Chapter 2659

I can't help thinking that

In this passage, the humidity is heavy, it seems to be a little wet, and there are some mossy plants on the ground, although not many, but it's easy to leave traces if you step on it.. .。

The surrounding stone walls are similar, very slippery There is also a similar plant growing on it, and obviously influenced by Renyuan Jindan, it can emit a very weak smell of Jindan.

However, Qin Fang simply looked at the ground and found that there were only traces of the claws of some wild animals It's not very heavy, but it's relatively new.

Thinking of that mountain protecting beast, Qin Fang also thought that it might be its nest here!

Whether there are other animals and spirit beasts in the blood devil cave is not certain for Qin

The living environment here is very bad. The existence of blood ghost is so insidious that it will attack almost any creature trying to get close to the blood pool. It is not very powerful spirit beast and it is difficult to survive.

But if it is really a powerful spirit beast, it may become the food of that mountain protecting beast, and it is also very difficult to survive in the blood devil Cave

It seems unrealistic to say that there are no other animals in the blood devil cave. The mountain protecting beast and the supreme elder of the blood devil sect have lived in the cave for many years. If there was no food, they would have died long ago.

But in fact, they all live well!

However, the blood devil cave can survive. They must also be powerful spirits It is estimated that the only one that can occupy this gold elixir is the mountain protecting beast.

"The mountain protecting beast left. This is my chance..."

Although this is only Qin Fang's own guess, it is basically certain. Qin Fang's face also shows a little joy. The timing of his appearance is too accurate.

The corridor is dark, wet and long

Qin Fang walked very fast and carefully, even though he knew that the mountain protecting beast had gone out. But he has to be more careful. I'm afraid there will be something wrong.

"The smell of Renyuan Jindan is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that it is getting closer and closer to the destination..."

The smell of the golden elixir became more and more strong, which also made Qin confirm that there was no mistake in the direction, and the distance to the destination he was looking for was getting closer and closer.

But Qin also became more careful and alert. The more times like this. The more you need to be careful.

"Eh ~ ~"

soon. Qin Fang's brows wrinkled.

"Am I wrong?"

Looking at the red dot on the small map, Qin Fang muttered with some doubts, "is this a hidden and unknown passage. Is it not connected with the blood devil cave? "

"It's really possible..."

This passage was discovered by accident when Qin side used the technique of tudun to go through it. It can be said that it is very occasional, and Qin side can't confirm whether it is connected with the blood devil cave.

However, this passage is quite humid, with heavy water vapor, but the blood gas is very weak. It seems that it is not greatly affected by those blood pools here!

As the mountain protection beast of the blood devil sect, it is naturally the blood spirit beast, and the living area is also a place with rich blood This area in front of you seems really inappropriate.

"Do you want to investigate?"

Looking at the red dot on the small map, Qin Fang hesitated.

If his estimation is accurate, then this red dot may be another powerful spirit beast It is impossible to live in the range of the breath radiation of Renyuan Jindan all the year round without strong strength.

"I don't know if this guy's strength can be compared with that mountain protecting beast If it really reaches that level, it will be a big trouble! "

Qin Fang murmured helplessly.

"Whatever, it's for nothing..."

However, Qin Fang was also a ruthless man. He immediately used his detection skills against the red dot The golden elixir of human yuan is right in front of us. It's really a pity if we all go to the door.

The investigation skills were lost, and the results were soon fed back.


Looking at the result of the feedback, Qin Fang's expression was also slightly stiff, but soon he recovered his calm, just murmured strangely, "this is really unexpected..."

"Blood Unicorn (cub), a different species with the blood of the sacred Unicorn!"

This is the result of the feedback of investigation skills.

