Chapter 765

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Qin Fang seems to be quite leisurely. Leisurely, it's not like a game involving 100 million gambling money, just like children playing games, so casual.

While staring at the McLaren in front of him, he continued to study the topographic map. With the detailed notes on it, it would be quite helpful for Qin's next action.

"It's turning..."

Two cars have entered the corner, before the performance has been quite superior McLaren this time also had to slow down.

Although this kind of curve is not like the mountain terrain, with stone walls and cliffs beside it. If you are not careful, you may be killed. But the curve here is more ferocious, and it is completely farmland.

Basically, I didn't drive the curve well, so I rushed directly into the farmland. Although it's winter, it's not muddy summer, but as soon as I get in, it's very hard to get up.

With this time difference, it's not so easy to win the game again. It can even be said that we basically lost the possibility of winning and ushered in the failure ahead of time.

McLaren's speed has slowed down, but Qin Fang's Porsche is still at such a high speed. It drifts at a small angle on such a curve. Although Qin Fang's drift looks so ugly, it seems that it almost fell into the farmland many times, but every time it comes to the most dangerous time, it can always save the day.

"Eh He's brought it back! "

"Eh, I'm alive again..."

"Damn, this boy is so lucky..."

Originally, everyone thought that Qin Fang had been pulled away so much on the straight road, and his technology must be quite new. However, after entering the curve, the situation not only did not continue to deteriorate, but also seemed to change in the opposite direction.

Although Qin Fang's drifting play is really ugly, the car's butt is twisting, it looks like Sister Feng is showing off her coquettishness. I feel sick when I think about it.

It's just that this kind of buttock twisting is quite practical. Maybe Qin Fang's luck is really good. He can save himself from danger every time.

Seeing the gap of 50 meters, it quickly drew closer in less than three minutes after just entering the curve. Although the speed of McLaren in front was also quite good, it was obvious that there was no such strong gap on the straight road as before.


McLaren drivers concentrate on driving, he is not like those spectators can watch the whole two cars, just play their normal strength.

It's not so easy to recover the gap of 50 meters. As long as his state is maintained, the Porsche behind can't surpass him.

All of a sudden, a dazzling light came. He was also slightly stunned. The Porsche behind him caught up with the light. Looking at the change of light intensity, it was not getting farther and farther, but getting closer and closer.

Such a change was totally unexpected to him, which was far beyond his expectation.

Of course, he will not be worried and afraid.

This curve is quite complicated. It seems to be a little better at the beginning. In the later stage, the curve will become more abnormal. With the speed of the other party, the curves in front may be able to hold, but if the speed is still the same at the back, it will definitely die miserably

This situation is known not only by the driver, but also by Lu Ming, sun Shu and the spectators on the scene. However, many people have suffered losses on it.

Therefore, although the gap between Porsche and McLaren is narrowing and Qin Fang's speed is quite fast, Lu Ming is not worried at all. Instead, he has a sneer on his lips.

As for the spectators, they were surprised at Qin Fang's extraordinary performance on the curve, the ugly but extremely coquettish drift of Qin Fang, and the almost invincible luck of Qin Fang, but they were also waiting for the tragedy.

Qin started to break out on the curve, which was what sun Shu had been looking forward to before. But when Qin broke out, he was not relaxed at all. On the contrary, he became more and more nervous. The curve behind was very complicated. If Qin was still like this, he might be defeated ahead of time

"Tut Tut, the boy in front seems to have been waiting to see me make a fool of myself..."

Qin Fang had already put down the map by this time. He had completely engraved the whole map in his mind, and even remembered the situation of every curve. He had a complete driving plan in his mind.

Looking at the McLaren in front of him, he clearly found that he had caught up with him, but the speed was not slow, and he didn't worry at all. Qin Fang couldn't help sneering.

How could he not know what the curve ahead was like?

When sun Shu gave him the topographic map, the first thing he saw was the curve in the later period. It can be said that if he wanted to surpass McLaren, the curve in front was just an appetizer. These were the right order and the big meal!

