Chapter 795

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"Who said I couldn't take it out! It's just It's just that I don't have my checkbook with me today! "

In the past, if Chen Jiangnan sneered at him like this, Li Feng would fight back, and he would not really be fooled.

But now in front of him stood a poor man Qin Fang, whom he looked down upon very much before. Li Feng could not swallow his breath and lose his face.

Otherwise, he will be completely defeated by Qin Fang. Even if he kills Qin Fang in the end, Li Feng's disgrace in front of Qin Fang will never be erased. It will be another stain in his life.

"Oh, really?"

Chen Jiangnan laughed playfully, but his eyes didn't change much.

"It seems that Li Er Shao seldom comes to this famous official salon to play. It doesn't matter if he doesn't bring his checkbook. Do you see it over there In the name of Li Er Shao, it's no problem to borrow 30 million or 50 million Don't worry. It's legitimate lending here. It's not like some places. The interest rate is just a little higher than the bank interest rate... "

And Chen Jiangnan also pointed to the small room not far away, where is the casino office of Mingshi salon, which can also carry out some simple gambling loans.

When everyone is short of money, especially the gamblers who like to gamble, they are having a good time and suddenly find that they don't have enough money, so they can go there to borrow some money for emergency.

Of course, borrowing naturally needs interest. The interest rate of Mingshi salon is not high, which is far from comparable to that of Bihai Pavilion. There is usury at all. After all, Li Rui, the boss of the backstage, is the boss of Ninghai underground. He doesn't charge interest. That's the hell.

The loan amount here also depends on the identity of the borrower and the grade of the VIP card. Ordinary VIP cards can only borrow hundreds of thousands at most, and those with a little more can borrow more than one million, while those with a higher level can borrow tens of millions or tens of millions For example, the highest ceiling can borrow 100 million yuan directly.

Of course, that kind of situation is not likely to happen. It's just a small gambling house. In order to provide some entertainment activities, it's very rare to borrow tens of millions of dollars. In recent years, it's only once or twice.

Hearing what Chen Jiangnan said, Li Feng couldn't help feeling a little excited, because his VIP card was handled by his elder brother Li Rui.

Li Rui's identity is not general. What he has is the platinum card second only to the top diamond card. There are only ten of them in Ninghai. In order to let Li Feng play well, he also gives Li Feng this kind of platinum card.

Mingshi salon doesn't worry about anything. As long as Li Rui doesn't fall down, Li Feng has no problem playing in Mingshi Salon

"Hum, you wait for me..."

Li Feng this heart, think about their luck today is so good, the opponent's technology is so strange rotten incomparable, such a good chance to win money if let go, it is a pity.

So Li Feng is very domineering left such a cruel words, he is toward the office over there in the past, obviously he also seems to borrow some money to deal with emergency.

His platinum card, even if it is to borrow 30 million or 50 million, is no problem. Mingshi salon is not afraid that he will not pay back the money. Anyway, if you don't go to Li Feng, you can also ask Li Rui for it!

With Li Rui's status and power, he won't default for the $30 million or $50 million

"Qin Fang, I've offended the Li brothers for you this time. You can't cross the river and tear down the bridge. I don't care if I leave my brothers..."

As soon as Li Feng left, Chen Jiangnan immediately complained to Qin Fang. Qin Fang deliberately arranged all this. Before he came, Qin Fang asked Chen Jiangnan, and found that Chen Jiangnan was just in the famous official salon, so he asked him to try to hold Li Feng, and the best thing was to drag him on the gambling table.

It doesn't matter if you lose or win. If you win, it's Chen Jiangnan's own. If you lose, it's Qin Fang's

Chen Jiangnan has been thinking about cooperating with Qin since he made a big profit in the last cooperation with Qin. Chen Jiangnan has also learned a little about the lithium battery enterprise from Tangcheng. He knows that it must have been Qin Fang's hand. He regrets that he was too hard at first. If it had been a long time, he might be able to get a piece of it now .

It's just that there hasn't been a suitable opportunity. Qin Fang asked him to do it, and he also thought that he would offend the Li brothers. But now the society is starving, timid and courageous.

Li Rui is certainly very strong, but the Qin side is not weak at all. In addition, Tang Cheng and Ning Weiqiang are both here, so it is not certain who will win or lose in the fight between the two sides.

After such consideration, Chen Jiangnan felt that he should fight, so he immediately carried out the request of the Qin side. He just held Li Feng back. When Qin side came, they pushed Li Feng in the back

"Don't worry, you don't know who I am. I can't do without you!"

