Chapter 550


"Qin Fang, it's said that today's fair in the street is quite lively. Aunt Qing said that she would take us to have a look around..."

Tang Feifei was very excited and immediately reported to Qin Fanghui with a smile.

"OK, no problem..."

Of course, Qin had no choice but to agree.

In the countryside, Fengji is the fixed day of every month. Usually, the cold market will be lively, and more people will come to sell and buy things

The streets here are not the streets in the city, but the corresponding towns.

Because the town is surrounded by rural areas, although the living conditions of many people have changed a lot, they prefer to go shopping in the county and even the urban area of Ninghai, but the life of more farmers is not very good, this kind of town market is what they often go to.

It's like the fourth eldest brother of Qin Fang. Almost every time he meets at a fair, he goes to the street to sell ducks, eggs, and even fish and shrimp. Maybe he can't make a lot of money, but he can barely make ends meet.

Qin Qing seldom goes out. Even when she is shopping, she mostly goes to the market in the town. Therefore, Qin Fang's clothes used to be sold by local stalls. They look rustic. When she was studying in Ninghai, she was teased by her classmates, but Qin Fang didn't care.

He has been ridiculed since he was a child. More than ten years later, he has been immune to such attacks.

Maybe Qin Fang didn't know that the reason why Tang Feifei fell in love with him was that Tang Feifei saw Qin Fang's character, and was attracted by it at last, and then gradually went down. This is the only way that Tang Feifei has come to today.

Tang Feifei and Wen Yan come to such a small town for the first time. Although they have visited some ancient towns, they have been commercialized for a long time. It's like a special commercial street in the city. It's hard to have such an atmosphere.

A fair like this is different. People come and go. It's very crowded. Basically, it's difficult for cars to pass. It takes a long time to move when you walk. Generally speaking, you park your car outside the street and walk in to go shopping.

Qin Qing really took out the posture of expectant mother-in-law, leading her son and three expectant daughters-in-law to shuttle through the crowd, and another Tao Xiaojuan also followed. Tang Feifei took the initiative to pull her over. After all, they were all very concerned about Tao Xiaojuan because of her similar age and yesterday's incident, so they pulled her to go shopping together.

Almost all of the five women are beautiful women. Even if Qin Qingnian Ji is older, they are still beautiful women. Such a combination is quite eye-catching. Not only many old peasants in the countryside are dazzled, but also local ruffians and hooligans in such a small town are soon eyeing them.

However, such little gangsters are just looking for death. Looking at Qin Fang's big man, they are already very intimidating. There are still some little gangsters who want to rely on a large number of people, but Qin Fang doesn't even move his hand. Shen Liang and others who are hidden in the dark suddenly come out and directly drag these little gangsters to the dark place to fight violently. It's miserable to cry for their parents one by one

It's a pity that no one will sympathize with them. If these people are beaten down, the old farmers who set up stalls can still give them less "management fees".

Of course, it's just a small episode. Qin Qing, Tang Feifei, Xiao muxue, Wen Yan, or Qin Fang didn't take this as one thing. Tao Xiaojuan, who was with them, was frightened. As a result, the look in Qin Fang's eyes became more and more wrong.

It's absolutely a terrible thing to go shopping with women, and it's even more terrible to go shopping with a group of women, especially in such a small street where people are coming and going, crowded and even harder.

However, this does not affect women's shopping enthusiasm, from a variety of snacks, to some clothing stores, shoe stores Almost every shop they went in to have a look and choose. It took them a lot of time, but they really bought very few things.

Fortunately, there were not many shops in this kind of street, so it took Qin Fang nearly a day to satisfy all the women and return home.

When Qin Fang led the women back home in the afternoon, Qin Fang's whole body seemed to be falling apart. He just wanted to lie comfortably for a few hours, so that he would be more comfortable.

Of course, it's impossible. He has something else to do tonight.

Accompanied my mother and several girlfriends to have a happy dinner together, the women are still talking about the harvest of shopping for a few days, such as what snacks they like to eat, some clothes they bought are very good or some shoes are very beautiful and so on. Anyway, they are very interested and never stop after dinner.

Qin Fang didn't disturb their chat, but after dinner, he said hello to them, and then led Shen Liang and others to leave home and go to their destination.

"Qin Shao, we all know that the location of this underground casino is not remote. It rents an abandoned factory building, which is not far away from the road. It is surrounded by roads extending in all directions. There are many monitoring equipment installed around it. At the same time, there are many thugs guarding the two entrances and exits. At present, there are about 15 or 6 of them, specific How much is still unknown. The security is relatively tight. Generally, only those who are introduced by acquaintances are allowed to enter, or those who carry at least 100000 cash or drive a car can enter after two layers of security check. "Shen Liang gave a general account of what he had learned. Generally speaking, the situation of this underground casino is not very good, but it should not be a big problem for Qin to get involved.

As for the situation inside, Shen Liang and they have not been able to go in. It is not very clear for the moment.

It's just Qin Fang's estimation that the problem should not be big. This underground gambling house mainly colludes with people around the county town to gamble. It may involve a large number of people, but it is obviously much worse than that of celebrities salon and bihaige.

