Chapter 1778

It's a pity that what can't be detected by detection skills can't be seen by eyes alone?

Qin Fang stared at the crystal skull for a long time, but he couldn't find any problem

One thing is for sure. The material of this crystal skull is not crystal at all. Its hardness is very high. Even Qin Fang thinks that even the toughest diamond may not be comparable to its material

"I don't know what kind of material it is?"

Qin Fang couldn't help muttering.

Maybe it's because the whole crystal skull has a great mysterious property, and Qin Fang's investigation skills can't tell its material

Although diamond is known as the hardest, it only refers to nature.

In fact, there are many things harder than diamonds. For example, the Liuying sword in Qin Fang's hand can cut iron like mud. It's not too difficult to cut diamonds The puppet made of Beihai red copper is not to mention that the diamond can be made into carbon powder with one punch!

However, Qin Fang tried with this crystal skull. With the sharpness of Liuying sword, there was only a white scratch on it, and it was almost invisible

In the end, Qin Fang did not dare to use the Liuying sword to chop the Crystal Skull

I'm not afraid that the Crystal Skull will be broken by the Liuying sword, but I'm afraid that the Liuying sword will break open!

As for an ordinary sword or weapon, if you knock it on the crystal skull, it will collapse Some of the more vulnerable, but also directly broken for several sections!

In addition, Qin Fang carefully compared the size and size of this skull, which is almost the same as that of normal people, and it is not difficult to see from the outline of the skull. It's very similar to the dragon people.

At least, Qin Fang can judge that this skull is quite different from the undeveloped complete imagination of the skulls of Peking man and shandingdong man

"I don't know what the other skulls look like?"

Although Qin Fang had heard of the legend of the thirteen crystal skulls, he had never seen the real thing. Naturally, he could not compare this one with others


But when Qin Fang was staring at the skull, he seemed to see some tiny light in the eye socket of the skull, which made Qin Fang startled But careful observation found that it was just a mirror reflection, not really in the light.

"What a strange thing..."

But anyway. Qin Fang felt that this crystal skull was filled with a strange smell, which made him feel shivering. They all wanted to throw away such a crystal skull.

However, thinking about it, Qin Fang always felt that this skull was still not simple. It is absolutely a rare treasure, otherwise it will not be placed in the seventh floor of this underground palace After such a toss, Qin Fang threw the crystal skull into the prop box.

At least, it's easy to put it in here

If you want to see it, you can take it out at any time, but if you don't want to see it, just throw it in it as garbage!

Anyway, the space in Qin Fang's prop box is spacious. There's no possibility that it's not enough for the time being It's no big deal to let this skull occupy some space!

After collecting this skull, Qin conveniently continued to search for it on the seventh floor of the underground palace.

"More and more people..."

However, Qin Fang also found that the seventh floor of the underground palace was no longer as quiet as before. After a while, some people came here.

"Well, it's good to have too many people!"

Qin Fang sighed helplessly and continued to search for treasure.

The underground palace is very dangerous. In particular, the even number of hurdle breaking levels are even more dangerous, so that I don't know how many people died in them But. The large number of people and the huge number of people's lives have also slowly broken these barriers.

Even if the terror of the sixth floor of the underground palace blocked most people's steps, many people were still transported to the seventh floor of the underground palace.

After walking for a while, Qin Fang found four people

Although the strength of these four people is only average, it also makes Qin feel a little pressure.

"It's troublesome to find treasure It's not as easy as robbery

The seventh floor of the underground palace is very large, and the mechanism design is also quite strange. Qin Fang observed two places, and found that the design concepts and ideas are completely different. We can be sure that the two mechanisms are different from the hands of two mechanism experts.

This way, the mechanism of the treasure collection on the seventh floor of the underground palace may be different

In this way, the advantage of Qin Fang's master level thousand skills master has been reduced to a certain extent. If you can't find the treasure, it all depends on luck!

However, the underground palace is so big that it's like buying lottery tickets if Qin Fang tries his luck alone. The hit rate is too low The Qin party plans to go back to their old business and rob these treasure hunters directly.Thinking of this, Qin also chose a direction and went to the treasure hunters.

