Chapter 893

Qin Qing talked about what happened 20 years ago bit by bit. Although the tone was gentle, only Qin Qing understood the ups and downs.

Although Qin Fang did not witness what happened at the beginning, he could not witness it, but he could also imagine how hard it was for his mother Qin Qing.

As for the Qu family, even his mother's mother's family, Qin Fang didn't like the Qu family at all.

"Mom, since we haven't contacted each other for so many years and the Qu family hasn't come to you, let's treat it as if we don't have this relative. Why do we have to go there?"

The more he understood this, Qin asked strangely.

Qin Fang knows something about the filthy affairs of these so-called upper class families. Although there is no evidence to prove that the Qu family did the sudden disappearance of his father Qin Tiannan, this possibility can never be ruled out

If they did it, it would be the enemy of the Qin family. If Qin Fang didn't take revenge, it would be for his mother Qin Qing's sake. Should he go to please, flatter and flatter?

"You child..." Looking at the grown-up child Qin Fang in front of him, Qin Qing's face was full of the brilliance of his mother Xing, gently stroked Qin Fang's hair and sighed.

"Although it was 20 years ago, I really didn't have any evidence to prove that your father's disappearance was related to them. Moreover, I met a former friend a few years ago, who once said that during the days when your father disappeared, in fact, the Qu family had been trying their best to find out..." "They sent someone to take me back to Qu's house because they were afraid that I would be too worried and hurt myself. It's just the messenger..." Qin Qing simply tells something that Qin Fang doesn't know. It seems that there is some evidence that the Qu family has nothing to do with it. Maybe they have slowly accepted the fact that Qin Tiannan is the son-in-law of their Qu family. But at this moment, Qin Tiannan suddenly disappeared!

"I don't think so. Maybe they just pretend to be..."

However, Qin Fang didn't think so. Qin Fang knew a lot about the goods of the upper class. It's not impossible.

"Forget it, I'll say so! At the beginning, the Qu family looked down on your father. Your father once said that after he wanted to get ahead, he went back to beat them in the face! It's a pity that your father doesn't have the chance to do it for the time being, so it's up to you to do it "

looking at the son in front of him who doesn't like the Qu family at all, Qin Qing didn't give any advice,

although God s è was a little gloomy when talking about Qin Tiannan, he suddenly said with a smile.

When Qin Tiannan and Qin Qing got on well, she just went to Hong Kong Island from the mainland. Although she had the valuable treasure, she kept it carefully all the time. She never thought about it. When she met Qin Qing, she gave it to her as a token of love.

The Qu family doesn't know this, otherwise, the best set of jadeite jewelry is worth a lot. If they are willing to sell it, it will be a large sum, enough for Qin Tiannan and Qu Qing to live on Hong Kong Island

But Qin Tiannan didn't do it. Naturally, in the eyes of the Qu family, Qin Tiannan is a little white face who cheated Miss Qu and wanted to take advantage of their Qu family, so he immediately cracked down.

Qin Tiannan is also stubborn Xing son, immediately on the bar with the Qu family, once said so confident It's a pity that he disappeared mysteriously before he came out.

"Slap your father in the face?"

Qin Fang has long been used to this mother who is not in tune with her words. Unexpectedly, this time she said she was going to celebrate the new year, but she went for this matter.

"Hey, hey, I like this..." At that time, the Qu family looked down upon Qin Tiannan, who had nothing. As Qin Tiannan's son, Qin Fang naturally beat the Qu family's face for the father he had never met. This is not impossible!

Qin Tiannan, the old father, disappeared before he had the ability to do so, but now his son Qin Fang has such strength

Perhaps Qin Fang's current assets are far from being comparable to Qu's, but they are enough to go to the well face!

"Mom, we'll do as you say. This year, we'll go to Hong Kong Island to play in the face of his family..." In this way, Qin conveniently agreed to his mother's request. Although he vaguely felt that there might be something he didn't know about, he also wanted to do it!

For nothing else, just for Daddy!

"That's good, that's good..." Looking at the angry expression on her son's face, Qin Qing could only smile helplessly.

For the family that once let her down, she really hated for a long time, but she had been buried in her heart and never showed it.

