Chapter 1394

"Oh? How to compare

But Qin Fang laughed and asked with some emotion.

"The strength of the target is equal to you and me. Let's compete with each other to kill the target first..." Ji Xiang thought about it and said so.

"That's good..."

Qin Fang nodded. This comparison is fair. The target is not a simple opponent. It's very difficult to kill him.

"What if they were captured alive?"

However, without waiting for Ji Xiang to speak, Qin Fang suddenly added.


Ji Xiang was speechless. He said that just now. The target in the manor has the same strength as them. It's hard to kill the target. Capture them alive That's almost impossible.

"If it can be captured alive, it will be better!"

But Ji Xiang suddenly thought of himself. Wasn't it equivalent to being captured alive by Qin Fang? Then, it seems that this almost impossible bet is not really impossible.

Ji Xiang is also a man who can afford to let go. Naturally, he won't be more serious in such small details. If he can be captured alive, in fact, he has some expectations. He hopes that Qin Fang can capture the target whose strength is no less than his Then he'll have a little balance in his heart!

"That's settled!"

Qin Fang's face also showed a bright smile. He seemed very confident, as if he had won.

"It's a deal!"


Qin Fang and Ji Xiang are no nonsense, immediately quietly set out, with a very fast speed into the manor inside.

Levin was their backup. Although I'm not going to do it by myself, there's still no problem keeping an eye on the outside

However, whether Qin Fang or Ji Xiang, they are all first-class experts, and there are extremely powerful killers. It doesn't really matter whether Lai Wen is a backup or not.

Ji Xiang is a very famous rising star in the killer League. He is praised as a man with the hope of becoming the king of killers by a big man in the underground world! He had almost perfect performance in the past tasks Let a lot of people smell the existence of the wind color change.

As for Qin Fang. His own strength has been terrible, and his various abnormal skills can almost strengthen the killer's skills to a frightening level.

the most important thing is that Ji Xiang has the hope to become the king of killers, but Qin Fang is carrying the ultimate task of the king of killers, which is almost his mission

What's more, Ji Xiang's previous missions almost all completed with perfect performance, but this time But I missed it! The target of his failure is Qin Fang

Levin is staring at the outside, but also as far as possible to monitor the movement of the manor side. But they dare not easily attract the attention of the guards here, so as not to affect the actions of Qin Fang and Ji Xiang.

Qin Fang and Ji Xiang want to kill the target hiding in the manor as quickly as possible, but for the sake of fairness, they did not choose the same position to sneak into the manor. It's just that they have found one place and then they sneak in

What are the goals of Qin Fang and Ji Xiang?

Only Qin Fang and Ji Xiang are the best.

But since Ji Xiang said it. The strength of this goal is similar to that of him and Qin Fang, so it must have the strength of master level peak.

And this opponent, this strength, is hostile to Qin. At the same time, he himself is a little devil Then his identity is about to come out.


It's the five-star assassin who had targeted Qin Fang before, but felt something wrong on the way and quit. At the same time, Qin Fang has also used his detection skills to detect his real identity.

The identity of the shooter has always been mysterious, almost never known, but the encounter with Qin Fang is his destined tragedy, and the veil that he has been covered up has been stripped clean by Qin Fang.

After that incident, Qin told Lai Wen the real name of the shooter and asked him to use his excellent hacking technology to find out the shooter's information

In the past, the shooter was too secretive. Even the killer alliance didn't get much information. Even if they wanted to investigate, they could only find out what tasks he had carried out at most.

But with his real identity, it's much easier to find out. Soon, Lai Wen picked up the identity of the shooter, even his ancestors' eighteen generations.

Besides being one of the most dangerous killers to Qin Fang, the reason why Qin Fang focuses on him is the identity of the shooter He is a little devil, and he is also an elite killer cultivated by Taoism!

Just because this boy has enough strength to threaten Qin, Qin has to eradicate him.

Now that he is a killer cultivated by Taoism, Qin naturally has to take care of him, so he will focus on investigating his whereabouts. It's better to be ready to start first.The shooter was identified. Naturally, his photos can be obtained. This time, Lai Wen's hacking technology really helped a lot. He embezzled the camera of Jiangzhou's traffic supervision system and easily found out the whereabouts of the shooter

Then we arranged for people to investigate carefully. Although the thing between the shooter and Kui Mingyu was hidden, it was still clear.

Kui ye may also know that his son has found a killer to kill Qin Fang. This is what he would like to see. Maybe he would turn a blind eye.

It's just that he can't find out the identity of the shooter. Naturally, he doesn't know that the shooter is from Japan, and he was trained by Taoism

His son did it. It's like pushing him into the fire But he didn't know it. This black pot is doomed this time!

Qin Fang doesn't have any pity for Lord Kui. This old man has been in the spotlight for half his life. That's because he really has this ability. However, some of his actions made Qin Fang feel bad for him.

