Chapter 2365

Rocky came for the sword casting furnace, but now the sword casting furnace is in the hands of Qin Fang, and he almost lost his life in the hands of Qin Fang, so he can only go away in ashes.

bilbados has something to deal with, so he has no time to talk to rocky. After a few words of comfort, he won't stay!

Qin didn't care much about it

Although he is not very familiar with rocky, he can judge from the emotion in some of his eyes The boy is still a thief. He will definitely come to trouble.

It's a pity that Qin Fang really doesn't like this boy

"The domain of Odin Sooner or later, I'll have a meeting, too! "

Qin Fang doesn't care about rocky, and even Odin's divine realm won't make him have any fear At most, he added a few names to his list of enemies.

In his eyes, rocky, a half step supremacy, is just a small man

The reason why he didn't kill him was that he was calculating bilbados who was hiding in the dark.

Now that Qin's plan has been reached, Rocky's killing or not is of little significance As for enmity with Odin, killing Loki will certainly be enmity; if you don't kill Loki, just casting swords for this furnace will be enmity as well.

The results were the same. Instead of getting any benefits, Qin had better sell bilbados to get such a benefit.

"Mr. Qin, tell me the truth, the sword in King Arthur's tomb How difficult is it? "

Rocky was gone, but bilbados came back slowly, and could not help asking.

"It's not very difficult..."

Qin Fang smiles. I had already guessed that bilbados would definitely ask. This seemingly reckless man had a delicate mind, otherwise he would not have to cooperate with Qin.

"It's just a little trouble at most!"

For such a collaborator, there is no deep friendship. But also don't want to hang up like this, Qin Fang is also a smiling reminder.

"Little trouble? What little trouble... "

Although Qin Fang said so easily, bilbados thought it was not so simple.

Moreover, some troubles may be small troubles in Qin's view, but they may be big troubles in bilbados's view.

"That sword has a scabbard..."

Qin Fang rubbed his nose. Then some embarrassed said.

"Scabbard? What happened to the scabbard? "

Bilbados was stunned at first, and his brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn't seem to understand the meaning of Qin Fang's words However, he soon responded and his face changed completely.

"You You're not going to tell me, the scabbard of that sword Is it the scabbard of the sword in the stone

When bilbados said that. The voice was shaking.

"It's like That's true

Qin Fang shrugged and said with embarrassment.


Bilbados really had an impulse to vomit blood. His eyes were wide open and he looked at Qin Fang. At the moment, he really wanted to be rude, "Mr. Qin, you also What a pitfall

Sword in stone, this is just a translation from some people. The real name should be king's sword!

He's the king of Eagle!

Although there is still a royal family in the eagle Kingdom, the constitutional monarchy has weakened the power of the royal family However, the sword in the stone is always the glory of the royal family.

However, after King Arthur, the sword in the stone was inserted in a very hard stone in the inner Tomb of King Arthur in most cases Only the inheritors of King Arthur can pull out this sword.

When the sword in the stone is inserted into the stone, the scabbard is naturally placed outside

According to the legend of the sword in the stone, this scabbard is even more precious than the sword in the stone itself At that time, Merlin once warned King Arthur, "although the king's sword is powerful, its scabbard is more valuable than his sword. The scabbard of the king's sword will be bloodless. You must not lose it

Few people know whether this scabbard really has such magic power

But King Arthur did not get hurt in countless battles After the death of King Arthur, the sword in the stone was inserted in the stone, and the scabbard was always treasured.

Until the sword Qin Fang was looking for was snatched by the eagle people. Put it into King Arthur's tomb, and then take out the scabbard to suppress the sword!

This is the information Qin learned from some channels, or very accurate information

The value of the scabbard is not under the sword in the stone. It's just that the sword in the stone symbolizes King Arthur's kingship, which is more significant, so it will be more valued and protected

But if anyone dares to move the scabbard, I'm afraid the twelve round table knights will not let it go!Qin Fang said that at most four round table knights would pay attention to the sword. In fact, they were not only guarding the outer tomb, but also guarding the scabbard This is what Qin called "little trouble".