However, time can dilute a lot of things. Twenty years later, the original resentment has been reduced, and the resentment towards the family is no longer that.

Of course, it is impossible for her to go back willingly.A few years ago, when she met a friend from Hong Kong Island who knew something about the Qu family, she had such a moment's intention.

She didn't want to go back and enjoy the rich life with clothes and food. She just wanted her son Qin Fang to live a better life

But in the end she gave up and didn't want to go back to the family.

But this year is a little different. She even took the initiative to go back for the Spring Festival, and even got in touch with the Qu family in advance. It's really against common sense.

Even Qin Fang felt that what was hidden in the lock was that he could read other people's minds, but he could not find out his mother's heart.

Twenty years later, the truth of the incident has been completely buried. It is not clear who is right and who is wrong, even the Qu family themselves.

But Qin Qing, the fourth miss of the Qu family, is also missing suddenly, just like Qin Tiannan. Although the Qu family is also looking for Qu Qing's whereabouts, they have nothing to find.

The only information the Qu family knew was that Qu Qing had gone to Qin Tiannan's hometown, the mainland.

Among the Qu family, Qin Tiannan is a mainland boy who has nothing. At that time, under the British system, they looked down upon Qin Tiannan very much. Naturally, they would not care where Qin Tiannan's hometown was.

In addition, they don't know about Qu Qing's pregnancy, and they have sent people to the mainland to look for her, but the person they are looking for is not the same as Qu Qing with a big stomach. This clue is also completely broken

Since the day Qin Qing left the Qu family and left for the mainland 20 years ago, the old lady of the Qu family, Qin Qing's mother and Qin Fang's grandmother seem to be suffering from a heart attack. She has not been in good health. Even if the Qu family has spent a lot of money, it can only stabilize the old lady's condition, but it has always been difficult to get to the root

This time, the old lady suddenly became seriously ill. It was almost time for the oil to run out and the lamp to run out. At the last moment, she was always talking about her youngest daughter whom she had not seen in 20 years

The Hong Kong friend who met Qin Qing a few years ago, after knowing the situation, although he promised Qin Qing to hide Qin Qing's information from the Qu family, at this time, he also immediately contacted Qin Qing and told him the situation

That's why Qin Qing suddenly asked Qin Fang to go to Hong Kong Island with her for the new year's holiday. She wanted to see her mother, but she didn't want to.

Because missed this time, it is very likely that she will never see again in her life

Although the knot in his heart has not been completely solved, Qin Qing has no choice but to take filial piety first.

The reason why we brought Qin Fang with us is that we still need to let the old lady see her grandson before she dies. Even in those days, the old lady looked down on her grandson's father

now that we have decided to do this, we need to make some necessary preparations, such as Qin Fang's passport, Qin Qing's passport, Hong Kong and Macao pass and so on, as well as some miscellaneous things, which Qin Fang has done quickly.

There are also some things in Ninghai. Qin also made some relatively stable arrangements. Li Rui has no news yet, and the situation in tiger is not stable. Don't wait for him to go out and come back after a new year, the rear base camp will be changed.

Tang Feifei is now considered to be following the rooster and the dog. Although they have not formally obtained the license, it is just a legal procedure. Now the relationship has been settled.

Qin Fang simply told Tang Feifei about this, and Tang Feifei agreed without hesitation, even though she wanted to go back to the capital to accompany him.

However, after eating the pill sent by Qin Fang, the old man's serious physical problems have also been alleviated. As long as he takes good care of himself, there will be no problem for him to live for another ten years.

he is not worried about not spending the Spring Festival together.

Originally, Qin Fang was going to take Wen Yan with her, but there were three girls from Ninghai who came out of the mountains and had little common sense of life. Although Qin Fang arranged Xiao Qing to teach them, Wen Yan decided to stay with them in order to make Qin Fang worry less.

As for the other girls, they all have their own reasons and things to deal with, and they can't go with them. In the end, only Tang Feifei, the real lady, accompanied Qin Fang and her expectant mother-in-law Qin Qing to Hong Kong Island.

But fan Ning, who has been floating abroad all the time, knew the news when he was just about to return home, and then said that he had also gone to Hong Kong Island to meet with Qin!.