Chapter 980

Sato from the hand, to be cleaned up by the Qin side, before and after there is not much time, this arrogant and domineering, invincible little devil can only lie there.

As for the specific death or not, that is not what we need to care about. This boy's face has been lost, and no one will look down on him. Who let this boy's previous thousand things be too arrogant.

Yamamoto originally wanted to ask someone to rescue Sato, but Sato helped him out a lot before, but now he is lying there like a dead dog, losing all his face, even his face.

Yamamoto was never polite to such a person, so he gave him up Dead or alive, for Yamamoto's meaning is not big.

Sato lost, Yamamoto won't care, his attention also focused on the duel between Jizhen Xuanyi and Qin Fang There was a strange light in his eyes.

Yamamoto knew something about Jizhen Xuanyi. Otherwise, he would not have invited him to Hong Kong Island. Sato was just a disciple of Jizhen Xuanyi. He was so powerful. How powerful was Jizhen Xuanyi as a master?

Yamamoto had been looking forward to it. Before he came here, he thought about whether he wanted a black fist master to fight jizhenxuan.

But when he found that Sato, a disciple he didn't look up to before, was already a master of the same level as the African lion and Nordic giant, Yamamoto immediately gave up his plan to let jizhenxuan do it.

Heng is now

Sato, who is already very powerful, can't even make a move in Qin Fang's hands. He is really disgraced. Now all his hopes are placed on Jizhen Xuanyi.

Although Jizhen Xuanyi was dragged back by Qin Fang, they didn't really fight each other, so we can't judge their strength by this.

Not only does Yamamoto think so, but Jizhen Xuanyi thinks so himself

Power is not everything!

He lost in strength, but how can he make up for it in skill? At least Qin Fang's shot just now can hardly see any skill to speak of. "This is what he can use.

Qu DA and Kong Er were also stunned by Qin's strength.

Although they have also guessed that Qin might have some strength, they just regard it as Qin has learned some simple tricks from others.

They know a lot of such people, but there is no real master at all.

But now it's different. In their eyes, Sato, who is extremely powerful, is already the level of the black boxer African lion and Nordic giant in the competition just now,

but in the hands of Qin Fang, he easily kills PI with one move

then Qin Fang's strength is pi

suddenly, Qu DA and Kong er both think of what Qin Fang said before Kong ER was really interested in it, but he only thought it was Qin's exaggerated Qu Yuancheng. He didn't believe it at all.

However, Qin's actions indirectly prove that Qin's words seem to be true

as the saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together and people flock together".

Qin Fang has such powerful strength, and his friends can't be too weak, otherwise it's hard to get together. Maybe the expert introduced by Qin Fang has such powerful strength as he said After all, Qin has proved this with iron fist.

With this in mind, Qu DA and Kong er's worries about Qin Fang were alleviated.

Although the other side has a master like Jizhen Xuanyi, or Sato's master, it should be regarded as a very powerful master, but judging from the simple fight between Qin Fang and Jizhen Xuanyi and Qin Fang's confidence, Qin Fang obviously has an absolute advantage

even looking at Qin Fang, it seems that he can almost say that he can kill a master like Jizhen Xuanyi!

"Don't look at me like that! I'm a normal person. I didn't teach an old man like you... "

Looking at the purple face of Jizhen Xuanyi, Qin Fang was teasing with a smile.

"Baga..." Jizhen Fang Yi was already very angry. Now Qin Fang has been challenging his bottom line again and again. How can he not be angry?

Maybe at this time, he can finally realize the grievance of his disciple Sato, and understand why Sato would act recklessly. Qin Fang is really irritating. I don't want to talk about this with you. Let's get back to business Don't you want to fight me? I promise you

If Jizhen Xuanyi's teasing is infuriated, Qin Fang is too lazy to go on.

this battle is sure to be fought, so he immediately agrees to the duel on the premise of Jizhen Xuanyi.


Although Jizhen Xuanyi was very depressed, Qin Fang had agreed to his challenge. As a great warrior, he would not shrink back.I saw that jizhenxuan's step was slightly staggered. He stretched out his hand and motioned to the challenge arena there.

Naturally, it's not a place for duels. With so many people around, it's not very convenient for them to fight. It's even more troublesome if they hurt others by mistake.

Comparatively speaking, the challenge arena over there is much quieter. At least both of them can do it hand in hand. They won't get in the way because of the existence of some people.

Qin Fang naturally didn't care. Surrounded by the crowd, the two men came to the challenge arena here. In fact, there were boxers in the contest. It was just such a heavy competition that the two boxers in the fight were like children fighting. They didn't have any interest at all.

In this case, Guizi, the two boxers, was very embarrassed to call back his boxers. Faced with continued humiliation, the venue was so easy to empty, leaving an open space for Qin Fang and Jizhen Xuanyi.

"Life and death duel?"

Two people this hasn't come into play, Qin Fang suddenly thought of something, immediately asked Xiao smilingly.

There is a big difference between ordinary duels and life and death duels, "because they are not black boxers in the ring, and there are not so many restrictions on such duels. They can choose each other.

It's just like Sato's previous efforts to clean up the rich and young boxers on Hong Kong Island. He just injured them and didn't kill them!

It's the same now. If it's an ordinary duel, Qin Fang and Ji Zhenxuan only need to fight. At most, if one party is seriously injured and loses combat effectiveness, they can end the fight.

But if it's a duel between life and death, it's the same as black boxing. If two people go in, only one can come out

"Life and death decide..."