If it wasn't for the special status of Lord Kui, if he was killed suddenly, it would probably lead to some very unfavorable riots. Qin Fang would have killed him directly Even if there is a master level master around Kui, it's useless to protect him!

But this time, the good son of Kui gave a knife to Qin Fang for nothing. If Qin Fang didn't make good use of it, it would be such a good chance.

"It's worthy of the Green Gang's territory..."

Qin Fang sneaked into the manor, hiding himself in the dark. At the same time, he quickly inspected the surrounding movement, and couldn't help admiring it.

Qingbang people can secretly control the underground forces of Jiangzhou, the most prosperous metropolis in Longguo. Sure enough, it's not by mouth, it's all by your own strength.

Take the manor in front of you as an example. In the face-to-face conflict, it will take a lot of time for Tang Cheng to lead his company to fight in.

But in that case, the important people hidden in the manor had already taken advantage of the situation

If there is no escape channel in this manor, Qin would never believe it! People in this road may be killed one day, especially those big men who attach great importance to their own safety. It's necessary to prepare for the three caves of cunning Rabbits

Qin Fang and Ji Xiang secretly sneak into this manor, intending to achieve their own goal without disturbing these people as much as possible.

Although they know it's very difficult to do this, they still hope it won't be too troublesome

"It seems that we should clear up the obstacles first..."

Qin Fang's choice of the diving position is not very good. At least he has a stomach case in his heart through visual inspection and small map monitoring.

From the perspective of the defense arrangement of the Qingbang. Qin Fang knew that he wanted to enter the villa in the manor unconsciously The building where the shooter was hiding There are also some difficulties. We have to clean the hidden piles before we can move.

"I hope Ji Xiang is not too fast..."

Qin didn't delay at all. Immediately quietly action, quickly lurking to the hidden place of those dark piles, with the potential of lightning attack.

However, it will take time for him to clear these piles. For the sake of that competition, he can only hope that Ji Xiang's side will not be too smooth

After all, Qin Fang is Ji Xiang's boss now. If he loses this game, he will lose face.

However, the strength of the gunner is also very strong. It seems that he is no weaker than Ji Xiang. Even if Ji Xiang finds the gunner earlier than Qin Fang, he may not be able to win him

So Qin's strength is relatively abundant!

Even so, Qin Fang didn't delay at all. In his quick action, while hiding his body, he pulled out the hidden piles in silence.

In the villa of the manor.

"Mr. Allen, you said you would do it as soon as possible? How to get to now... "

Kui Mingyu's face was not very good. He looked at the man who was holding a sharp knife to trim his nails. His tone was quite impatient.

This man looks about 30 years old, and he is also pretty, but it gives people a very feminine feeling, especially his narrow eyes, which makes people feel like staring at a poisonous snake. It's very uncomfortable

When he first met this man named Allen, queeminyu had the same feeling, but after Allen showed his hand, queeminyu immediately put aside his fear.

"This is a very powerful man!"

Kui Mingyu had this idea in his mind. When he knew that Alan was also a killer, Kui Mingyu immediately said that he would hire this man to kill himself at a high price

As for the man Kui Mingyu wanted to kill, it was Qin Fang, who had been in power in Jiangzhou for a long time, but now he could only be a man with a shrinking tail."Mr. Kui, you can rest assured that since I have taken over this task, I will naturally give you a very satisfactory answer..."

Alan, the killer, quietly trims his nails with the knife. The action is extremely gentle, as if he is not cutting his nails, but making a work of art.

Only when he was making this work of art, he said slowly with a kind of lazy courage, and did not put qui Minyu's impatience on the point of appreciation.

"There's a reason why we haven't started yet I'm not convenient to disclose the specific reasons. I can only tell you The time has not come yet! "

Even reason seems not to want to explain more, just such a simple sentence to prevaricate, this arrogance seems not weaker than the original Kui Mingyu.


Kui Mingyu had never been treated like this, and his face suddenly changed. However, when he looked at the small but sharp knife in Allen's hand, his words were stifled.

He took a deep breath and calmed his anger. Then he said slowly, "Mr. Allen, I hope you can do it as soon as possible There is a limit to everyone's patience

Obviously, qui Ming woo was also quite dissatisfied with this Allen, but now he was still suppressing his anger and didn't explode.

"Mr. Kui, please rest assured..."

Ellen is still a look do not care, a slow response.


Before he had finished his words, his lazy and calm face suddenly became cold, and the whole person jumped into the back of the sofa he was sitting on. At the same time, the knife used to trim his nails in his hand turned into a very quick knife light and flew to the window not far away

Poof ~ ~

and almost at this moment, when qui Ming woo didn't know what was going on, there was such a dull sound in his ear, and then the flying knife seemed to encounter some heavy blow, and immediately fell to the ground with a slap!!!