Chapter 1712

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"Lu Ding..."

When Tang Cheng simply narrated the whole process of how he knew the so-called worldly expert and was taught advanced skills, Qin Fang's mind almost immediately came up with such two words...

"Brother Tang If I tell you that you can't practice this kind of skill any more, will you feel sorry? "

After a moment's silence, Qin Fang simply analyzed the so-called advanced skills acquired by Tang Cheng, then looked at Tang Cheng with a bitter smile and said.

"Is there really a problem?"

Tang Cheng's face suddenly became quite difficult, and he could not help asking. There was a little pity in his eyes However, from his reaction, he obviously believed in Qin Fang and decided to give up this skill.

However, he still wants to know why It's clear that he's dead.

"There is no problem with this skill itself. It can even be said that it is really a very powerful and profound internal skill The reason why you can achieve this accomplishment so quickly from the beginning of a master is really the effect of this skill. "

However, Qin Fang shook his head and denied the conjecture in Tang Cheng's mind. He also gave a more positive comment on this kind of skill.

"How can you..."

Tang Cheng was puzzled. Qin Fang was obviously contradictory and confused him.

"Don't worry, let me finish..."

But Qin Fang waved his hand, and then continued, "the reason why I say this is because This set of skills should be divided into two parts, or the relationship between the upper and lower parts! But the two are complementary and indispensable.... "

"If I'm not wrong, what you practice should be the first part of this set of skills, and the person who spreads your skills is in charge of the second part..."

"The first chapter mainly focuses on cultivating true Qi, which is a very powerful skill to quickly gather true Qi. It only takes a very short time. You can gather a lot of Qi It's just that. It's all at the cost of overdrawing one's life potential! "

Although Qin Fang had not seen the whole skill, it can be inferred from some situations, most of which are closely related to Jiu.

In particular, what Qin said is almost the same as what happened in Tang City His advanced speed is really fast, and his true spirit is quite strong. Make him want to suppress.

"Hiss ~ ~"

hearing Qin Fang's words, Rao, a man like Tang Cheng, could not help shivering.

Life potential: Although Tangcheng is a newcomer to the Wulin, it also knows that this is a person's origin. If it loses too much money, it will lose too much. I'm too weak to say. I'll lose my life Recalling his advanced speed, Tang city was also afraid after a while.

"Brother Tang, you are also lucky. When you wanted to break through, I left you a few drops of spirit liquid Not only help you break through the master level, help you wash your meridians, but also make your life potential more profound than ordinary people. "

However. Qin Fang checked Tang Cheng's physical condition. Although we have lost a lot of money, we can stick to it for some time. However, the power of the Golden Dragon saliva left in his body has completely changed, and Qin Fang can also guess the reason.

"Maybe that's one of the reasons why you were chosen But you have a lot of life, and your life potential is stronger than that of ordinary people. It happens that I'm back. If you are later, you should break through the master level, and I can't help you! "

If the life potential is strong, then the effect of practicing this skill will be better. If you reach the peak of master level in such a short time, even if you break through the master level, there won't be many problems


"Once you break through the master level, it's time for you to die It's time for that man to come back and harvest! "

Qin Fang also said with some feelings.

"What's going on?"

Although Qin Fang said a lot, Tang Cheng was still at a loss. He didn't know where the key point was.

"The skill you practiced is really powerful But it means that in the case of practicing a whole set of skills, it can almost be regarded as the best martial arts in the right way! But if they were separated, it would be different The upper part is to practice and accept Qi, while the lower part is to raise and condense Qi

Qin Fang explained some of the mysteries to Tang Cheng,

"brother Tang, let's make an analogy This is like raising a pig. The person who has cultivated the upper part is like that pig. He keeps fattening and eating the feed. Naturally, the pig grows fast and strong, but this kind of strong is just a kind of appearance, in fact, it's just puffiness. And the one who has cultivated the second half is the butcher When the pig is fat enough, he will come and kill it! "Hearing this, Tang Cheng's face suddenly became more and more difficult.

