Chapter 988

It's true that Qin wanted to deliberately lead these little devils to stir up the situation and drag the Shankou group into the muddy water.

This is also a temporary decision made by Qin after he noticed these little devils.

Although he knew that the people in the Yamaguchi group might attack him, he just didn't expect Yamamoto to be so small-minded that he would stare at him so soon, so Qin Fang would be rude.

Xin'an on Hong Kong Island, Xiaodao Sanlian Gang, Yamaguchi group in Japan, plus poison rescue from Golden Triangle Good guy, it's bound to be quite lively tonight. " If the police on Hong Kong Island are also involved, it will be even more exciting When Qin Fang sneaked into the shipyard, the whole person disappeared completely. The little devils felt that they could no longer find Qin Fang's shadow.

The shipyard is very large and open. With some ships under construction, various materials and so on, there are piles of sundries. In such a night, it is very suitable for concealment.

In addition, the outside of the shipyard is connected with the sea, and the water area is also a good place to hide.

The little devils have had such an experience. They don't want to scare the snake, and they are careful to sneak into the darkness of the shipyard.

At this time, the time is getting closer and closer to midnight, and the time to trade is getting closer and closer. Almost all the people involved in the action hold their breath, waiting for the arrival of trading time.

At this time, Qin Fang leaned on the top of the mast on the top of the ship and looked down at the whole shipyard. Under the inspection of his investigation skills, the figure hidden in the dark could not escape.

Han long is dead. Qin Fang thinks that Han Long's power should have fallen into the hands of Jiang rou. At least it has something to do with this woman.

The transaction still goes on, but the two sides of the transaction have changed, but it doesn't matter. The Sanlian Gang wants to see the goods, not the people.

"this has little to do with the Qin side. It's the business of long ye to grab this batch of goods. He has only one person to deal with, which is the bloody hand man Mo Tu San. To be exact, what the Qin side has to do is to hold Tu San down, so that he can't stop him If you scratch the Dragon Master's action, then Qin's task is completed.

It's just "Where did Tu San hide?"

Qin Fang has a wide field of vision, and it is estimated that only he can do this. Unless he is a master of the peerless lightness skill of crossing the river with a reed of monk Wukong, it is difficult to stand on such a sharp mast.

However, Qin Fang could twist his legs into a structure similar to the tail of a snake. His whole body was wrapped around it, and his upper body was extremely stable.

The heavy sniper gun is now in place, which is used to deal with Tu San.

Qin Fang is very confident in his shooting skills. "But he also knows that he may not be able to kill such demons as Tu San. He is an expert in martial arts, and his perception of danger is no less than Qin Fang, or even stronger..." All of a sudden, Tu San himself is also an expert in playing with guns, and his shooting skills are no less than those of Qin Fang. He thought that Song Gang was so hard to kill and rob. This time, he wanted to kill Tu San, who was probably stronger in shooting skills, and the difficulty could be imagined!

Fortunately, what Qin had to do was to contain and not necessarily kill. Naturally, the difficulty was greatly reduced. With this gun,

Qin's success rate is much higher.

The only trouble is that Qin has not found Tu San's whereabouts.

As time goes by, the needle points to the hour, and a sound comes from a bell tower in the distance, which means midnight is coming.

It seems that in response to such a sound, there are some white waves on the sea It's not a simple wave, it's someone driving the motorboat towards this side.

There is no doubt that this should be one side of the deal Qin Fang's mind was slightly awe inspiring, and his gun was also slightly tightened. With the help of the sight above, he began to peep at the figure in the distance.

The infrared wire is closed by him. It's too easy to expose his hiding place. In fact, it's not very useful with his shooting technique. Real snipers don't need such a thing.

"Didn't Tu San come?"

With the approaching of the motorboat, Qin Fang could see all the people on the motorboat very clearly. He had seen Tu San, once through the eyes of a dog, and once with his own eyes.

But soon he looked through three motorboats and more than a dozen people, but he did not find anyone who was similar to Tu San. Instead, these ten people were obviously Southeast Asian aborigines, and seemed to be people from the golden triangle.

These ten people are obviously different from the islanders. Naturally, they are not members of the triad, so they can only be members of the Golden Triangle... " Among them, the guy with a cold face and a little stomach seemed to be a leader, but he didn't see Tu San around him.

