Chapter 2004

Shi songyun was thrown away, and the big hand in the sky soon dissipated

Apart from the terrible force that hasn't completely dispersed around us, which proves that a world shaking war has just happened here, it seems that nothing has happened here The destructive power of the two masters was almost controlled in the air and did not tilt to the ground.

"It's getting late. I'd better hurry to the past..."

After Shi songyun left, Qin Fang was free, but he didn't dare to stay here

This time a crazy emperor came out to save him, next time I can't guarantee it!

Fortunately, it's not far away from the destination. Qin just walked less than five kilometers, and several figures appeared on the small map. It's obvious that it's the location of the wild little secret place. As soon as Qin's traceless body method was displayed, he quickly arrived at the destination.

He didn't come here very early, because several young masters have arrived first

Besides, Qin Fang also saw several acquaintances

For example, the lawless brothers, Leng Bingbing, the Dragon elephant Dharma king, ye Xiang, Wukong monk and so on Of course, Li Wuhua is indispensable.


When he saw Li Wuhua, Qin Fang was a little stunned, but he was very happy At that time, Li Wuhua's situation was not very good, and they were chased by the evil sect in Qin Dynasty. Li Wuhua was also the most dangerous one.

Surprisingly, Li Wuhua arrived here a little earlier than Qin Fang, and even recovered from nirvana. On the contrary, Qin Fang almost died and almost failed to get here

"Thank you..."

Li Wuhua smiles, though his face is still a little pale. But his spirit has obviously improved a lot Moreover, he should have known that Qin Fang had given him Nirvana pill. At this time, he also expressed his thanks with a smile.

"You are a good opponent! I don't want to lose... "

Qin Fang said with a smile.

"We are rivals..."

Li Wuhua also solemnly repeated, "I don't want to lose..."

Hearing this, Qin Fang vaguely thought of something and looked around Nature is looking for the crazy emperor who stands on the peak of human warrior.

"Don't look for it. Crazy emperor is not here..."

At this time, monk Wufa and others came over. Said smilingly.

"I said, your boy's face is really not so big, actually let crazy Emperor himself to save you..."

They have got the news, so they come to tease Qin Fang

However, in a word. This kind of treatment is really not what ordinary people can enjoy Among so many of them, Li Wuhua was the only one who enjoyed it. This was because Kuangdi was Li Wuhua's master, but Qin Fang and Kuangdi were not related.

"You think I want to First of all, Fu Hongyun, the blood arrow, took a look at me and managed to clean up the boy. That old pervert Shi songyun came to kill me again... "

Qin Fang is also very helpless to vomit a bad sentence.

There are as many as 30 young experts shortlisted, and more than a dozen of them have arrived here one after another. Maybe someone will arrive at the back, or someone may have died in the hands of the evil master, but the most unfortunate one is Qin Fang.

There are only a few of the strongest experts of the evil sect. Apart from the evil emperor Shi Wanxie, there is the evil spirit sword Zun Shi songyun

There is a tacit understanding between the evil emperor and the mad emperor. Those who can't do it at will can be excluded.

So it's equivalent to that Shi songyun is the most powerful one. Instead of dealing with the most powerful people in the five major sects, they come to hunt down Qin Fang, who has only the top cultivation of the master level Qin Fang's luck is absolutely against heaven.

Of course. This also has something to do with the fact that Qin Fang exposed the smell of Renyuan Jindan

"By the way, speaking of this, I really want to thank you You saved me once

Qin Fang also expressed his thanks to Li Wuhua with a smile.

"You are wrong..."

However, to Qin Fang's surprise, Li Wuhua shook his head and said, "I really have nothing to do with the reason why my master came to rescue you At that time, I didn't even wake up! "

"Not you?"

Qin Fang was also very surprised.

He has never met the Madman of Chu, the mad emperor. He has no friendship at all. There's no reason why he will save him without any reason I thought it was Li Wuhua who asked crazy emperor for help, but I didn't expect it wasn't Li Wuhua.

But apart from Li Wuhua, Qin Fang can't think of anyone else who can please this one

After all, the relationship between the Qin party and tianwailou is not very good. The reason why Li Wuhua became like this is also closely related to the Qin party. The Qin party also took the first place in the five factions of tianwailou.Of course, it's fair to say that Qin saved Li Wuhua with Nirvana pill

However, tianwailou has reached an agreement with the Kunlun sect to compensate Qin's nirvana pill by marrying three treasures from the treasure house to Tianlan's secret place for three months of cultivation, so crazy emperor has no reason to help Qin.

