Chapter 595

For Su Yuan's words, Qin Fang just gave a faint smile and did not comment.

The reason why he agreed to Su Yuan was not that he really liked her reward, but that he simply admired the determination of such a woman. There was really no other idea.

"Hurry back, it's important to treat"..... "

Qin Fang didn't say anything to Su yuanduo. He just handed the money to Su Yuan and didn't even leave a contact number for her, which can explain the problem.

Su Yuan didn't know whether she was too excited or too excited. She didn't even think of asking, so she left Chang'an club.

"I ,… I forgot to ask his name! "

It wasn't until she left for a long time that Su Yuan remembered that Qin Fang didn't mention her name from the beginning to the end. The only thing she knew was Qin Fang's surname, which was told by the "attendant" who took care of her. The rest was unknown.

"No, I can't just leave,"... "

Su Yuan is the kind of woman who can get into trouble, especially in the people or things she cares about. She is easy to be stupid, just like she would starve wolf and try to avenge her mother when she is single. She feels that she owes Qin Fang and it seems immoral to leave like this.

The sum of money Qin Fang gave her is not small. Maybe it's not enough to cure her father's uremia completely, but at least there is no problem with the cost for a long period of time in the early stage, and this is what Su Yuan needs most After all, her father's condition is not particularly serious now. The earlier treatment, the more likely he will recover.

Originally, she planned to leave the capital immediately and return to her hometown to take her father to the hospital for treatment. But after a little consideration, she immediately called her hometown and asked her aunt to help her take care of her father in the hospital. She used the money as medical expenses... "

And she chose to stay. She felt that she had to give Qin an explanation at least! So after she had done all these things well, Su Yuan immediately went back to Chang'an club and wanted to find Qin's

Qin Fang obviously knows nothing about this matter. It's just a matter of lifting a finger. Although the object of his help is a beautiful woman with outstanding posture, it can't help giving people the feeling of having a different picture, in fact, he really doesn't have any idea about Su Yuan. Even if he sees almost everything that should be seen

When Tang Feifei's birthday is over, Tang Feifei is very happy. He immediately gives Tang Feifei a holiday and lets her take Qin Fang to have a good time around the capital!

At first, Mr. Tang wanted to lead Qin Fang around in person, but he was too old and frail to bear the fatigue. In addition, his special status was not suitable to appear in such a public place, so he had to arrange for Tang Feifei to work for him

However, the old man was considerate. By the way, he sent an inner guard to protect Qin Fang and Tang Feifei. It's convenient and also to deal with some troublesome things.

The identities of these internal guards are very special. They usually follow the chief. They are the closest people to the chief. This identity alone is obviously not something that ordinary people can offend.

Let the inner guards of the Central Police follow, which also reflects the old man's love for Qin Fang and Tang Feifei. The combination of the two makes many young men in the capital gnash their teeth. Many people want to trip Qin Fang ,…

In the past, the old man knew it, but he didn't ask much about it. He just thought it was a challenge for Qin Fang.

The old man is very happy to pass this pass, but if he can't pass this pass, he will probably give up. The old man won't worry about a little man who doesn't even have this ability.

But now, the old man is different. The old man is happy that Qin Fang and Tang Feifei can get married and have children as soon as possible Naturally, we can't let those people do it secretly. That's why we made such an arrangement.

"Chen Nong, please

Chen Gang, who is responsible for protecting Qin Fang and Tang Feifei, is also one of the three internal defense experts who almost attacked Qin Fang at the birthday party. Although he is only about 30 years old, his strength has reached the peak of level 5, and he is only one step away from becoming a master of level G.

As far as this point is concerned, it is estimated that brother Qin Shou, who stayed in Ninghai, has the same strength. Among the martial arts, he is definitely the top expert of the younger generation

However, he belongs to the Central Police Department and is not from the Wulin, so he is not well-known. However, Qin respects him very much.

Chen Gang just nodded his head gently. He was the one who followed the leader. He was usually silent. Even if he knew that Qin Fang was the person valued by the old leader, he didn't change much. He was just a little friendly.

