Chapter 817

"This is my first time..."

Qin Fang had no choice but to repeat it seriously.

This kind of bow and arrow is powerful enough to kill people. It's really his first time to use it. He has never played it before, or even touched it.

However, he didn't rely entirely on M é ng to reach the level of this arrow. Besides, sando is an old hunter for many years. How can he not see whether this arrow was shot by his own ability or when a blind cat met a dead mouse?

The grasp of angle and strength is absolutely the ability of a first-class shooter. A novice can't do it anyway, even if he is a genius.

"Maybe it's because I've practiced gun..."

Knowing that his reason is too pale, Qin Fang finds a more reliable reason: "when they were in Ninghai military region, they wanted me to be a sniper"

this is not Qin Fang's show off, it's a fact. Qin Fang is the most powerful sniper, and there is no problem of state or hand feeling. His performance is always very stable and absolutely perfect Yes, the one that won't go wrong.

"Well, no wonder..."

Don't mention it. Qin Fang's reason is relatively reliable. After hearing uncle's words, he thinks it's a bit credible. The reason why a sniper is so powerful is that his accuracy of sniping is just the most basic requirement.

If Qin Fang's marksmanship can reach the level of a sniper, it's no surprise that this arrow is so accurate. Although uncle Wen knows that bow and arrow and sniper gun are two completely different weapons, they can't be generalized.

If the shooting method is accurate and the archery method is also accurate, then there is no need for the national team to set up two kinds of "movement" teams, namely, gun and arrow

However, Qin Fang's reason is more reliable than that of the novice just now, so he simply explained it to Sang duo.

Sandor doesn't know much about guns, but he also knows a little bit, because his brother-in-law hears that uncle is a policeman. He always carries a gun when he goes into the mountain, and he has seen the power of that gun.

Although still skeptical, but at least much easier than before.

Judge Qin, since your archery is so good, we can all rely on you today You must return with a full load

Uncle Wen is not the kind of person who is too sentimental. Although he accidentally became the one with the shortest foot among the three, he was much happier when he thought that Qin Fang, the best archer, was his son-in-law to be.

If Qin Fang can hunt more prey today than his brother-in-law sang, then his father-in-law to be is also in the spotlight, which is better than the tragic end of every hunting with his brother-in-law.

"Don't worry, leave it to me ,………”

Qin Fang can also feel the pressure of Uncle Wen, which means that the reason why he is willing to take Qin Fang to hunt together is that he wants to win the bottom.

As a result, the one who should have been at the bottom climbed directly to the top, and he was quite depressed. Sandor didn't think it was anything. People in the mountains are like this. If you have the ability, others will respect you very much. You can put aside the age and other things for the time being.

It's like the Glen tribe. A little girl like Zhuoma, even the daughter of the patriarch, is not much better than the daughter of an ordinary family. But Zhuoma has a stronger power than a man, and her status is totally different.

If the patriarch doesn't have to be inherited by men, more people in the glam tribe are willing to let Zhuoma inherit the position of patriarch.

Qin Fang is about the same age as Zhuoma now. Everything is just like Fuyun. With this skill of archery, sando admired it.

With such strength, they will not reap too much in this hunting trip. Maybe they can come back with a full load

"Let's go!"

After cleaning up the dead rabbit, the three people set out on the journey and continued to go deep into the mountain. At the same time, they were looking for the trace of the prey everywhere.

Sando is worthy of being an old hunter for decades. His hunting experience is not comparable to Qin Fang's. Qin Fang can only rely on his own excellent eyesight to find prey, but sando can find clues from some clues

For example, what kind of prey is it, which route it takes, how big it is, and what special living habits it has

These can be analyzed from some simple traces!

Qin Fang was like a studious child. He followed sang duo to ask questions and kept these rare experiences in mind. At the same time, he was also paying attention to the movement around him and checking the potential prey at any time.

Sangduo didn't mind Qin Fang's diligence and studiousness. He seemed to appreciate it. Whenever Qin Fang asked, he would always answer it very enthusiastically and seriously.

Old hunters like Sandor, besides hunting by themselves, are also responsible for teaching the young children in the tribe to master these necessary survival skills. If the tribe wants to continue, it must master wellEvery life is very precious. If you want to survive and live well, you must firmly grasp these skills

There are still quite a lot of prey in this mountain, but the vigilance of Xing is also quite high. Basically, if there is a little wind, they will flee every day immediately.

So if you want to hunt these prey, you must be very serious. It will be very tragic if a blind cat meets a dead mouse.

Whoosh ~ ~

suddenly, Sandor's eyes moved, and he quickly arched with his bow. The sharp arrow immediately turned into a black s è meteor, flying out quickly.

Poof ~

after a few seconds, I saw a very humble looking little thing in the corner of a tree not far away and hit the arrow.

The body fluttered so twice, then immediately fell to the ground

"Huo, it's a deer..."

Smell uncle immediately step forward, picked up the game and laughed, "although it is a little small, but enough to eat a meal..."

This Swertia deer is a little smaller, but it's also much bigger than the rabbit Qin just killed. It's quite fat, and the meat of Swertia deer is quite good.