Qin Fang laughs. Chen Jiangnan did alert Qin Fang before, but later he thinks that's what happened. At least he knows his background and won't do anything out of line.In addition, this time he was so generous to help, Qin Fang couldn't really lose others

"Here comes the money. How do you want to bet?"

While they were talking, Li Feng came out of the office with a smile on his face. Obviously, he borrowed money. Of course, this was also expected by Qin Fang.

Li Feng may not have a high status in the Li family, but Li Rui takes good care of his younger brother. In the past, Li Feng used to play in Bihai Pavilion, which is Li Rui's territory. It's hard for Li Feng to have an accident.

But this is the famous official salon. Even if Li Rui is here, he can't do anything out of the ordinary. It's just that Li Rui didn't expect that Qin Fang would take advantage of this and prepare to clean up Li Feng once.

"How to play? Play whatever you like! Can't men be afraid... "

Anyway, Chen Jiangnan has made a plan to offend the Li brothers, so there is no need to cover it up. Just now, in order to make Li Feng happy, he pretended to lose a lot of money to him. Now Li Feng has a lot of money to gamble with. Of course, he has to get some money back first.

"But it's too boring for us to play. Let's find some more people together..."

However, Chen Jiangnan knows that he is only a supporting role. When Qin Fang arrives, he can disappear. The real protagonist is Qin Fang.

"No problem, young master. Are you afraid?"

Li Feng noticed that when Chen Jiangnan said this, he specially looked at Qin Fang beside him, as if he was going to pull Qin Fang together.

In fact, Li Feng himself is planning to use Ji to gamble with FA Ji and Qin Fang. Now he is very lucky. Qin Fang has a deep hatred with him. It's impossible to kill him directly. It's no problem to win Qin Fang so hard

But he didn't know that when he was in prison, Qin Fang once slaughtered several gamblers in Mingshi salon, including Qiao Zhenfei.

"Brother, why don't you come and play?"

Li Feng agrees. Chen Jiangnan naturally can't get it. Although he also guessed that Li Feng would agree, he didn't expect that he would agree so readily. He also knew that the hatred between the two people was very big.

"Well I'm not very good at it

However, Qin Fang said with difficulty, as if he was going to shirk.

"What? Qin Fang, dare not gamble? I still can't afford it Do you want me to lend you some, young master? "

Unexpectedly, Li Feng's degree is far beyond Qin Fang's estimation. Although he guessed that he would use Ji jiangfa, what he said made many spectators laugh.

It seems that not long ago, someone had been ridiculed like this, but now they stab others with this sentence, which is really ridiculous.

It's just that someone seems very proud and doesn't mean to blush at all. Maybe in his opinion, it's not him who laughs at others, but the embarrassed Qin Fang.

"Since Li Er Shao has said that, Qin will show his shame..."

Hearing Li Feng's words, Qin Fang immediately "clenched his teeth". It seemed that he was determined to sit down and gamble.

Seeing such a scene, people who had gone through the gamble a few months ago immediately knew that Qin Fang was going to kill the fat sheep, but those who didn't know that at the beginning sighed that Qin Fang was a big fat sheep.

Shua, Shua, Shua.

No matter who is the big fat sheep, since the gamble has been decided, everyone's bet must be ready. Qin Fang also signed a check of 10 million yuan for chips.

Looking at Qin Fang's relaxed appearance, Li Feng called it a hate!

In his opinion, the reason why Qin Fang was able to get so much money was because he was in Tang Feifei's position, which should have been his Li Feng's.

The more he thought of this, Li Feng was even more angry and cursed Qin Fang in his heart.

"Let's go..."

The chips of the three people are all ready, so naturally the gambling game begins. The table is ready-made, and the casino has specially arranged a Dutch official.

"Wait a minute. How about me?"

And just as the three of them were ready to start, another one suddenly said in a voice, which surprised a few people.

Qin Fang was no exception. Looking at the man who suddenly spoke, he was younger and older than Qin Fang. He seemed to be more than thirty-six or thirty-seven years old. He was still a stranger to many people.

Chen Jiangnan and Li Feng almost instinctively want to refuse when such unidentified gamblers join in

Chen Jiangnan is because he is the master of soy sauce, while Li Feng doesn't want to add more variables. In particular, this man seems to have a bit of master temperament, and his heart is empty. ro@。