Qin's metaphor may not be very appropriate, but the general meaning is very clear He practiced the incomplete half step skill in Tang Dynasty and became the pig that kept fattening. The expert who taught him the skill was the butcher. When the pig became fat and strong, he would kill and harvest it!

In the end, he didn't get any benefits from Tangcheng, and he would lose a life. All the benefits were taken away by the so-called worldly expert

"Damn bastard!"

Knowing this, Tang Cheng roared angrily, "I didn't expect that I respected him so much at the beginning..."

At that time, Tang city was still in a hazy period. He was so happy to see this master teach him profound skills. He almost took this master to heaven, but he didn't expect such an outcome.

If Qin Fang hadn't come back to find out at this time, he would have been killed, and it's still unclear.

"Qin Fang, you must find a way..."

When this happened, the joy of Tangcheng's strength improvement suddenly disappeared, leaving only deep fear There is anger and resentment, which is aimed at the so-called outsider who cheated him.

"Don't worry, brother Tang I'll take care of that! "

Tang Cheng is his eldest brother. He said that Qin Fang also wanted to save him. "However, I still need to make some preparations Don't continue to practice this skill. That should be enough! If I continue, I'm afraid I can't even control myself at that time! "

"No more practice, no more practice..."

Tang Cheng nodded. How dare he continue to practice now? The more he practices, the more he will die. He is not a brainless master.

"Don't put too much psychological burden on you I estimated that the strength of this man should not be too strong to the point of absurdity, I should still be able to deal with This time, our two brothers work together to deal with this guy, not only let his plan completely fail, but also I want him to pay for his wife's loss and give his blood once more! "

Qin Fang has a rough plan in mind. Although it is not very complete, he has a general idea. He only needs to study and sum up with Tang Cheng carefully, and it should become more perfect.

According to Qin Fang's conjecture, Tang Cheng and the mysterious man are a complete set of cultivation methods. They are just two people practicing, but they make one person As for who will be achieved in the end, it's hard to say now.

As far as the present situation is concerned, Tangcheng is obviously in a very unfavorable situation, and the possibility of bad luck is relatively high What Qin should do, of course, is to help Tangcheng pull back this situation and make the other party fall down.

If the plan is perfect, it's not impossible to ask the other party to make wedding clothes for Tangcheng

"Brother Tang, we should make a good sum up. If there is such a chance, maybe Your accomplishments can really catch up with mine

Qin Fanglue knows something about the secret of this kind of cauldron. For example, the legendary Taoist heart planting demons means

Qin Fang is not sure whether the cultivation in Tang city is the cultivation of Taoism and demons, but at least it should be a similar skill, but Tang city has become the other side's furnace for practicing

"Is there such a chance?"

Hearing this, Tang Cheng's breathing became rapid.

Tang city can't guess what kind of accomplishments Qin has achieved.

However, he also felt that even his cultivation at the peak of the master level seems to be much weaker than that of Qin Fang. After a long time, Qin Fang seems to be more powerful, so his cultivation is far worse.

But now Qin Fang says that he has a chance to catch up with him. How can he not make Tang Cheng excited and excited?

Don't worry, he is a soldier now, but he has stepped on the road of martial arts, and he also shows signs of developing towards martial arts mania

"But don't worry, the other side won't appear before you break through the master level, so We still have plenty of time to prepare! "

Seeing Tang Cheng's reaction, Qin Fang also had a bitter smile on his face.

He wondered whether it was right or wrong to lead Tang city to this road

But no matter what, now that he has come to this stage, it's too late for Qin to regret it. He must find a way to save the disaster in front of Tang City, and never let that mysterious man succeed.

"If I'm not wrong, this mysterious man should want to use brother Tang's true Qi to break through the bottleneck of the grand master level and advance to the grand master level Then his strength may be very strong, but it will not be so strong that it is totally unmatched This is my chance

Don't take Qin Fang's words lightly, but he is also secretly calculating the strength comparison between the enemy and us He would not be so relaxed if he didn't have greater assurance! It's not finished yet.read_ link_ up;
