Chapter 870

The top ten concealed weapons of the Tang clan. They are absolutely terrible weapons.

But there is a big defect. Basically, it's a big killer of Xing. After using it, it's almost the same as rebuilding it.

Just like the rainstorm pear Hu that Qin Fang got from Tang Nan, now more than 3000 ox hair awn needles have been shot out, and the rainstorm pear Hu only has a needle tube with very fine structure.

But a syringe is useless at all, and the more than 3000 ox hair awn needles can't be put back. Basically, from the moment it was launched, it has become a useless scrap iron cylinder.

At that time, Qin just wanted to clean the battlefield, but did not think of other aspects.

It was not until last night that Qin Fang thought of the repair skill that he had not used up to now, and then he thought of the heavy rain pear Hu who was lost in the prop box.

Yu Zheng's hands and feet have been broken for more than ten years, and the wound has been healed for a long time. Many nerves and blood vessels have been well developed, and it has long been determined that they can't be cured. However, Qin Fang can completely recover such injuries overnight by using repair skills.

Although the loss of a lot of hard-earned value of justice, but the acceptance of Yu Zheng, the former Asian gambling king, Qin Fang did not feel that he suffered a loss.

Now, the Qin side thinks it is necessary to repair this rainstorm pear.

The power of rainstorm pear Hu is quite amazing, and it's hard for anyone to resist when it breaks out at close range. The most important thing is that the ox hair and Awn Needle of rainstorm pear Hu breaks through the real Qi to protect the body. It's definitely a big weapon to deal with Wulin experts.

Of course, in fact, modern thermal weapons can also achieve such an effect. Even big killers like bombs are countless times more powerful than heavy rain weapons.

But one of the things that heat weapons can do well is to harm others and themselves. Once a bomb explodes, it will cause great damage within the scope. Even the user himself will be injured if he doesn't stay away.

It's obviously much better for Hu to control Xing. Suddenly he's taken out to sneak attack. The effect may be better than the gun

At least there will be obvious gunfire, which is easy to disturb other people, but it is absolutely silent and invisible.

"Rainstorm pear Hu", a special rare item, is one of the top ten concealed weapons of the Tang clan. Item level: unlimited, repairable (repair level: 3, need to consume 400 justice points)

The Qin side carefully studied the rainstorm pear and carefully identified it. At the same time, it cooperated with the repair skills and got the "answer" plan that the Qin side needed to know.

Repair skills are not unlimited, but the limitation lies in the level of repair. The more delicate and difficult to repair props are made, the more justice value will be consumed.

For example, Qin Fang repaired Yu Zheng's broken hand and foot yesterday. Although it is quite difficult for the treatment, it is only a small difficulty for the system. Therefore, the repair level is the lowest level of 1

, and it costs 100 justice points for each use.

If the repair level is level 2, each repair will consume 200 justice points.

And so on, the repair level is level 3. Each repair consumes 400 justice points, and the repair level is level 4. Each repair consumes 800 points

Basically, when the repair level increases step by step, the justice value that needs to be consumed is doubled. The higher the repair level is, the more terrible the justice value will be.

The repair level of the torrential rain pear Hu is level 3. The Qin party needs to consume 400 justice points to completely repair it, which is not very small, but the Qin party can afford it now.



Qin didn't hesitate. It's a sharp weapon for self-defense and a big weapon for killing the enemy. Even the Tang clan has few. Now that it's in its own hands, Qin can't let it waste.

What's more, "Shen Wuben, if you're really unintelligent, then I'm not polite! Tut Tut, I really don't know how people in Shaolin temple would react when they found out that Shen Wu had died in the rainstorm of Tangmen. " Thinking of this, Qin Fang couldn't help laughing.

Shaolin Temple and Tangmen are both giants. There are a lot of experts in them. Now Qin Fang is struggling with the young generation of experts. When he meets the older generation of experts, they are all masters above the master level. Obviously, Qin Fang can't fight against them

At least not yet.

Now, the killing of Tang Nan by Qin Fang has basically offended the Tang clan. However, there is an ambiguous relationship in Shaolin Temple. Shen Wu is supposed to pay Qin Fang, but monk Wukong has to protect Qin Fang. This relationship is chaotic enough.

