Chapter 1003

The people of Jincheng military region have been rescued, and the rear rescue troops are about to catch up. Naturally, Qin doesn't need to worry about them.

However, he has not found the whereabouts of his brother-in-law Tang Cheng, and he is even more worried.

If it wasn't for the list of friends, the name of brother Tang Cheng was still shining all the time. If he told Qin Fang that he was still alive, he would be worried about the safety of Tang Cheng.

Rao is so. Qin is not sure that Tang city is safe. Maybe it's the same as Jincheng military region. They were forced to retreat to a very hidden place by the mercenary regiment. Two days have passed, and Qin didn't know how long they could last

According to the direction suggested by Captain Jiao of Jincheng military region, Qin conveniently quickly chased forward. Although it was more than two days ago, he had no clue at present. He could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Maybe he could find any clues.

Qin Fang did not dare to delay half a minute, and quickly shuttled through the mountains. He soon found a special place and could not help stopping for a moment. "There were people stationed here There was a fierce gunfight... "

There are many marks on the ground, and they are relatively new. They should have been made recently Moreover, there are obvious bullet marks on the surrounding trees and some bullet cases scattered on the ground, which indicates that there was a gun fight here. According to the coverage of those bullets, the gun fight was quite fierce. "It's brother Tang and them..."

This location was provided by Captain Jiao, and it was a new mark. Qin Fang thought that most of the marks here had something to do with Tang city. It's not clear whether it's the Tang city group's surprise attack on the mercenary group or the mercenary group's encirclement and suppression of the Tang city group. It's good for Qin Fang to see so much. He doesn't have the ability to reproduce the original scene "A clue is better than nothing..."

The trace here is two days ago. It's still a mystery where they went in Tang City, but Qin Fang at least felt that it was much better than the previous groping without any clue.

He immediately observed carefully around him. According to the traces on the ground, he began to trace the retreat of one side The Tang City team and the mercenary regiment ran into each other. No matter who wins or loses in that battle, the other side will surely catch up with the retreat of this side. Then this direction must be the route they passed in Tang city. As long as they catch up, Qin may really find the whereabouts of Tang city.

"No, one of them is broken up..."

However, after more than two hours, Qin Fang was surprised to find that the traces on the ground had become more scattered, and the distribution of bullet cases had become more scattered, so his face became very ugly.

According to the information Qin Fang has received, the party who was broken up should be the Tangcheng team. The mercenary group has more people than the Tangcheng team When people are scattered, their whereabouts will be in disorder. More than ten people have gone more than ten ways. Unless Qin Fang can separate himself, he can only follow them one by one.

It's just a gamble. There's a one in ten chance that he can catch up with Tang Cheng directly But up to a chance, he's going in the wrong direction. “**……” Found such a thing, Qin Fang is also a bitter face.

He's not afraid of hard work, but he's afraid that if he delays his time, it will be more dangerous in Tang city. "Eh, someone..." But when Qin Fang was in doubt, there was a little movement on his little map, and someone came into the monitoring range of his little map.

Almost without any hesitation, Qin Fang immediately moved slightly. Like a flexible ape, he quickly stepped on a thick tree and covered his body with the help of thick branches and leaves There are more and more red dots on the map, and gradually, all of them come into the monitoring range of his small map, with the number of 20 or 30 people. "Are they from the mercenary regiment?"

After discovering so many people, Qin Fang felt a little nervous. He subconsciously looked at the list of friends and found that the name of Tang city was still shining. He was a little relieved.

The total number of people in Tang city is only about ten, which obviously can't reach such a large number. Then most of these people who suddenly appear are mercenary regiments. It seems that they are also free. They have such a number.

This discovery made Qin Fang a little nervous. At the same time, he was also thinking about where these people came from. They must have chased them to Tangcheng Although we haven't found out the reason why these people turned around for the time being, he must at least explore this direction.

"Eh..." As these people gradually approached, Qin Fang used his detection skills one by one in front of the small map. When he wanted to be sure that his guess was ok, he was suddenly a little surprised.

