Chapter 1126

It is precisely because of this incident that Lord Long's reaction became so strong, not just for Qin Fang's reason

It was Mr. long who managed to get those drugs back, and he paid a lot of brother's lives for them. However, someone secretly stole the drugs from the warehouse and sold them without telling him This makes Lord long unforgivable

not to mention that you sell, but you are also met by Qin Fang, the evil star. Lord long wants to break up the two bastards in front of him.

If it wasn't for these two guys whose heads were kicked by donkeys, he would not be humble in front of Qin Fang.


The Dragon Master was angry and depressed in his heart, but Huang Mao and snake brother heard the words of the dragon master, and their pale face became even more pale, and even made such a exclamation.

Eyes subconsciously toward the surrounding shaking so a few times, seems to be looking for something.

"Come on, who asked you to do it?"

As soon as I saw the reaction of the two brothers, Lord long knew that someone was cheating on him. His gloomy face became more gloomy, and the whole person felt very dangerous.

Qin Fang is quite appreciative of looking at Lord long. After so many years of control over Xin'an, the means have been as pure as fire, and the city government is not generally deep.

Hearing what the Dragon Master said, Huang Mao seemed at a loss and didn't seem to know how to answer. Just silly looking at his cousin snake brother.

His position is too low to be on the stage. Even for this matter, he is only the specific executor, but he does not know who the decision-maker is.


Snake elder brother, who knew the truth, was very pale and hesitated. He didn't dare to say what he wanted to say. I hesitated for a long time, but I couldn't say it.

"Since I'm not willing to talk, I'll go out and reclaim the sea..."

Long Ye is not a soft hearted person who can do his job. He has already come to interrogate him in person. Snake elder brother is not willing to explain. He is not very patient. He will directly pack snake elder brother into a sack to fill the sea

He's not joking. It's absolutely a matter of reclamation. It's not a joke. When things go wrong like this, he doesn't want to joke. He just wants to finish it as soon as possible and send Qin Fang away as soon as possible

"I said, I said It's Lord Rong! Lord Rong asked me to do it Even those goods were brought to me by him! "

As soon as he heard that he wanted to reclaim the sea, snake brother couldn't be tough. Extremely scared said. I didn't dare to hide anything. I immediately told the man behind me.

"It's him!"

Hear snake elder brother burst out this name, long ye that originally tiny close eyes suddenly opened, in the mouth is to use a kind of incredible tone to startle to shout a way.

Listening to his tone and looking at his expression, it seems that he has doubted many people, but he has never doubted this person. How can he not feel surprised?

"Qinglong, go and bring people Live

Long Ye's face was pretty ugly now. The facial expression is also quite some to fall silent of, to behind of green dragon simple say.

In particular, the last sentence "to live" reveals a touch of deep sadness. Although this is only one side of brother snake's words, brother snake has been so scared that there is no reason to dare to lie.

Qin Fang didn't know who the "Lord Rong" was, but from the reaction of Lord long. This person should have a considerable position in his heart, even in Xin'an middle school.

But just because of this, this may be the brother that Lord long trusted very much, but he was the one who stabbed him in the back. It's natural that Lord long had such a reaction.


Who is responsible for this kind of thing. Will feel very cold, especially the Dragon Lord such a hero type character. It's even more so.

As a matter of fact, Qin Fang already knew that Rong Ye was the main messenger behind snake brother, and that snake brother did not lie.

It's just that he knows that Gui knows, but it's still up to Mr. long to deal with this kind of cleaning up. As an outsider, he just needs to watch, which is not convenient for him to participate.

He couldn't even mention it, otherwise he couldn't explain how he knew it was Mr. Rong's instigation behind his back

What's more, Qin Fang also felt that there seemed to be some secret hidden in these things, which seemed far from being as simple as it seemed.

This Rong Ye's identity is not simple. He should be a subordinate trusted by long Ye. He can still enjoy glory and wealth around him. There's no need to take risks for such a little money.

Although money and silk move people's hearts, we have to see if this money and silk is enough to move Rong Ye's heart?

At least in Qin Fang's opinion, it seems that it is not enough!