At least, if Qin Fang were to die, tianwailou would not suffer losses, but also take up the stool

As soon as Qin Fang dies, the champion will be gone, and Li Wuhua will become the champion automatically.

As for those compensations, the Qin side is no longer there. At most, it is to give some compensations to the Kunlun school, but it will not be as rich as that People in the human relationship, people go, tea is cold!

Of course, now that Qin arrived at his destination alive, it doesn't matter any more.

"Is it because of the golden elixir?"

If Li Wuhua's help is ruled out, there seems to be only one reason why crazy emperor can help him Renyuan Jindan.

At that time, in order to clean up Fu Hongyun's blood arrow, Qin used Renyuan Jindan

However, before he killed Fu Hongyun, Shi songyun gave up the king Zun he was about to kill and went straight to Qin Fang to kill him

The power of mad emperor Chu is much stronger than that of Shi songyun. Shi songyun can feel it, and mad emperor has no reason not to feel it It's just that the crazy Emperor may be a little far away, and he and the evil emperor have some tacit understanding of the distribution of the control range, so he didn't go directly to Qin.

However, Qin Fang was constantly fleeing to the mad emperor's sphere of influence The distance is naturally getting closer and closer.

When Shi songyun catches up with Qin Fang, he is actually in front of crazy emperor. That's the only way to attack Shi songyun

"It's really a treasure that moves the heart..."

Qin Fang couldn't help sighing, but at the same time, he became more cautious. "It seems that I may not have any rest in the future..."

Crazy emperor is one of the four strongest masters in the world. His cultivation has reached the peak of the later period of the supreme realm. He is only one step away from the peak of the supreme realm In order to break through this barrier, I am afraid I have paid too much.

However, after so many years, the four masters have never been able to break through, just because they lack an opportunity

So, the evil emperor got the map of the wild secret place, killed the people of the evil sect at all costs, and tried to find the way to enter the wild secret place This is also for him to break through the peak of the supreme realm and look for that opportunity.

In the same way, the Madman of Chu, the mad emperor, may have made a breakthrough for him and decided to go ahead with Yuan Jindan, the man in Qin Fang's hands This is a treasure left by the powerful beyond the supreme realm. It is also priceless for the powerful in the supreme realm.

Qin Fang absolutely believes that with the help of Renyuan Jindan, Kuangdi can definitely break through to the top of the supreme realm

With this in mind, Qin Fang has made up his mind not to blow up Renyuan Jindan Although the mad emperor Chu had saved him once, he might not be able to kill him again. It's better to be careful.

At least, he should try not to use this treasure until he has reached the strength to protect Renyuan Jindan

Soon Qin recovered and sat down with a group of friends to have a rest.

No matter what the battle between the good and the evil is like, they just need to wait for the remaining shortlisted students When they get together, or when it's time, they can go directly to the wild secret place to practice.

While chatting, while pulling eggs, there are people exchanging martial arts experience with each other, learning from each other's strong points to make up for each other's weak points

Li Wuhua, who was not very sociable before, also joined Qin Fang's team and communicated with other people very seriously Although his strength is much higher than others, it is not necessarily that he does not have what he lacks.

At least the battle with Qin Fang also showed him many shortcomings

As time went by, about ten people arrived here one after another Among them, only six or seven are shortlisted five major disciples, and the others are all senior masters who protect them.

Although these disciples seem to be in a mess, they are still in a good condition in general. Even if they are slightly injured, they are not too serious. However, those senior masters are a little bit miserable. Almost all of them are seriously injured

There were even two people who were seriously injured and almost died.

These two people, after one person delivers the person, then falls to the ground not to be able to rise I never got up again.

The other is also a direct coma, the injury is also in constant deterioration, only one step away from death.

In the face of this situation, Qin Fang was not stingy. He immediately went to help

For those in need of treatment, Qin Fang used acupuncture to stabilize the injury and gave simple treatment

For those with more serious injuries, the blood enriching pill was used to hang a life before treatment After a toss like this, these people were saved, and almost all of the five major departments got his favor.