This makes Qin Fang feel a little strange Han long is dead, and Tu San's task is a failure, but Jiang Rou seems to have hired Tu San again. Jiang Rou doesn't give up the deal, so there's no reason not to let Tu San come.You should know that Mr. long has already got the news. Otherwise, how can you ask him to help with such a big capital?

Qin Fang did not move, but quietly observed the movement below. He had an intuition Tu San must be around and can't hide like him.

As a fierce man on the list of villains, Tu San is famous for his caution and caution. He can't put himself under the barrel of a gun.

But since he is employed by Jiang Rou in such a big deal, it is impossible for him not to show up. The only explanation is that he is just like Qin Fang, hiding in the dark and staring at the deal over there Tu San didn't show up, but the transaction below should be carried out normally.

The people of the Golden Triangle have arrived, and soon a few cars have been driven out of the darkness of the shipyard, and they are connected with the people of the golden triangle. It is obvious that they are from the Sanlian gang.

Qin can vaguely see that both sides are inspecting the goods. Batches of white powder packed in bags are gradually being sent up. The amount is huge. Although Qin can't really see it, he also feels that there are more than 100 kilograms Although the price of this batch of drugs purchased by the gangs is much lower than their own retail price, the value of such a lot of goods is also very high.

Money moves people!

But for a man like Mr. long, he would not have taken such a big risk if it had not been that the goods were really abundant.

And Qin Fang can get Sanwei after he does business with Sanwei. Although he gives a discount, it's definitely a big business But this will not affect Qin's mood. He is actively adjusting his state.

If he didn't guess wrong, it's time for the Dragon Master's people to do the same!

When the handover between the two sides was just completed, the people in the golden triangle were ready to take money, and the Sanlian gang were ready to receive the goods, a gunshot broke the silence of the night.

Sure enough, Lord Long's men started!

There is no doubt about this. Qin Fang can even see where the man hiding shot him, and directly killed the boy who was in charge of receiving the goods in Sanlian gang.

The reaction of the triad gang and the drug dealers was not slow. Almost after the sound of the gun, they immediately pulled out the guns they were carrying, and immediately searched for shelter.

Bang bang one by one, the counterattack also started immediately. For a moment, the gunfire in this area of the whole shipyard was loud, making the originally empty shipyard lively.

The first reaction of the triad Gang is that the drug dealers in the Golden Triangle eat black. This kind of thing is not uncommon. Therefore, many triads do not want to trade with these drug dealers directly. They prefer to find a middleman like Han long. "So the triad Gang immediately raised their guns to attack the drug dealers. The drug dealers are not vegetarians. They were originally taxis under the general Chacha Soldiers, killing people with guns is much better than trading drugs. They immediately shot back.

As long Ye's men are fighting at home, and there are a large number of them, they fight together. Whether they are drug dealers or triads, they are all rude The most unfortunate ones should be the little devils that the Shankou group followed Qin Fang.

They don't know where they are at all. They are searching for Qin Fang's whereabouts in the dark. They are shocked by the sudden gunfire. What's more sad is that someone was accidentally killed by stray bullets Little devils have never been big minded. When they encounter such a loss, they will bite back immediately, but they don't understand what happened. They are involuntarily involved in the gun fight These people were originally meant to deal with Qin Fang, because Yamamoto knew that Qin Fang was very good at fighting, and it was obvious that he was not an opponent when he used his fist, so all of them were sent to fight this time.

In such a gunfight, naturally, they are not afraid. The only disadvantage is that the number of them is the least.

The drug relief, triad Gang, Xin'an and Shankou group in the Golden Triangle have directly become a four-way scuffle. Everyone is fighting on their own. One side is dealing with the other three at the same time.

At this time, there is no so-called trust to speak of. Except for themselves, the others are enemies As for Qin Fang, although he is a helper invited by Lord long, he does not belong to any of the four forces.

So even if all the people below died, they had nothing to do with him.

There was a lot of gunfire at the bottom, and the whole scene was mixed up. Qin Fang was leisurely watching from the top, just watching the live shooting movie Although the scene is not as good as the movie and TV after post production, it's very interesting to see the blood racing in the real team!

(to be continued)