Chapter 2418

His fallen flower swords are already top swords However, in the split beast, it can only cause some minor wounds at most, and most of them are soft ribs.

But what about the Liuying sword in Qin Fang's hand?

The hardest part of the cleft beast Claws must be one of them!

The claw is as good as fine steel. When he cuts it, apart from splashing sparks, he leaves a little mark on it at most, which is not enough to hurt it at all!

However, with Qin Fang's move, Liuying sword pierced the claws of the beast

Looking at the bloody claw, Li Wuhua didn't know that the beast was badly hurt. Basically, the combat power of this claw was more than half lost.


With a successful strike, Liuying sword returned to Qin Fang's hands!

At this moment, Qin Fang has rushed to the beast and started the most fierce attack against it with the Liuying sword Sharp swords cut the body of the beast fiercely.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop He immediately launched a fierce counterattack against the Qin side. One man and one beast also fought together.

It's just

"Roar, roar ~ ~"

the beast seems to have forgotten the fact that one of its paws has been injured by Qin Fang Qin Fang was also very cunning, attacking the wounded half of the sky. The beast can only block and fight back with the injured paw!

Originally, the injury was not particularly serious, but in the impact again and again, its paw bleeding more ferocious The whole paw was dyed red, blood red, and it looked particularly tragic.

In the face of such an encounter, the beast is also very angry, but it has no effective way Its body is strong, but also a little bit larger. Qin Fang's lightness skill is excellent, and his action is extremely flexible. What can he do for the beast!


There was a slight relief. Simple treatment of a body injury of Li Wuhua. At this time, he also joined the war circle Although the falling flower sword is not as sharp as the Liuying sword, it is also quite sharp.

Qin Fang mainly attacked the claws on the hand of the beast, causing one injury after another on the arm of the beast again and again, which was much more fierce than Li Wuhua before.

And Li Wuhua. Specialized in some key parts of the body of cleft beast For example, somewhere in the lower body, eyes, throat and so on. Although it's hard to hold hands. But every time, the beast had no choice but to defend.

If the heaven splitting beast Teng comes to defend, it will not be able to stop Qin's attack

The Liuying sword is extremely sharp, and the super defense of split heaven beast can't stop it. After a while, half of the body of the beast was bleeding Looking at the posture, if it continues, the two of them can kill the beast.

"Brother Qin, you sword Is it One of the top ten

Looking at the sharp and unusual Liuying magic sword, Li Wuhua could not help asking curiously, "but it doesn't look like it..."

The top ten magic weapons are legendary weapons for every Wulin expert in the Dragon Kingdom It has been popular in the Wulin for more than 2000 years, but now it has disappeared.

Except for a Zhanlu sword which was seized by the state and kept in a mysterious place, there was no news of the other nine magic weapons


Qin Fang simply shook his head and denied.

"Hu ~ ~"

although it was different from what he expected, Li Wuhua was a little disappointed, but he could not help but feel relieved A magic weapon is absolutely an indispensable treasure for a sword master!

As the leader of the young generation in the state of dragon, Qin Fang, at the age of less than 20, beat Li Wuhua to win the championship in the recent five faction competition, which has brought him great pressure.

Now he is reborn from nirvana, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Finally, he is in front of Qin Fang, and has advanced to the highest level first But now it seems that although Qin Fang has not entered the supreme realm, his cultivation is not inferior to him.

If there is another ten magic weapons as a weapon, it will be even more difficult for Li Wuhua to catch up with Qin Fang

Hearing Qin Fang's denial, Li Wuhua was also relieved.

"However, my sword is not inferior to the top ten magic weapons Not long ago, I just passed through the great calamity of heaven and earth, and I was promoted to the divine soldier level! "

However, Qin Fang came here coldly.


Li Wuhua suddenly felt a little confused. His mouth was wide open, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he was smiling bitterly, and nothing could be said.

Li Wuhua didn't ask about how he was promoted to the top rank.It's a very important thing for everyone

What's more, just think about it, you can see how harsh the conditions are for the promotion of the magic soldier

There used to be wanjian villa for help, but now wanjian villa is in decline. It's said that the heirs of wanjian villa can't even forge iron, let alone forge swords, and the Millennium foundation is destroyed.

