Chapter 1134

Just when Liang Shao was amazed at Qin Fang's superb gambling skills, they just passed by the small room where they exchanged chips, and a man's sharp voice came from his ear.

Qin Fang stopped for a moment, then turned to look in that direction

A man in his forties, dressed in a kind of old suit, was quite neat, and his hair was also very neat.

At this time, he was holding a scroll in his hand. The paper looked old. It was handed down from ancient times

Of course, it's only in this way. Naturally, the price of this painting won't be too high. No wonder the staff in charge of pawning in that casino will keep the price so low.

It's a good painting, and it's also an authentic ancient work. Unfortunately, it's not the work of many people. At most, it's just the work of a famous painter.

The price of one hundred thousand is a little too low. Three or five hundred thousand is definitely more than one hundred thousand. It is estimated that it will cost more than one million.

Judging from the quality and age of this painting, it should not be the work of unknown people. If a professional can find out its source, then it's not a problem to sell this painting for three or five million

"I like this painting very much. I don't know if you can give it up?"

Seeing the painting, Qin Fang looked like "I like it very much" and asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes! It's just the price... "

The middle-aged man wanted to pawn the painting. It is said that it was handed down by his ancestors and has been treated as a family heirloom.

But recently, he was a little short of money, and the Heirloom couldn't be used as a meal. He once asked an expert in this field to identify it. That's his exaggeration, but the expert said that it could be purchased by 800000

Today, he came to gamble a few times. At first, he was very lucky. He won a lot, but soon he lost Eager to turn over the book, he thought of the painting and intended to pawn it here for the time being and redeem it after he won the money!

It's just that this staff member is too hard on the price. Of course, he is not willing to.

Now Qin Fang suddenly said that he would take over. How could he be unhappy?

It's just the price

"The price is not a problem, you say a reserve price, if I think there is no problem, I will buy it directly..."

Qin Fang waved his hand and said casually. It seemed that he didn't take this question too seriously, which made the middle-aged man's heart move slightly.

"Three million!"

The middle-aged man lowered his head and thought for a while, then burst out a number. At the same time, his eyes were staring at Qin Fang, observing his expression changes.

"That's what the expert said at the beginning. I need money urgently now. I'll sell you three million yuan..."

Naturally, I don't forget to explain a few words.

Just hearing the price, Qin Fang's brow was slightly wrinkled. He didn't seem to be very satisfied. Suddenly, the middle-aged man's heart was raised.

Liang Shaoze, who was beside Qin Fang, immediately frowned and said, "I think your heart is too dark. People will only give you 100000 yuan, but you ask us three million yuan. Do you really want to cheat people Qin Shao, I think we'd better not. This guy is too dark! "

"That's because he doesn't know what's good. I'm a family treasure. Three million is not for you..."

The middle-aged man has been observing Qin Fang's reaction. He can see that this is the main one. Although his brow is frowning, he doesn't say it's expensive. Naturally, there is hope. At the same time, in the face of Liang Shao's censure, he also said with a strong voice.

"Forget it, stop it..."

Liang shaozheng wanted to continue to refute, but Qin Fang waved his hand to stop him. Then he turned to the middle-aged man and said, "I like this painting very much, but the price of three million is really too high Well, two million. If you agree with the price, I'll buy the painting... "

"Qin Shao..."

Liang Shao was also stunned. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Qin Fang waved his hand and motioned him to stop talking.

"This Well, two million is two million. I sold you. Who asked me to use money urgently? "

The middle-aged man hesitated for a while, and finally bit his teeth and agreed to come down. It seemed that he was very reluctant to speak, but it was not difficult to see that he was also very excited from his slightly raised eyebrows.

Of course, Qin Fang knows this. He even knows that the psychological price of the middle-aged man is one million yuan, but Qin Fang is too lazy to bargain with him here. He just wants to settle the business as soon as possible, and the most important thing is to take the painting as his own.

The more time goes on, the more likely something will go wrong. He doesn't want to delay his work for this money

"Check or transfer?"

Qin Fang nodded, and the man agreed that it was the best, so he immediately inquired that he was going to pay directly."I'll, I'll..."

Without waiting for the middle-aged man to speak, Liang Shaoli jumped out and put his chips directly on the man's hand. "Here are two million chips. Count them yourself..."

Two million is not a small sum for him. Although he was born in a rich family, and his uncle is the chief executive of Hong Kong Island, his money sources are legitimate and his spending is relatively restrained. He can't be as extravagant as other dandies

This time, however, it was different. Not to mention that he was trying to curry favor with Qin Fang, it was very reasonable for him to take out the money to pay for Qin Fang.

After deducting the two million chips, he still has more than 100000 scattered chips. In fact, he has not lost much