If not, Lord long would not have such a big reaction. He had doubted many people before, but he had not doubted Lord RongIt's just that what's hidden in it has little to do with Qin Fang. What he doesn't need to care about is the attitude and determination of Lord long.

Qin Fang didn't wait long. The door of the private room opened and Qinglong came in with an old man in his fifties.

The old man looks pretty good. There is nothing damaged. It seems that Qinglong didn't fight him. Maybe the old man didn't intend to resist at all.

"Long ye..."

The old man's face was not very good. When he came into the door, he saw snake brother on the ground, and seemed to understand that he had already done something wrong.

"Ah Rong, how many years have you been with me?"

The Dragon Master nodded gently, did not let the old man sit down, but asked in a very calm tone.

"We've known each other since childhood. We've been together for nearly 50 years..."

Ah Rong's face was gray, but he replied in a formal way.

"Nearly 50 years..."

Long ye also can't help repeating such a sentence.

Fifty years, this is a very long time. You know, the old man is only in his early 50s, and he is a little older than the old man.

In this way, the two people have been mixed up for most of their lives, and this friendship is definitely not comparable to that of other people

In a word, it means They are brothers who can change everything except their wives. They are more intimate than brothers!

But such good brothers have trusted each other for most of their lives. It's hard for anyone to feel betrayed in the end

"Ah Rong, it's nearly 50 years. Ask yourself, what do I do to you?"

The long Ye's facial expression became calm down, also can't see what he is thinking at this time, just very calm of ask a way.

"Mr. long, you don't have to say. You treat me like a brother, Aron, but I betrayed you I'm sorry for you. Please carry out the family law. Although ah Rong died, he didn't complain... "

The old man stood in front of Mr. long and pleaded in a very firm voice


The Dragon Master sat there, but he didn't move. He didn't speak. I didn't do it.

"Lord dragon. If you don't want to do it, ah Rong will do it himself... "

The old man was very strong. Seeing that the dragon master didn't have the heart to fight, he immediately took a dagger out of his body and stabbed him in his stomach.

Poof ~ ~

the dagger is sharp and sharp.

With this knife, the blood in the abdomen suddenly flows, congshangkouchujishelechulai

poof ~ ~

but it's not over yet, and the old man has to endure the pain. He immediately pulled out the dagger and stabbed it in again

Poof ~ ~

the third knife!

Without any hesitation, the old man immediately pulled out the knife and stabbed it down again

At the moment, his whole abdomen has been completely red with blood, and the wound has been gushing blood, which can't stop.

At the moment, the old man's injury is very serious, almost to the point of death. If we don't stop bleeding and send them to the hospital, we will lose our life.

"Three knives and six holes..."

When Qin Fang saw this scene, he was also slightly stunned, and he couldn't help muttering.

This word is not strange. It seems that many guilds have rules. As for when it came down, Qin was not very clear.

However, the general three knives and six holes are mostly thigh piercing. Although the same blood loss, and it is likely that a leg is useless, but for life is generally not too much threat.

But the three knives and six holes of the old man ah Rong are obviously not on the same level. Although he didn't directly pierce the heart, it's almost the same

Qin Fang made a simple observation of these three sabres. His stomach was punctured, his kidney was punctured, and almost his liver was punctured It seems that the old man is also a good hand with a knife. Almost every knife is stabbed at the point

"Mr. long, I'm sorry I just hope that after my death, you can be kind to my family, especially my ignorant son... "

After three stabs in a row, he lost too much blood. At the moment, ah Rong's face became very pale. He could hardly see the color of blood, and his expression was even worse.

He stretched out his hand to press the wound on his abdomen for a while, as if he could not feel the pain there at all. Looking at the Dragon Master sitting still in front of him, ah Rong knelt down and looked at the Dragon Master with a very difficult tone.

Basically, at this moment, unless it was Qin Fang, he would not have been saved. At the end of his life, he was going to ask Lord long for his last intercession.

At his age, everything else can be abandoned, but his family is his only concern, especially his careless son.But when ah Rong was talking about his son, his mind suddenly fell into a trance. Qin Fang immediately grasped it and lost a mind reading skill.


Qin Fang was also surprised, but he didn't expect that Jiang Rou, a demon girl, was involved in the affair.