Chapter 1183

Qin Fang didn't intend to let go of this cheap man Ron who hurt Chu Yunxuan. It's just that Ron has been shrinking in the United States, and Qin Fang has never had a chance.

Originally, Qin Fang intended to find an opportunity to go to the United States and clean up Ron But I didn't expect that the boy came to the door on his own initiative.

If it's in the United States, it's not Qin's place. Qin's most important thing is to send this boy to the West

But now he himself ran to the dragon country, Qin Fang's eyes were flashing, and he was also in favor of how to make the boy more miserable!

Death is not necessarily the worst thing! In fact, there are more miserable than death

Qin Fang is also thinking about this, and is also thinking about the arrangement plan!

The reason why Helen is not allowed to slap RON in the past is that in addition to this, Qin Fang knows that Helen can't succeed

Those three people, Pete and Ron, were Prussians just now. Although they looked a little strong, they were not afraid. But the third person was unusual.

This man should be Ron's bodyguard or something, but he's really not bothered. Although he's a foreigner and hasn't practiced any dragon internal skill, his strength has reached level 6, and his murderous spirit is quite solid This shows that this man is strong.

In this world, strength is not only based on internal strength. Dragon kingdom is only a country on earth, and its population is only one fifth, only a part of it.

In other words, in fact, there are quite a lot of experts in the world. Besides the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom, there are also some other very powerful experts.

Just like the underground world, the major leagues jointly control most of the power in the underground world, but there are still a lot of people outside the major leagues. But these leagues are not weak at all, and they are even more powerful than any of the major leagues

That's why they are free forces. Most of them are lone Rangers. They like to be free masters and don't like to be constrained. Of course, they don't want to join those Alliance forces!

Among these experts, there are not many experts from the Dragon kingdom. On the contrary, there are quite a few experts from other countries or regions Everyone has his own special ability, which is also the ability to survive. His strength may not be inferior to that of the master, master and great master of long Guowu

As for how these people promoted their grades, Qin Fang was not very clear. Maybe they were calculated according to another system

But one thing is for sure. From level 6, it is basically one level at a time. Every time you cross one level, you will cross one level at a time, and your strength will be improved rapidly.

So seeing this level 6 Master who follows Ron, Qin Fang can't help but be vigilant!

Qin Fang has killed many level 6 masters up to now, but most of them are martial arts masters, such as Shangguan Tianling and Tang Nan, or Japanese Asano and Kondo Liangtian, etc

It seems that up to the present position, there is no level 6 Master who does not depend on his martial arts. This foreign man seems to be the first one!

Qin Fang is not an impulsive person. He has to attach great importance to this kind of master whose strength cannot be determined

It's certain to deal with Ron, but how to deal with him and how to make Ron more miserable than death need Qin's consideration.

When Qin side talks about Ron, Ron is also talking about Qin side.

"Ron, did you see that?"

Pete sat down and said, "I can't wait.".

As a matter of fact, when Qin Fang came down to fix a seat in the restaurant, Pete already knew. He even inquired about where to sit.

So he didn't show up before, mainly because he was waiting for Ron from the United States, and then he brought Ron directly

Eating is just one of the purposes, the main thing is to let Ron meet Chu Yunxuan and Qin Fang!

"Well, I see..."

Ron nodded. His face seemed calm and didn't show anything!

But in fact, he was furious In particular, seeing Chu Yunxuan's intimate gesture beside Thailand made him furious!

"That woman belongs to me! No one is allowed to touch his fingers... "

Even Roth roared in his heart, and the resentment in his heart was stronger than ever!

Although he has been dating Chu Yunxuan for nearly a year, Ron has no intimate contact with Chu Yunxuan.

It's not that Ron's ability is not good. It's just that Ron's self-control ability is very strong. He's most afraid that he'll be soft hearted when he's in a mood, or that he accidentally divulges his plot in his sleep.