Bilbados, as a senior member of the dark Parliament of the local forces in Europe, knows a lot about the secret of the eagle Kingdom, as well as the secret of the scabbard

So when Qin Fang said that, he couldn't help complaining with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Qin, you are so pitiful. Can you change it..."

Bilbados said with a wry smile He would rather take out his old capital again to exchange for a treasure like the brocade box than go to the tomb of King Arthur to seize the sword Qin Fang wanted. As long as he touched the scabbard, the twelve round table knights would go crazy to chase him!

"You want another one? Yes... "

But Qin Fang said with a smile, "there are two other things that are also the goals of my trip to Europe One is a censer placed under the statue of the Sophia Church, and the other is a scepter worshipped in the Parthenon in Greece! "


As soon as he heard the first half of the sentence, bilbados was slightly surprised, but when he heard the back, he was speechless. "I'd better help you to steal that sword from King Arthur's tomb..."

Compared with the danger of those two places, bilbados felt that it was safer to break into the tomb of King Arthur When he got the sword, he just threw the scabbard back!

In this case, although the Knights of the round table will still chase him, they should not be too excited With his cultivation in the middle of the supreme realm, it should be very promising to complete this task.

"That's right..."

Qin Fang patted bilbados on the shoulder with a smile.

"I always feel that you have something to hide from me..."

Bil bados could not help humming angrily, but it was a pity Qin Fang casually gave a ha ha, but he didn't mean to elaborate further.

Can Qin Fang say that in order to steal the sword, he specially sent a powerful man to sneak into King Arthur's tomb?

The result is The sword was not stolen. Instead, it was eroded by the evil power released by the scabbard, and almost lost his life in King Arthur's tomb.

Why is the scabbard such a precious treasure, but only four round table knights guard it?

Qin Fang was a little puzzled before. After this, he knew The scabbard itself is quite evil. If there is no way to restrain it, it's easy to be attacked.

The evil power is more inclined to the dark power This is the reason why the Qin side calculated bilbados. As a high-level member of the dark Council and the supreme leader of the dark system, he should have strong resistance to this evil force!

However, Qin did not intend to provide bilbados with this information

If there is no difficulty, isn't it a waste of the condition put forward by Qin?

"Let's talk about this. Let's settle the ambush of the holy see first..."

Bilbados can't turn his back. He can only put this matter aside for the time being. He will only plan this matter after the implementation of the cooperation plan.

"According to the information I got, the experts of the Holy See had entered the eagle Kingdom an hour ago, and had a rest in London, and then they would enter our predetermined ambush site There may be a slight increase in the number of people! "

"The Diocese of the eagle kingdom is the second largest diocese besides the Vatican and the Italian diocese Vieri is bringing so many paladins into the country this time. Enoch, the old ghost, will surely send a group of confidants to help... "

When it comes to this, bilbados is also quite depressed.

If Qin had not chosen the place in the eagle Kingdom, he would not have faced so many changes

Aino is the cardinal of the Diocese of the eagle kingdom. He is also one of the core senior officials of the Holy See. He is one of the few cardinals who holds the paladin arms in his hands

He could not have given up sending troops, whether for the Vatican or to monitor the actions of Vieri and others.

In this way, bilbados' ambush plan is bound to be affected to a certain extent, and he also needs more troops However, at such a critical moment, the deployment of troops from the dark Council will certainly disturb the old man Aino.


Bilbados hesitated for a moment, but said, "I hope Mr. Qin can do it when necessary If I can kill Vieri or those powerful paladins, I can also make some concessions in the distribution of interests! "

According to the original cooperation plan, the Qin side is completely free to take action In this way, bilbados will finally enjoy all the spoils. Qin Fang has given up all his interests because of the brocade box!

Now, the situation has become quite dangerous. Although bilbados is a little heartbroken, Qin, a powerful and profound expert, can definitely change the whole war situation