Chapter 1388

"You can't help but think about it and get rid of it?"

Hearing Qin Fang's words, Tang Cheng's face turned black. He laughed and scolded impolitely. It can be seen from his expression that he didn't care much at all.

This matter is very serious, it is relative to ordinary people, but if it falls into the hands of Tang Cheng, it will not be very difficult to deal with.

A few days ago, when Tangcheng was cleaning up the Tangmen experts, he had already used guns and killed seven or eight people. He had already filed with his superiors at that time.

This time, it's much more serious than the last time, but because it has been put on record, Tangcheng also saves a lot of trouble

In addition, although many people were killed this time, the identities of several killers have been confirmed, and they have been wanted all over the world for many homicide cases.

In this way, the reason of Tang city is more sufficient. When the leaders look at this matter, they directly intend to turn the big thing into the small one and turn the small one into the small one.

"But then again, it's me who made things big this time, but don't you also take the shit, brother Tang? Or can you go up to another level so quickly? "

Qin Fang didn't mean to be grateful at all. On the contrary, he joked.

He just learned from Tang Feifei that Tang city has just been promoted to a higher level in the past two days, from the original Colonel to the senior colonel, and then to the general.

Tang city is only in its early 30s now. It is definitely the youngest of the young. However, it has been mentioned at this level, and this achievement can almost sweep the whole generation.

Of course, in addition to the relationship between the Tang family, it also has something to do with Tang Cheng's role in the special forces. In particular, he has performed many very important tasks and made great contributions, so he has been promoted faster

"Don't talk nonsense. My promotion was due to my own savings. It has nothing to do with you

Tang city did not give face to despise very much.

His promotion had been decided as early as after the end of Anlang's mission. It was just that he had been going through the procedure. This was not announced.

It wasn't until two days ago that the appointment came down. It was just a coincidence that it ran into Qin's quarrel. It wasn't what Qin said at all.

Of course, Qin Fang knew it, but he said it on purpose. If only a few wanted criminals could be arrested and promoted, then Tangcheng might have been promoted to be a general for a long time. How could it be promoted to this level now?

"Well, I'm not joking. Let me talk to you about something serious... "

This is just a few words of gossip. Naturally, Tang city doesn't come to Qin Fang just because it has been dealt with. He also has a purpose.

"Oh, what's the matter? You look very nervous... "

Qin Fang nodded, his smile narrowed, and he looked serious. From Tang Cheng's eyes, he could see that what Tang Cheng wanted to talk to him was not so simple.

"Well. Then I'll put it straight... "

But Tang Cheng didn't care about Qin Fang's words, so he leaned over to Qin Fang and whispered, "you are also from the underground world now Have you ever heard of Devil Island? "

Although it's a private club and they are in private rooms, the security and privacy should be very good, but Tang city seems to be more cautious.

"Devil Island How do you know? "

Qin Fanglue was stunned. It's strange to look at Tangcheng. Obviously, I don't know what he means. After all, Tangcheng is subordinate to the military and has contact with the underground world, but I'm not very familiar with it.

Devil's Island is a taboo in the underground world. Except for some experts who have reached or behind their background, most of the newcomers are not clear about it, and few people talk about it at ordinary times. It's not convenient to ask for information.

Tang city is not a person in the underground world. It's possible to have heard of Devil Island by chance, but now it's suddenly mentioned with Qin Fang so carefully, which is a bit of a problem.

"You really know..."

As soon as Qin Fang's expression of surprise came out, Tang Cheng's face was filled with joy and immediately muttered. It seems to have been expected.

Of course, when he saw Qin Fang's real response, he was a little surprised. It seemed that he was not sure in advance.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Judging from Tang Cheng's reaction, what he wants to say may have something to do with Devil Island, or even a big relationship.

"Here's the thing..."

So Tang Cheng gave a brief introduction to the reason why he came to Qin Fang this time. Although he didn't know the inside story very well, it didn't prevent him from introducing it to Qin Fang.

