Chapter 2584

Compared with the high-end office buildings of the mercenary alliance branch and some relatively modern facilities This "forbidden area" belongs to Prince Elijah of vampire is much simpler, even "primitive".

There is no confinement of steel and cement, but a forest of green trees

In the forest stands an old castle

The reason why it is a little primitive here is that there is not even a decent way to the castle There are only one or two winding paths.

Qin didn't care

Most of the real warriors are not used to the rhythm and environment of modern society On the contrary, this relatively primitive environment is more suitable for them!

Prince Elia, the vampire, has been guarding the small town of Tomis for nearly 20 years. Except for some very important activities of the Holy See, or for him, he seldom leaves the small town of Tomis.

In the past 20 years, he has spent most of his time here, so he will certainly create a very good living and cultivation environment for himself This "forbidden area" is quite good.

"It's a pity..."

Qin Fang couldn't help sighing.

With the death of Prince Elijah, such a good environment can only afford the next successor Even Qin Fang took a simple look and thought it was very good here. If possible, he really wanted to move this forest with the castle!

Of course, it's impossible


Just when Qin Fang's thoughts were a little confused, a cold voice suddenly came from the woods Then Qin Fang had a kind of discomfort of being watched by fierce beasts.

"Eh, there is someone..."

This is a very unexpected place for Qin.

Before he came in, he had already checked the hearts of some mercenary alliance staff with mind reading, only vaguely knew that Prince Elijah of vampire lived here, and there was no one else except him.

Even Elijah's disciples and disciples mostly lived outside the "forbidden area".

But I didn't expect that. There are still people here

What's more, the feeling of this man to Qin Fang is quite dangerous I'm afraid it's a little weaker than Prince Elijah. Little bit!

"It's me..."

However, Qin also responded calmly.

At the same time of speaking, his appearance, body shape, voice and so on, all had some very obvious changes Soon became a white skin foreigner about 50 years old.

It's like Elijah, the prince of vampires

Whoosh ~ ~ whoosh ~

however, it was a series of sharp arrows from the other side that responded to Qin's attack The speed was extremely fast. Almost when he heard the sound, the sharp arrow had already reached Qin Fang!

Pa Pa ~ ~ ~

Qin Fang frowned slightly, but he stretched out his hand slightly. Suddenly, a violent force in the field was released, and the field exploded slightly Destroy all these sharp arrows directly.

This is the result. But let the person who hide in the dark completely lost his voice There was no movement at all.

Even when Qin Fang walked slowly towards the ancient castle, he didn't do it again This is one of the purposes of Qin Fang's doing this, which is to make the other party believe that he is Elijah, the prince of vampire.

Domain bomb is the unique skill of Prince Elijah of vampire, in addition to him. No one can master it any more. Qin Fang also successfully let himself cheat the mysterious man who guarded this "forbidden area".

"Hoo Fortunately, nothing happened! "

Qin Fang was very nervous all the way, for fear of violent conflict with the mysterious man

Although Qin Fang's little map can not detect the whereabouts and information of the other party, Qin Fang can feel that the strength of that person has been comparable to that of the Vampire Prince Elia.

Even if Qin successfully killed Elijah, the vampire prince, it doesn't mean Qin can kill this mysterious man again The death of Elijah was a coincidence of Qin. How else would it be so easy?

Yili Adam was seriously injured, and there were only two or three tenths of his accomplishments left. How could he compare with this mysterious man who was at the peak of his strength?

Until Qin Fang stepped into the castle, confirmed the breath of the man, and did not stare at himself, Qin Fang was relieved Of course, he will not forget to use the small map to detect this not very big castle in an all-round way.

This is the residence of Prince Elijah. It's also a place of cultivation

Qin Fang doesn't care about this. He just needs to find the location of Elia's treasure house!

"No one, that's good news..."First of all, it is confirmed that Qin Fang is the only one in the castle, which is really good news At least Qin has enough time to search the castle.