"Brother Li, there's no need to be depressed..."

After noticing the change of Li Wuhua's look, Qin Fang also gave a bad smile. Just now, he deliberately delayed some time to see Li Wuhua's embarrassment.

"Actually I know the whereabouts of one of the top ten magic weapons! It could be Chunjun sword

But in the final analysis, Qin Fang and Li Wuhua are competitors and collaborators Their identity, strength and status all determine that they are likely to be comrades in the same trench in the future.

In this case, then naturally hope to get along better

Qin Fang was eager for his strength to grow. If he could help his comrades in arms by the way, he would not mind.

"If brother Li wants to know, I can tell you..."

Qin Fang was also very polite at this time.

The top ten magic soldiers are really precious Each of the swords is extremely powerful. If you master it in the hands of the sword repair experts, you can definitely increase the combat power by more than twice.

Li Wuhua is good at everything and is not weak at all, but there are still a few flaws in his weapons.

It's not surprising

Unless they reach the level of "four emperors", weapons are of little significance to them Any object, even a leaf or a withered branch, may become a "magic weapon" in their hands.

However, that level is too high. There are only a few people in the world

Both Qin Fang and Li Wuhua have a chance to reach that level, but it will take quite a long time Before that, a magic weapon was their best partner.

When Liuying Shenjian was promoted to Shenbing, Qin had a weapon to take advantage of.

Li Wuhua has only one fallen flower sword, which he has used for many years and is already familiar with. But it's still worse Encounter some powerful masters, such as the split beast in front of you, it seems to be weak.

"Chun Jun sword?"

Li Wuhua was slightly stunned, so surprised that the attack on his hand was a little dull, "brother Qin, are you serious?"

There has been no news of the top ten magic soldiers. If Zhanlu sword didn't exist, it confirmed the existence of the top ten magic soldiers, I'm afraid mankind would have doubted the authenticity of the legend of the top ten magic soldiers.

Suddenly hearing the news of Chunjun sword, one of the top ten magic weapons, how could Li Wuhua not be excited?

"True, of course it is!"

Qin Fang affirmed, "but don't be happy too soon The place where this sword is, it's hard to say that it's a tiger's den. You're the only one, and you'll never come back! "


Li Wuhua's expression is one Lin, but still can't help asking.

"Yanluo mansion..."

Qin Fang hesitated for a moment. Seeing Li Wuhua's serious appearance, he sighed and spat out the name.


Sure enough, hearing the name, Li Wuhua's face suddenly changed, even a little pale!

Yama Prefecture, it sounds like Yama Prefecture Of course, this is not the case. Yama Prefecture is a place name, but it is also the name of a clan. Few people have even heard of it.

But it exists in fact, and some powerful sects know it exists.

Li Wuhua is a disciple of Kuangdi, the future successor of tianwailou, and also a strong man at the highest level For the name of Yama Prefecture, he is not too strange.

There used to be a very powerful killer organization in the Jianghu Hell!

In the heyday of the underworld, it almost suppressed the whole river and lake. Even the five major clans, Tang clan, Shushan clan and other super large clans had to guard carefully against the killers of the underworld.

However, in such a terrible age, there is still a saying that It's better to disturb hell than hell!

That is to say, I'd rather offend the hell than the hell

It sounds as if there should be some connection between the two forces. After all, Yama is controlled by the hell But in fact, it is not the case. These are two completely unrelated forces!

The underworld is a killer organization. Those killers are called underworld Yin soldiers

Yama Prefecture is a clan. To be more precise, it used to be a Wulin family The ancestor of this sect was Yan. He was powerful and ruthless. He broke the name of "blood hand Yama" in the river and lake. After he founded the sect, he called his sect Yama!Just like the mysterious Tianxing mansion in those days, the origin of blood hand Yama is always a mystery

However, after Tianxing mansion became the master for a lifetime, it soon disappeared, but Yanluo mansion always existed. Although it rarely appeared in the river and lake, every time it appeared, the whole river and lake would be in an uproar (to be continued.).. )