"Brother tietou?" Qin Fang was slightly stunned. He thought he had met the mercenary regiment or the government army of an Lang, but he didn't expect to find an acquaintance in the crowd. Many of the people in Tang city are familiar with Qin Fang. At the beginning, Qin Fang trained with him for a week, and he also played with him. Naturally, he is not strange.Among these people, Qin Fang unexpectedly found an acquaintance, who was iron head, a soldier of Tang City Because he is bald, that's what we all call him. Such a discovery made Qin Fang happy for a moment Unable to find the whereabouts of Tang Cheng and others, he was still wondering. Unexpectedly, he immediately sent the cable to the door. How could he give up?

Carefully stretched out his head, quietly close to the past, the speed is very slow, and appears extremely careful, dare not intrude on each other's movement, especially now has not made clear the identity of these people before. This is very normal. Qin Fang only found an acquaintance, brother tietou. But at this time, brother tietou mixed with other unknown people, so Qin Fang had to be careful.

Although the possibility of tietou being a traitor is very low, we can't rule out this possibility. It's definitely not a wise man's choice to jump out. Just when Qin Fang was full of thoughts, this group of people had already entered Qin Fang's field of vision. "Anlang government army?"

Although Qin had never seen what the uniform of Anlang government army looked like, as soon as these people appeared, Qin had recognized their identities.

Qin Fang has seen the costumes of the mercenaries and killed so many people. How can he not know them? These people are not the special forces team led by Tang Cheng, and they all wear military uniforms. There is no doubt that these people are from the government forces of Anlang

Qin Fang's acquaintance, brother tietou, was also among the soldiers of the Anlang government at this time. However, his hands were tied behind his back, his clothes were ragged, his wounds were still bleeding, and his face was black and blue. It was obvious that he had been beaten by poison Seeing this scene, Qin Fang understood why tietou was mixed with these people, and most of them were captured by them.

The people of Anlang are very unfriendly to the people of Longguo, especially the government troops. From time to time, the businessmen who come and go between Anlang and Longguo will be exploited by the army and police of the government, and they are very black

Now tietou, an active serviceman, is in their hands. In the end, not to mention, they are lucky to be able to save their lives.

Under normal circumstances, the soldiers of the state of dragon who are in active service fall into the hands of the army of the government of Anlang, and their fate is very miserable. After suffering a lot, they will be brutally killed. This is also the reason. If there is a war between the two countries, the soldiers of the state of dragon are usually killed immediately, and the soldiers of the state of dragon will never show mercy.

"Must be saved..." The conflicts between these soldiers have little to do with the Qin side, but if the iron head falls into the hands of these Anlang government troops, the Qin side can never sit back and ignore it.

It's very good to stagger the relationship between tie tou and Qin Fang. It's just that tie Tou is the only contact person Qin Fang can find in Tang city. Qin Fang will definitely rescue him

"Twenty six people There is no decent master It seems that the situation is not particularly bad. "He has made up his mind, but in order to ensure that everything is safe, Qin Fang carefully used his investigation skills to observe everyone's situation, which is a little relaxed.

"Eight, seven, six 3、 Two, one Hands on "

in his heart, he simply drew up a plan, silently counting the distance between these people and Qin Fang, until Qin Fang entered the estimated range, Qin Fang quickly jumped down from the tree

Bang Bang ~ ~

naturally, Qin Fang would not do nothing. He held a gun in his hands, and when he fell, he fired left and right at the enemy.

At the same time Wow ~ ~ an invisible shock wave was released from Qin Fang's feet in an instant, forming a circular diffusion shock wave, spreading all around The group attack skill attached to Qin Fang's title of "one against one hundred" launched those Anlang government troops. They didn't even think that someone would suddenly appear at this time. Without saying that people were shot continuously, the invisible shock wave broke out instantly, just like a heavy hammer hitting them on the chest They were attacked by the enemy. Before they could react, Qin's recent circle of unfortunate children had already been hit hard by Qin Everyone's chest gave out an obvious dull sound, which made them stagger in the moment. They could not even stand still, so they could only fall back