There are many places to play in the capital. They eat Quanjude roast duck, DongLaiShun instant boiled mutton, * *, enemy palace, Temple of heaven and so on. Of course, the Badaling Great Wall is a must for tourists to visit the capital.However, there are so many places to play, one day is certainly not enough, so Qin Fang and Tang Feifei are going to visit the scenic spots in the city first, and then go to the Great Wall tomorrow to be "Heroes".

Qin Fang and Tang Feifei have a hard time in their world. Although Chen Gang is a "light bulb", he is basically invisible, just like Shen Liang, and can completely ignore their existence. Only when there is a real problem, they will appear "

so Qin Fang and Tang Feifei are very free.

Two people visit scenic spots, eat, drink coffee He even went to the amusement park and had a good time. It was really not good for intimacy, and his feelings were warming up rapidly. It was estimated that it would not take long for Qin Fang to break through the last shackles.

Poor Su Yuan, she didn't expect that when the front foot just left Chang'an club and the back foot came back, she didn't even have the qualification to enter, even if she said she wanted to find Qin Shao who lived in jiazilou.

Although one of the security guards at the door had a little impression on her. She knew that she lived in Chang'an club last night. It seemed that she was a woman brought back by some young and old people who lived here. But when she walked out of the gate, no one came to lead her. She couldn't expect to go in.

These security guards are all human beings. Who doesn't know that playing with women is like changing clothes. There are so many things to get rid of when they play. It's almost common to see some women come here to look for some of them

But how can they really speak for these women?

If they do that, they won't want to have another job. It's a job with a lot of money and a lot of face. They don't want to lose their jobs because of such a trifle.

So, no matter what Su Yuan said or asked, the security guards at the door just refused to help her pass the message Just as Su Yuan left Chang'an club, Tang Feifei arrived and went out to play with Qin Fang. The security guards wanted to send a message, and no one came to the other side of the room.

Su Yuan is not so easy to give up. Knowing that she can't get into the door, she plans to stay here and wait for Qin Fang to show up. For fear of missing out with Qin Fang, she doesn't even eat a meal at noon. This determination is very firm.

But she was seriously drunk last night, and basically all she ate vomited out. When she got up in the morning, she woke up, but her stomach was empty, and she didn't eat anything. From morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, Qin Fang didn't show up. She was a little hungry, and the security guards couldn't bear to look at her. They brought her some food and poured it out Water, this did not appear to faint on the spot tragedy.

When Qin Fang came back with Tang Feifei, it was more than five o'clock in the evening. By this time, it was already dark, the temperature began to drop sharply, and even the snow began to float Then I saw Su Yuan with a haggard face waiting stubbornly at the door. Her face was a little blue and purple with cold It looks like it could fall at any time.

Qin Fang didn't expect to meet Su Yuan again. After all, he just gave her a sum of money to send her away in the morning. Unexpectedly, she came back again!

"I Finally When it's time for you

Just when Qin Fang was a little confused about what Su Yuan was doing when she came back, Su Yuan also saw Qin Fang with a little sad smile on her beautiful face. She bit her teeth and shivered to finish this sentence, and then she plumped directly to the ground.

Qin Fang is also quick eyed. Before Su Yuan's head is about to land, he hugs her and takes her back to the car. Together with Tang Feifei, he leads her back to the room of Chang'an club

Tang Feifei is a girl. She is very surprised at the beauty who suddenly appears and comes to Qin Fang. But Su Yuan has become like this. She doesn't say much. She just helps Qin Fang settle her down.

And Qin Fang took advantage of this time to simply explain what happened between himself and Su Yuan Of course, it conceals the scene that Su Yuan was once naked in front of him, and everything else is true “……

"This sister What a pity

Girls are all compassionate animals, and don Feifei is no exception.

Before knowing the truth, Tang Feifei was still speculating about the relationship between Qin Fang and Su Yuan, and even imagined that Su Yuan had come thousands of miles to find her husband

Now that she knows the truth, she immediately sympathizes with Su Yuan's experience. However, Tang Feifei strongly supports Su Yuan's action of daring to take risks and revenge for her mother. "Qin Fang rolled his eyes! @。