As a great warrior, Jizhen Xuanyi felt insulted by Qin Fang. He had to wash his humiliation with Qin Fang's blood, so he did not hesitate to choose a duel between life and death. Only such a duel can produce the strongest strength and kill Qin Fang in the most tragic way.

Only in this way can he release his revenge more crazily.

"Brush slowly

however, before Ji Zhenxuan finished speaking, Yamamoto on one side suddenly called out, interrupted Ji zhenxuanyi's words, pulled him aside and whispered in a low voice.

Qin Fang held his hands in front of his chest and looked indifferent. It seemed that he didn't care about Jizhen Xuanyi's choice at all. Whether it was an ordinary duel or a duel of life and death, he would gladly accept it.

This kind of performance makes people clearly feel Qin Fang's abundant confidence, and even feel that Qin Fang is more of a master.

In contrast, Sato, who is short and arrogant, and jizhenxuan, who is not clear about people, who is extremely protective of his weaknesses, are not so optimistic.

Jizhen Xuanyi and Yamamoto whispered there, mainly because Yamamoto was talking. Jizhen Xuanyi was listening, just looking at Jizhen Xuanyi's slightly wrinkled brow, it seemed that he was very embarrassed.

But in the end, Jizhen Xuanyi nodded, "or was Yamamoto convinced? N

"ordinary duel I'll make friends with Mr. Qin in martial arts. Let's stop at once! "

Jizhen Xuanyi was obviously very unwilling, but he seemed to be afraid, so he had to agree to Yamamoto's proposal, and finally chose the ordinary duel.

Originally, many people were looking forward to this is a life and death duel, but did not expect that at the end of the sudden turn of the road, how can they feel better?

So everyone sent a cry of disdain, and some of them even put up their middle finger

"it doesn't matter, just click and stop!"

Qin Fang shrugged his shoulders and said that he was more inclined to fight for life and death. Who made this Jizhen Xuanyi a right winger with no capital? As a native of Ninghai, Qin Fang hated little devils to the bone For this kind of right winger, Qin Fang is eager to see one kill another!

At this time, it is able to reflect the style of the two sides, and many people have talked about it. After all, although such a contest is not a duel between life and death, "it is also quite interesting n

" how can I be the referee in this fight? "

Just as the crowd was talking, a clear voice came from behind the crowd. The crowd automatically separated and saw several people coming in.

The leader is the person in charge and the manager of this boxing ring. As for the two retinues who follow him, they are his retinues.

The person who spoke is naturally the manager. Only he is qualified to say this. He seems to be attracted by the trouble here.

"Qin is happy to be the referee with the manager."

Who is the referee? In fact, it doesn't make much sense. Qin didn't intend to give jizhenxuan any chance at all. Whether there is a referee or not, the result is the same.And with a referee, if you favor one side, it will make the other side more passive. However, if the referee is biased to the side of Jizhen Xuanyi, it will be said that he has taken advantage of the referee.

however, if the referee is biased to the side of Jizhen Xuanyi, it is also something that Qin hates. Maybe he will even clean up the referee!

However, since it is with the manager when the referee, naturally is the best.

The boxing field is in charge of the manager. He certainly won't do favoritism, and there's no need to do it.

Yamamoto's Yamaguchi group is really powerful, but compared with the Black Boxing League in the underground world, it's really much worse.

Although the Yamaguchi formation is full of force, it's easy for these big forces in the underground world to destroy the Yamaguchi formation.

The reason why he Zongpu came to be the referee is mostly due to the face of Qin Fang and Jizhen Xuanyi, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

With such a referee, the back is simple, and the manager ordered, immediately prepared the field, and let the two players fully prepared.

"Let's go" n "

since the two men are just ordinary duels, he and the manager are also in the steel cage. He will separate them when necessary. He doesn't want any of them to die in the challenge arena.

"I'll let you know that jizhendao is powerful..."

Jizhen Xuanyi's spirit and spirit are completely condensed, and the whole person looks like a horrible monster full of beast breath. Even if it's close to him, he thinks it's too fierce.

I saw him looking at Qin Fang with a kind of vulture's eyes, "his eyes were filled with ferocious black breath," and he said word by word.

"Take care of you One move is enough

Qin Fang held his chest in his hands and looked at Jizhen Xuanyi coldly with a carefree posture. Then he expressed his disdain in a tone.

It seems that in order to accentuate this tone, Qin Fang specially extended a finger and gently shook PI

compared with jizhenxuanyi's seemingly ferocious pre war manifesto, Qin Fang's propaganda seemed to be more powerful and more H "

all of a sudden, he compared jizhenxuanyi with jizhenxuanyi, and the faces of Yamamoto and others were also taken as ugly.

"Big brother, do you bet ten million for me? I'll win!"

What makes the Japanese capital even more collapsed is that Qin Fang didn't take action immediately. Instead, he yelled at Qu Yuancheng, who was close to the steel cage.

When there's a fight, there's a bet, not to mention the fight between Qin Fang and Jizhen Xuanyi. Almost from the beginning, those who didn't make a bet were very enthusiastic. Naturally, Yamamoto and others stood on Jizhen Xuanyi's side and made a heavy bet to buy Jizhen Xuanyi to win, while Qu Da and Kong Er didn't make a bet on Qin Fang to win.

Other people have their own names, but they don't pay attention to Jizhen Xuanyi or Qin Fang. Generally speaking, they are in a situation of equal strength

But Qin Fang's no bet immediately made the boxing match more interesting, especially when Jizhen Xuanyi made no bet on Qin Fang's words, he had already made a bold move!

(to be continued)