A division of the mercenary alliance. It must be a mess now

However, these people can't find Qin Fang in the branch of the mercenary alliance, and they may come to this "forbidden area" to inquire for information After all, many people know that Prince Elijah of vampire with a group of experts went out to kill a strong man, and there should be no one in this "forbidden area".

Then, that mysterious man must be a shield for Qin Fang!

However, although this shield can block the pursuit and capture of these mercenaries for the Qin side, it also brings a greater crisis to the Qin side If he had a choice, Qin would rather face hundreds of mercenaries than this mysterious man.

"Seize the time and make a quick decision!"

Qin also murmured silently, and quickly explored the castle.

This is the land of Prince Elijah the Vampire This man has died in the hands of Qin Fang, and all his secrets have become "top secret", including the whereabouts of his treasure house.

Qin Fang was not afraid of any key to the treasure house, but he was worried that he could not find the whereabouts of the treasure house

After all, Elia said that the map of the secret place was in his treasure house It's not clear whether this treasure house is a big one for him to store some valuables, or a small one for him to store some of his most precious treasures!

This is also a headache for Qin Fang

"If I had known that, I would not have been in such a hurry to kill him. I would have beaten him first, and then I would have used my mind reading skills. Then everything was very clear..."

Qin Fang couldn't help complaining.

Of course, it's just complaining. It's not serious.

Prince Elia is a very dangerous person. If you give him a little chance, it will bring great crisis to Qin Fang Even he may turn the tide and reverse the attack!

Because of this, Qin Fang will be very decisive, don't give the Vampire Prince Elijah the slightest chance to completely kill him, will all the crisis, trouble also kill!

"Eh, this is..."

At this time, Qin Fang really found a special place.

It's not the old relatively secret basement, but a partition of the wall If it wasn't for the magical function of Qin Fang's small map, the three-dimensional structure of this ancient castle would soon be stripped out. It might not be so easy to find this mysterious partition.

"This old monster is really not the general vigilance..."

This partition is in a storage room that seems to have been abandoned for a long time However, when the Qin side knocked open the barrier outside, a highly sophisticated vault appeared in front of Qin.

"Top of the line customization..."

Qin Fang is also a first-class master of "stealing the door". Just looking at the code lock of the fresh-keeping storehouse, he couldn't help sighing The complexity of the password lock is absolutely unimaginable terror, which should be no less difficult and complex than the highest level vault of the Bank of Zurich.

According to the normal unlocking skills of international thieves, the most advanced password lock customized by the private does not say whether it can be opened If it can be opened, it will take at least four hours!

It's long enough for the owner of the vault to respond!

"Unfortunately, any lock Including this top-notch private custom-made password lock, for me, it is meaningless

The combination lock and the vault cost Prince Elijah a lot of money, and it's absolutely astronomical Unfortunately, such a large sum of money customized vault could not stop Qin Fang.

Bang ~ ~

looking at the password lock with advanced technology and extremely complex operation, Qin Fang directly kicked it hard Even the power of this foot is not small, even the LCD screen of the password lock is crushed by him.

This way of unlocking can only be done by a different kind like Qin Fang

If it's other thieves, they must be careful. They don't dare to be so careless It's even more impossible to make such a big noise, because the alarm associated with the whole vault has already sounded.

"Time is pressing. I can't take care of so much..."

Qin Fang could have been more gentle. He didn't need such violence But he didn't want to waste so much unnecessary time, just kick up!


However, the effect is quite obvious. A skill progress bar is opened immediately.

Although Qin Fang doesn't use a lot of unlocking skills, the level of this skill is not low Long time ago, Qin Fang had already applied this unlocking skill to the master level.This level of unlock skill, even he can't open the lock, I'm afraid the whole earth can't find a few.

The code lock of the vault in front of us is obviously not in it Even this kind of password lock is the easiest to open.