These people are all from the devil's hand. Even if Qin cut them off, there was not much psychological pressure. They were even part of Qin's plan It's too bad to blame them for their luck.

A few minutes later, Qin Fang caught up with one of them and knocked him unconscious without saying a word

Unfortunately, Qin Fang fumbled on this man, but he didn't find what he wanted, so he left him like rubbish.

There are not many treasures in the underground palace, especially on the seventh floor. Although many people come in, they may not be able to find them

After skipping this person, Qin conveniently went on to look for the next goal.

This is also a mercenary of the devil's hand. His strength is relatively strong. He has reached the late stage of the grand master level, and his combat effectiveness is quite strong. I think his position in the devil's hand will not be too low

"Yellow monkey Give me your treasure. Maybe I can give you a good time

Seeing Qin's appearance, the other side seems to be a little surprised.

However, the man quickly responded, licking his lips, looking up and down at Qin Fang, and then slowly said.

His attitude is quite arrogant. He doesn't pay attention to Qin Fang at all. Maybe in his eyes, Qin Fang is a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered

PA ~ ~

however, Qin Fang was not in the mood to write with such a person. After understanding his body shape, he went directly to the mercenary.

The other side was also surprised, but the sharp blade in his hand was unambiguous, and immediately cut Qin Fang's neck If this knife is hit by a stroke, it will be absolutely fatal even if a head flies directly.

Qin has always been the most impolite to those who want to resist and are obviously hostile to Qin Directly a palm split his neck bone, a head immediately drooped down, directly died.

"No wonder this guy wants to rob me? It should have been done before... "

Qin Fang weighs it. He just touches a roll of animal skin on his hand. There is a little blood on it. Maybe it was snatched from others However, this guy was killed, and the treasure he got was cheaper than Qin Fang.

"It should be a Dan Fang..."

Qin Fang glanced at it roughly, but he didn't distinguish it carefully. However, it recorded several kinds of drugs and some obscure things. He could only roughly distinguish what was recorded in the animal skin scroll.

However, Qin noticed Vincent's move, so he didn't stay here for a long time. He left quickly and was ready to continue searching for the target of the robbery.

"Why, where is that?"

While searching for the next treasure seeker, Qin Fang was always staring at Vincent's movement and the topographic map of the seventh floor of the underground palace. He really found a very strange place, which made him dumbfounded.

It was a narrow space, as if surrounded by thick stone walls, completely isolated from the whole seventh floor of the underground palace

If Qin's small map is not special, Qin can not find the existence of this space.

"Is that the real treasure house on the seventh floor of the underground palace?"

Qin Fang could not help muttering for a moment, and then quickly looked to the other side.

As Qin Fang can see, the space is completely surrounded. Qin Fang walked around the stone wall for nearly half a circle, but he didn't find a way to enter it

"There should be a mechanism..."

Qin Fang muttered and was also looking for it.

The space inside is not big, but the stone wall outside is very thick, which also increases the scope of Qin's search in disguise.

In order to find the location of the organ, Qin Fang had to give up the plan to continue the robbery and instead concentrated on finding the way to open the space. He consciously told him that there must be something good in it.

PA ~ ~ ~

his kung fu is worthy of those who want to give up. Just when Qin Fang was about to give up, he pressed his hand on the stone wall and immediately released it slightly. Qin Fang knew, "here..."

Caccaccaca ~ ~

a low sound came from the stone wall, and then Qin Fang felt that as soon as his feet relaxed, he immediately fell down.

This change came so suddenly that Qin had no time to respond, so he fell into the cave.

Fortunately, the cave is not very deep, it's only seven or eight meters deep. For a master like Qin Fang, it's nothing at all. He fell to the ground easily and smoothly I saw a passage leading to the front.

"That's right..."

Qin Fang simply recalled the direction of the eyes of the passage, which seemed to be the direction of the mysterious space. Qin Fang's face also immediately showed a smile.

"Treasure Pavilion, I'm here..."After confirming the direction, Qin naturally rushed forward all the way The mechanism slate on the top of my head has been closed, and there is only one way to choose! (to be continued)