In fact, the matter is quite simple. A warship of the Dragon kingdom is missing unexpectedly. According to the information sent by the satellite positioning system, the warship disappeared in the high seas hundreds of miles away from the northeast of the Dragon kingdom.This sea area is the public sea area of the Pacific Ocean, not the territorial sea of any country. However, this sea area is very close to the sea areas of dragon country, Russia, Japan and other countries.

After the incident, Longguo immediately sent warships to search and rescue, but no trace was found, as if the warship had disappeared out of thin air.

If this sea area exists like Bermuda, there may not be much movement. It will be listed as an international no navigation zone, and ordinary ships will not pass.

But in fact, there is still a long way to go from the nearest no navigation zone, which is unlikely to be affected This matter has become a mystery.

It wasn't until a secret agent from the US intelligence department came back with the news that some of the mysteries of the missing warship were known, which had a lot to do with the mysterious Devil Island.

"Devil Island in the North Sea?"

Before Tang Cheng could tell him his purpose, Qin Fang had already stabbed him. He was almost extremely excited and asked. Obviously, the answer to this question was more important to him.

"Well What's the matter? "

Tang Cheng was a little stunned and looked at Qin Fang in surprise. It seemed that this was the first time he had seen Qin Fang so excited since he knew Qin Fang.

"Nothing. I just want to ask where Devil Island is..."

Qin Fang didn't say much. He just wanted to know the location of the mysterious Devil Island as soon as possible.

Maybe before knowing the news of his father Qin Tiannan, Devil Island is just a good place for Qin to try and improve. Although it is extremely dangerous, it also brings many benefits.

But the problem is that he not only wants to go to Devil Island to experience himself, but also wants to bring back Qin Tiannan, his father who has been missing for nearly 20 years, so as to reunite their family!

Qin Fang didn't have a specific plan, but a simple idea had already been hidden in his mind. If he didn't know the location of Devil Island all the time, he would have set out for it.

However, the devil's Island has been opened a few times. Generally speaking, the devil's island takes the initiative to contact the underground world, and all forces in the underground world allocate the quota to the devil's Island.

Naturally, Qin Fang is going to fight for this quota. At the same time, he also wants to reach the peak of master level as soon as possible, even when he is only one foot away from the master level. In this way, while he is constantly training, he also tries to hit that bottleneck

Master level is already a first-class master, and almost all of his opponents are very few. However, this kind of strength does not have the qualification to sweep the devil's Island, and even it is difficult to save his life, let alone take his father safely

Qin Fang has a sign on his hand, which is brought by his father to Qin Fang. He can enter the island directly without fighting for the quota.

However, for his own consideration, Qin Fang did not think it was necessary to move the brand as much as possible, so as not to bring him any bad influence.

But no matter what, Qin Fang's first priority is to know the location of Devil Island, otherwise all this is nonsense

And this position has always been extremely mysterious. Only a few high-level people in the underground world know about it, but none of these people can be controlled by Qin Fang. Even anyone who comes out can easily wipe him out!

Without knowing the exact location of the Devil Island, Qin had to wait for the news that the Devil Island was open

However, when Qin didn't expect it, Tang Cheng suddenly said so, as if Qin saw the dawn. That's why he was so excited.

"I don't know the exact location, just a general direction You also know how mysterious the Devil Island is. Few people have seen it. Some of it can only be guessed! "

Tang Dynasty shook his head. He also heard about it from others. He didn't know the location of Devil Island.

However, the intelligence sent back by the secret agent revealed a lot of information. Only in this way can we know the general direction of the Devil Island. At the same time, the missing warship incident has a lot to do with the Devil Island.

"Then why did you come to me..."

Although it's only a general direction, it's much easier than Qin Fang's search all over the world. After all, 70% of the earth is ocean. It's very difficult to find an island in such a large area.

Now that we know its general location, it may not even be accurate, but at least we have some hope. Qin Fang is very happy.

As soon as Qin Fang was happy, it would be easier to talk about the following things. He even took the initiative to ask Tang Cheng what he was looking for.

"It's not too big. Just ask how much you know about the Devil Island, and can you provide some detailed information..."

Looking at the smile on Qin Fang's face, although Tang Cheng felt a little puzzled, he simply explained his intention.