Chapter 1117

"Qin Fang, this It's too expensive! "

However, when the old lady realized that such a treasure was so precious, her face was also deeply surprised, almost trembling.

"You still Take it back! "

This kind of treasure that can really prolong life is hard to find, not to mention thousands of gold

When wealth accumulates to their level, money is nothing, just a series of numbers, but life expectancy is priceless.

If they can use money to buy life, they will not mind giving up all their wealth to buy it, especially when they are half a foot into the grave.


Hearing the old lady's words, soon, someone could not help but scream, because the originally transparent and pure water is gradually becoming a kind of light blue.

Even close to people, you can very clearly find that the Millennium mussel is releasing a light blue silk thread of material towards the outside world.

That is to say, when such substances are mixed into the clear water, it will directly turn the clear water into light blue

Even with the release of more light blue substances, the color of the water also becomes transparent blue, which is dazzling

"All right! Almost

Qin Fang himself was also paying attention to the movement in the cup, looking at the change of the color, estimating the time, and at the same time silently feeling the intensity of the light B á o aura emitted by the clear water. Until he thought it was almost the same, he said so


Qin Fang didn't reach out to get it. It was as if he had been alive, but it jumped out of the cup automatically. Qin Fang gently copied it and then it fell into his hand, and then it was handed back to the old lady.

Such a magic hand, immediately let many people present are stunned, as if to see some miracle. Magic, it must be magic... "

Some people comfort themselves in their hearts, and it seems that there is only such an explanation, which is more reasonable

(to be continued)