The mountain protecting beast of the blood devil sect is a blood unicorn. Qin Fang has heard about it, but none of them really

You know, Kirin is a real sacred animal, and it is also the peak of sacred animals. Almost half of the auspicious animals that have stepped into the level of sacred animals are only a little lower than Dragon and Phoenix.It's because Kirin's status and rank are quite noble, and it's not like the erosive mating of the dragon race, so its descendants are also quite rare, let alone mixed with other spirit beasts

That's a very important thing. The more noble spirit beast and holy beast, the more impossible it is to do it.

Naturally, the blood unicorn is a different species, and Qin Fang didn't believe it He was more willing to believe that the mountain protecting beast of the blood demon sect was a kind of blood lineage spirit beast similar to Kirin.

However, when the result of the reconnaissance came back, Qin believed it.

The mountain protecting beast of blood devil sect is really blood Unicorn!

Because in the front, there is a young blood unicorn in its infancy The threat of a very weak cub to Qin Fang almost immediately reduced a lot.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Qin Fang couldn't help laughing, "if you want to rob my heart of blood, then I'll directly take your old nest..."

If Qin had guessed that it was another hidden cave that had nothing to do with the blood devil sect before, now he denies it. It must be connected with the blood devil cave, but it may be located in the deep of the blood devil cave, far away from the influence of those blood pools.

This cub is naturally the descendant of the mountain protecting beast

It's just

"Since there are blood Unicorn cubs, will there be another adult blood unicorn?"

Qin Fang suddenly thought of such a possibility, which directly scared Qin Fang into a cold sweat If this is the case, then Qin Fang's rush in like this is just like a sheep's entry into a tiger's mouth.

"I'm afraid of a ball. I'll fight it!"

Wealth is in danger. What's more, Qin Fang may not have no chance. After biting his teeth, Qin Fang also bravely went inside.

"It's over..."

After a few more steps, he got closer and closer to the blood Unicorn cub. However, on Qin Fang's map, this passage also showed that "the front is blocked".

"There is no second blood Unicorn That's really good news

However, in that direction, except for a small cave, there was no sign of a second blood unicorn. There was only one blood Unicorn cub in it.

This is really good news for Qin.

As a result, Qin Fang no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed into the small cave Naturally, this is the real nest of blood unicorn.

Entering the cave, Qin Fang did not rush to start, but carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

The cave is not very big, just a huge cave with a diameter of about 30 meters However, more than half of the cave area is occupied by a pool, and less than half of the land can be used.

Or less than a quarter

"Si ~ ~"

Qin Fang couldn't help taking a breath at this time Because in addition to the pool, he also saw the skeleton of a beast which was not much long, more than ten meters long and more than five meters high.

This is not the most important

What really surprised Qin Fang was that such a big bone was completely golden!

Golden bones Qin Fang only saw in one place that the bones of the fallen Emperor Wu in the mysterious underground palace were all gold bones!

The only way for the skeleton of spirit beast to be refined into gold skeleton is

"Bones of the supreme spirit beast!"

Qin Fang finally understood how the smell of the golden elixir came from He did not think that he was a powerful man of Wudi level from human beings, but a golden elixir from the supreme spirit beast.

It's in the head of the huge golden skeleton

This can't be called human yuan Jindan. Maybe it's more appropriate to call it animal yuan Jindan.

"Whether it's human or animal, it's the same..."

However, for Qin Fang, there is no substantive difference, they are all the same, "Hey, since I found it, I can only say I'm sorry..."

Such a huge golden skeleton is absolutely valuable!

The last time the golden skeleton was the fallen Emperor Wu, but he had already arranged it for himself. After sending out the gold elixir of human yuan, he sank the sarcophagus containing his body into the mysterious underground palace.

Qin Fang wanted to get the golden skeleton, but he didn't have the ability

But in front of such a large golden skeleton, it was a piece of fat meat sent to Qin Fang for nothing! Its value may even be higher than that of the beast gold elixir

It's very important for Qin to think, study and even refine the medicine, but it's not very important for Qin However, such a huge gold skeleton, if used well, its value is comparable to three or four human gold elixirs! (to be continued.).. )