Therefore, during this year, he has been cajoling Chu Yunxuan with sweet words, but he has never touched her. At most, it's just a simple hand in handJust because of this, he was able to tame Chu Yunxuan without psychological burden and take away her carefully prepared scientific research project. This betrayal almost destroyed Chu Yunxuan completely.

But more than a year later, when he saw Chu Yunxuan again, especially the "happy" appearance of Qin Fang and Chu Yunxuan, his heart was filled with boundless jealousy and resentment.

Almost just at that moment, Qin's position in his eyes changed from "opponent" to "deadly enemy".

"I did a simple survey..."

See Ron this not salty appearance, Pete slightly frowned, a little, can't hold RON in the end what is thinking.

But he didn't care, so he took out a document, pushed it to Ron, and gave a brief introduction.

"According to the information I got, Miss Chu is going to cooperate with reed pharmaceutical to jointly develop this new drug This should be the personal relationship between Miss Chu and miss helen! "

Ron nodded. When he was with Chu Yunxuan, he had a good relationship with Helen.

Although they knew each other earlier, they were not very familiar with each other because of their identity and background. After all, the family behind them is also a competitor.

It's not until I get to know Chu Yunxuan that their relationship has changed a little and become more familiar. Naturally, Ron knows that Chu Yunxuan and Helen are very close friends!

With this level of relationship and this cooperation, Rong Ying can understand

Although Ron disdains the fact that the people of Longguo like to make friends with each other, and thinks it's a very irrational behavior, he still adopts this method when doing business with the people of Longguo himself Even deceiving Chu Yunxuan is a way to use!

"But I just got the news yesterday that the second ancestor of Rhett group seems to be planning to intervene in this cooperation. I think It may bring some changes, maybe! "

Peter continued.

Looking at Ron has been unmoved, Pete slowly lifted his cards out.

"Well? Good... "

Although the content in front is valuable, it's limited. Ron's interest is not very great, but he is slightly stunned when he hears the news behind, with a faint smile on his face and a little change in his eyes.

He took out the checkbook, wrote a series of numbers, tore them off and gave them to Pete, and simply said, "keep asking for information, I want the latest and fastest Especially about the second ancestor of Rhett group! "

Rhett Pharmaceutical Group is quite a large group in the United States. It ranks very high in the pharmaceutical industry, and its scale ranks third in the United States.

But there is one thing, Rhett group can surpass the former two. Over there is Alex, the successor of Rhett group

He is really a dandy, second generation father, and one of the most famous Playboys in America. Almost every week, he sees his name or photos in gossip magazines.

There are so many kinds of games for the second generation ancestor, almost only you can't think of. There's nothing he can't play, such as luxury cars, airplanes, yachts It is said that he plans to go to the Pacific to buy an uninhabited island to develop by himself, and then take his chicks to the island to become king.

Of course, the expenses of this second ancestor are also extremely huge, almost astronomical.

But he is the only legal successor of Rhett group. Although Helen is his sister, they are half brothers. Helen only gets part of the shares, but the ultimate right of inheritance is still in Alex's hands!

And everyone knows that the relationship between the sister and brother is not good, even quite bad!

This is very normal. Alex, who has the right of inheritance, is a second generation ancestor. He has no fart skills, and is narrow-minded, greedy and extremely lustful

On the contrary, Helen, who has no right of inheritance, enjoys life as well, but her talent in business is far from that of trix

This cooperation, outsiders think that Chu Yunxuan and Helen because of their good personal relationship, this can achieve this cooperation intention, other enterprises will know, it is difficult to get.

But if this Alex comes in, then it's really hard to say It's absolutely not impossible for this boy to screw up the business which had made a lot of money!

Moreover, Ron also knows clearly that this Alex has always been thinking about Chu Yunxuan. At the beginning, he had the idea of Chu Yunxuan. It's just because of Ron's existence that Alex didn't start in order to avoid a fight between them

Now let Alex come to discuss cooperation with Chu Yunxuan on behalf of Rhett group, and the chance of failure increases by more than 30% almost instantaneously

(to be continued)