If we really let Qin Fang go that far, it's obviously a very good idea to use Shaolin Temple to contain the Tang clanThe rainstorm pear is one of the top ten hidden weapons of the Tang clan. This is the secret of the Tang clan. It can't be spread. The only one that flows out is the one brought out by Tang Nan.

It's just that this one has been used. It's basically scrapped. If people in Tangmen want to investigate the whereabouts of Tang Nan, they will definitely go to that cave.

Although Qin Fang took away the bodies of Yu Yu Li Hu and Tang Nan and wiped out most of the traces, the 3000 ox hair awn needles emitted by Yu Yu Li Hu could not be taken away. This is the ox hair Awn Needle made by the Tang clan with very cutting-edge technology, which is specially used by Yu Yu Li Hu. The experts of Tang clan must know it.

It proves that the rainstorm pear has been used. Even if the syringe is taken away, it can't be repaired as before. Even if the people of Tangmen want to accuse Qin Fang of having a rainstorm pear, it's obviously unreliable

It is estimated that they do not believe that Qin can repair one of the ten hidden weapons of the Tang clan.

But Qin Fang had such ability.

The process of repair was really carried out in the prop box. Qin lost 70 justice points without any sound, and all the ox hair awn needles disappeared immediately. The empty d'ang d'ang syringe of the rainstorm pear was filled up immediately, which changed back to the original appearance.

And this syringe looks brand-new, as if it has just been made, but no one will doubt its horror. Once it breaks out, it is definitely a killer.

Of course, it's not impossible for Tang Feifei to use this weapon as a protective treasure. It's a fool's weapon. You just need to know how to use it. Basically, even children can use it.

It's just that Qin Fang knows it's better not to give it to Tang Feifei. For one thing, it's heavy. Tang Feifei and Tang Feifei are not as heavy as those experts of Tang clan. They carry dozens of Jin as light as Hongyan. It's tiring to hang on them.

What's more, although it's not as easy to go off as a gun, it's very dangerous in case of an accident.

Or when it's used for self-defense, it's still useful to deal with Wulin experts. When these people hear the name of Hu, they won't take the initiative to seek death.

But if we face some ordinary people, it is absolutely a large number of people will die, girls are afraid of blood type, obviously this thing is not suitable for them.

Moreover, the Qin side has already prepared a better protection magic weapon for Tang Feifei. It's better to leave this storm pear in the hands of the Qin side

Yu Zheng's hands and feet have all recovered as before, and Qin's justice value has also consumed a lot. The justice value of nearly 3000 is now only a little more than 2000.

"It seems that the value of justice is not enough. You have to save more money..."

Looking at the sharp decrease of justice value, Qin Fang was also very touched and said that if he had not happened to encounter the scene of high priest Darren cheating and harming others, and knew what these people had done, he would have slaughtered all the people in anger, and only in this way could he have gathered so much justice value, he would not have repaired one pear, even for Yu Zheng It's impossible to do with one hand or one foot

Feelings come from feelings, but what we have to pay is still what we have to pay, and the reward we get is definitely more than what we pay

It doesn't matter that it's very difficult to meet the gang villains like high priest Darren in the future, and Qin can't easily earn justice value. Qin can also take other routes to earn justice value.

After finishing up, Qin Fang and his party are also ready to go to Ninghai.

Fat boss, they have already mended the tires of Qin Fang's car. Even the car has been wiped clean. They are all looking at Qin Fang with fear. I wish they could leave here as soon as possible!

"I said that fat man, I'll send you a message before I leave. If you do anything unjust, you will die. It's not every time someone helps you out..."

Before he left, Qin Fang looked at the fat boss and knew what was on his mind. However, Qin Fang didn't have anything to say after thinking about it, so he simply muttered and drove away.

As for whether the fat man listened or not, it's not what Qin should care about. Although this kind of person is hateful, it can't reach the level of a villain who kills people and sets them on fire, and Qin can't get rid of him for the people.

If you really do something to this fat man, it's not worth mentioning that there's no justice value. Qin Fang may even lose his justice value, so it's not cost-effective.

It seems that Qin Fang won't do this kind of obvious loss business, especially if the fat man is not guilty to death. I believe that after being cleaned up by Qin Fang, the boy will be more or less restrained.!.