"Shhh ~"

just at this time, Qin Fang suddenly put his finger on his mouth and Shhh for a moment, and then his steps moved quickly. The whole person, like a gust of wind, chased the woods quickly, as if he had found something. He was just a little stunned, but he didn't continue to speak. Sangduo didn't stop talking and followed Qin Fang's steps It's fast forward.

Qin Fang's speed is quite fast, and Sanduo and they just can barely keep up. If Qin Fang continues to run fast, he will probably lose people.

Just as sang duo and others were ready to call Qin Fang to give up temporarily, they saw that Qin Fang suddenly stepped on a tree beside him like a big bird, and the whole person jumped up with the help of the rebound force

At the same time, he also took out an arrow, quickly put on the bow string, and then bent like a full moon, whoosh, that arrow immediately turned into a dark shadow, with boundless strong wind to fly forward.

The speed of that arrow was quite fast, even faster than the one shot by Qin Fang before. Even that arrow almost flew between the branches with a very small angle If it's only a little bit less than that, it may be tied directly to that branch.

However, the arrow successfully crossed the barrier, directly flew over the tree, flew about 50 meters, and then quickly went to the ground.

Poof ~

there was only a sound of an arrow going into the body, and the arrow from Qin Fang went buzzing into the ground.

But at the same time, there was a strange cry, which sounded like the barking of a dog. To be more precise, it was a kind of painful sh ē n chant. Unfortunately, this unfortunate beast was hit by an arrow.

Moreover, such a call only lasted for a few times, and then there was no sound at all, as if the prey had been completely killed by the arrow.

And in fact, it's true. It's still a roe deer, but it's much bigger than the one sang duo killed just now.

At that time, it was not far away from the deer that sangduo had hunted. It was probably the family's. as soon as he saw that the situation was not right, the deer withdrew Tui and ran away.

Sangduo and they didn't notice, but Qin Fang caught such a slight Bo move, and immediately chased it, and finished it with one arrow.

"Si ~ ~"

although he knew that Qin Fang had shot the prey, he was still a little scared when he heard the death of the Swertia deer.

That arrow directly shot through the skull of the Swertia deer and nailed the unfortunate child to the ground. It killed the Swertia deer in an instant. It's not like the one killed by Sandor. Up to now, it's still seriously injured

Zhangzi's head was also quite hard, but Qin Fang shot through its skull with one arrow, and then directly came out from the other side, and nailed the Zhangzi to death. This power once again made Sanduo and uncle Wen Marvel

It's much more powerful than the simple nailing on the trunk just now.

"It's really fat. 1 Xiao Qin is good..."

Seeing that Qin Fang, the son-in-law to be, had hunted a fatter prey, he immediately felt that his uncle had light on his face and gave a smile of praise.

Qin Fang laughs, but he doesn't care about it. It's just a small idea. There's nothing to praise.

"You didn't get it..." The elder brother-in-law sang duo, who didn't speak much, seemed to be a little unhappy with his brother-in-law's attitude. He immediately retorted in a low voice, which immediately made uncle Wen look depressed and could only keep silent.

The party picked up the prey and went on

"Look at me!"Seeing that Qin Fang, the son-in-law to be, and sang duo, the eldest brother-in-law, have made a lot of achievements, they have nothing to earn, so they have to pick up the spoils behind them. Hearing that, uncle feels very hard.

Just saw not far away seems to have a black shadow in the peristalsis, and Qin Fang and sangduo did not notice, immediately burst out to drink, instantly arched.

Whoosh ~

the long arrow shot out from the bow string in his hand, and the speed was quite fast.

It was quite comfortable and comfortable to hear uncle's arrow. It seemed that he had realized the essence of some kind of archery.

Before the arrow was fully shot, he felt that the arrow would surely hit the target

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch"

I don't know much about it. Uncle Wen's feeling is right, and quite right. This arrow really hit the target, and the prey immediately roared.

Then I saw a big guy who was a little bit black gradually came out of the grass, which made uncle Wen completely stupid

It's not that uncle Wen was shocked that his arrow didn't kill the prey. His bow doesn't have much power. It's not easy to kill him once.

"Wild boar?"

What really shocked uncle Wen was that the prey he just wanted to shoot was not an ordinary small animal, but a very strong and fat wild boar. The part of the arrow he just felt so good was above the chrysanthemum of the wild boar! At this time, it was also inserted on it. It was like a wild boar with long tail. Its whole body was rough and thick, but only Ju Hu was very soft. Like other wild animals, it was one of its weaknesses. Uncle Wen was lucky to shoot it. Unfortunately, the strength was too small to cause enough lethality. Instead, he was completely killed This wild boar is very fierce.

The wild boar is one of the big beasts. Although it can't be compared with lions and tigers, lions and tigers are afraid of it if they are crazy.

Now it's just because of uncle's unintentional explosion that he didn't kill the wild boar. Instead, he completely killed it

Looking at the wild boar's red eyes and deep roar, the two sharp tusks also look terrible. At this time, they have already completely focused on the injured and bleeding human

"Why am I so miserable..." Uncle Wen felt like a coffee table at this time. He clearly had a very good opportunity in front of him, and he had already seized the opportunity, even played a super state, and successfully hit his target

As a result, not only failed to kill the prey, but also provoked such a ferocious and violent wild boar and made it angry! @。