Fang did not intend to give it a chance to run Up to now, the Qin side has basically done its best. All the skills of pressing the bottom of the box have been displayed, and even the pills consumed are enough to build a supreme strongman.

At this point, Qin Fang said that nothing can be given up Once the snake like sea animal escaped, Qin's loss would be too great.

Buzzing ~ ~

in order to kill with one blow, the Qin side directly and violently shakes the four elephants' heaven and earth tripod, and tries its best to output all the vitality and vigorous Qi that it can use. Even the Qin side even sprays several mouthfuls of blood essence!

All of a sudden, there was an endless and terrifying fire of four elephants, which rushed towards the snake like sea beast

The surrounding sea water spontaneously gave way to a channel, did not dare to block the way of the four elephants liulihuo, with the fastest speed to catch up with the snake like sea beast in the running road, fiercely and incomparably impact the defense shield constructed by the black water.

Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop, poop!

What's more, heishenshui and Sixiang liulihuo, which are violent, immediately collided and burst The terrifying force tore the body of the snake like sea animal exposed outside the defense shield to pieces almost in a flash.

You know, even if the whirlpool of death burst just now, it only seriously injured the body of the snake like sea animal and lost a lot of flesh and blood, but it would not be completely destroyedBut this time, the collision of water and fire directly and strongly destroyed the exposed flesh and bones of the snake like sea beast This kind of destructive power directly made the Qin side take a breath, and then quickly withdrew from far away. (to be continued.).. )u