The most complicated part of the curve finally arrivedMcLaren's speed slowed down again, and even took the initiative to give way to a car body position, as if it was intended to let Qin Fang's Porsche pass.

As we all know, speed racing is not only compared to the speed and performance of the car, but also to seize the lane is a very important skill. If it is used well, it can kill the opponent.

For example, some corners with very tricky angles, if the lane is a little compressed, the car can't get through the direction, so it's easy to rush out of the boundary.

If you rush out of the boundary on this road, you will basically rush into the farmland, and then you can declare defeat

Therefore, the driver's mind is obviously quite vicious. He occupied the outside lane and let out the inside lane. He deliberately let out a lot of the lanes. If ordinary vehicles drive by 70 or 80 yards, it must be no problem.

But now they are racing. The speed of the two cars is not less than 160, let alone Qin Fang's Porsche is always more than 240

Of course, this can't be regarded as cheating. It's the most reasonable tactics. No one can pick out the kind of reason. Even if sun Shuming knows the driver's mind, he can only shake his head helplessly.

Generally speaking, the driver takes the initiative to reduce the speed. The owner must be very dissatisfied. However, Lu Ming is very happy to see this scene. If he is not on McLaren, he would like to praise his driver.

There is a curve not far ahead, which is called the death curve. It is almost the most abnormal curve on the whole curve line. The first time the car owners who drive through here are scared, let alone speeding. No less than 20 cars have rushed through this position.

Originally, this place was a piece of farmland, but now it is completely abandoned. It has been dug into a small pond, which is filled with water, and there is a sign inserted beside the pond - now turn the corner and drive carefully!

Of course, such a sign is still very conspicuous in the daytime, but it is not so conspicuous in the evening. If the speed of the vehicle is extremely high, you can't even see the words clearly, and the car rushes directly into the small pond.

Thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters

Porsche is getting closer and closer to McLaren As soon as I can catch up, I can even pass the McLaren's car as soon as I pass through the inner lane.

Of course, the distance from the small pond is getting closer and closer. It's almost less than 20 meters. With the speed of more than 200 meters, it's almost impossible to recover such a short distance.

McLaren's speed dropped down again, especially to the side of the road, to make way for the car behind a spacious road, since it is impossible to hold, then simply let it into the water.

If you fall into the farmland, if you are lucky, you may be able to fall back. But if you rush into the water, you can only call a trailer. There is absolutely no chance of escape.

McLaren this pause, the red Porsche in the night like a red ghost, just like the arrow from the string of the moment to wipe its body away.

"Idiot, don't hang up..."

McLaren drivers slowly slow down the car speed, seems to be ready to stop directly to watch the play, the mouth is also sneering and muttering such a sentence.

Although the air bag of Porsche can definitely save lives, it is not without danger. People with bad luck may also lose their lives.

"Lu Shao, you are sure to win!"

"How dare you rush, this place doesn't slow down..."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the result would come out before half of the schedule..."

On the starting line of the competition, Lu Ming and his friends yelled one after another, as if the result had been doomed and could not be changed.


Sun Shu, not far away, saw Qin Fang's car rushing past at such a high speed. He also knew that things were doomed and there was no chance of recovery.

After 50 million yuan, he was distressed and helpless In the end, he could only sigh, and he had no choice.

"What's the matter?"

Su Xiaoxiao finally stopped thinking about other things. Seeing the people across the street celebrating, and sun Shu's expression, she guessed that things might be very bad for Qin Fang, and immediately asked.

"I'm afraid Qin Fang will lose Why, how could that be? "

Sun Shugang wanted to say that Qin Fang was going to lose the game, but when he noticed the surveillance video, he happened to see Qin Fang's car didn't fall into the small pond. Instead, he had passed the disaster leisurely

"What the hell is going on?"

Not only was he stunned, but someone else on Lu Ming's side couldn't help saying something rude. They were all celebrating the victory, but Qin passed this curve.