Otherwise, people like Tao Yihai, who only owe 100000 or 200000 yuan, will have to move things and sell their daughters. This kind of stupid thing can only be done by those small gambling stalls and mahjong halls in Ninghai city.

"Well, you'll lead people to guard in the distance. If necessary, I'll send a message to inform you..."

Qin nodded. With all this, Qin knew it.

"Qin Shao, let me go in with you. It's convenient to take care of one more person..."

Shen Liang, however, was still worried and suggested that the place was very complicated and chaotic. Anything could happen, and he could take care of Qin even though he knew Qin could fight better than him.

"No, I have my own way! Don't forget, Song Gang died in my hands. What's a small underground gambling house... "

Qin Fang smiles and refuses Shen Liang's kindness. He already has a plan, and some secrets are not for his subordinates to know.

Shen Liang naturally knew about Song Gang and Cao Chun. In order to deal with these two people, they worked together with Chen Da to think of many ways to deal with them. As a result, none of them was used. Qin Fang had already killed the sharpshooter Song Gang first.

How difficult Song Gang is. Although they haven't been in touch with him, they can make Chen Da almost have the idea of dying together. Just hope to spell out one, you can imagine.

However, such a bull man died under the gun of Qin. They can imagine how powerful Qin was.

"Qin Shao, be careful..."

Finally, there is nothing to say, several people are very serious to remind a sentence.

Under the concern of several subordinates, Qin Fang immediately drove to the underground gambling house with 500000 cash. Since he wanted to make trouble, he didn't bring more money. I'm afraid the gambling house won't really play with him.

The car he drove was brought from Ninghai. The license plate was changed temporarily. Whose special license plate was changed? Lao ba That's the old eight who used to be the gold medal hitter under Li Rui's hands. Later, Chen Da's hands and feet were broken and they made him a useless old eight!

Not only is the license plate the one Lao Ba used, but also the model of the car is the same. When Qin Fang gets off at the gate of the underground casino, his face has become Lao BA's face.

In fact, Qin Fang intended to look like Li Rui and let Ninghai's underground boss carry the black pot for him, but later he thought it over. Although Li Rui has numerous industries, including several casinos, many people know that Li Rui doesn't like gambling, and few people have seen him gamble money

But Lao Ba, the gold medalist, is really addicted to gambling. Even the field he manages has specially set up a gambling house and organized several large-scale gambling games to help Li Rui make a lot of money.

In fact, few people know about the news that Lao BA was abandoned. Li Rui has made proper arrangements for a long time. The military adviser, one of the insiders, has already committed suicide because he said something wrong. The rest of the younger brothers don't dare to talk about it. So it's most appropriate for Qin Fang to let him take the blame.

Of course, if the Qin side destroys the underground casino today, and these people go to Lao Ba to settle the accounts, it's not the business of the Qin side. Who let Lao Ba do harm to countless people? Even if he was cut to death, the Qin side can only applaud and celebrate.

The underground casino is located in an abandoned factory building. There are many passageways around it. In addition to the complex terrain inside, even if the police come to capture the gambling, they have enough time to evacuate.

However, it is obvious that the police have been bribed by them for a long time. Generally speaking, it is impossible for them to come here, even during the period of severe crackdown.

This kind of phenomenon is very abnormal, but Qin Fang is powerless. Although his ability is not small, he is far from omnipotent.

As Shen Liang inquired, the security measures here are relatively strict. When Qin Fang enters the gate, the thugs who guard at the gate will carefully check to make sure they don't carry any dangerous weapons, such as knives and guns. Even the mobile phone is turned off directly.

In fact, it's the same whether it's turned off or not. Qin Fang found that the jammer is equipped here. The mobile phone signal will be seriously interfered here. It's impossible to make a phone call

Of course, this has nothing to do with Qin Fang. He has two mobile phones with him. One is in his hand, and the other is in the prop box. Even guns and bullets are in the prop box. No matter how to check them, even if they are checked with the most stringent security equipment in the world, there is absolutely no abnormality.In this way, Qin Fang, who has become the unlucky old eight, easily sneaks into the underground casino. At the same time, the news that he has 500000 cash is also spread to the casino for the first time.

For "fat sheep" like this, casinos must "focus" on entertaining

Qin Fang stepped into the casino. Before he entered, he could hear the shouting inside. Some people were excited and yelled when they won, while others were extremely depressed and even roared when they lost

Qin Fang has seen a lot about the ecology of casinos, but it's not likely to have too much reaction.

When I came in, I suddenly felt a burning heat, which also mixed with the smell of smoke, wine, sweat and so on. In this large room with an area of more than 100 bungalows, there were more than 10 gambling tables, and hundreds of people gathered around. It seems that this group of people really made the casino colorful.

Compared with the big casinos such as Mingshi salon and bihaige, there are no sexy beauties with exposed clothes. Generally, they are full of tough faced thugs who are patrolling around. Some corners of the casinos are also equipped with monitoring probes. The number is not very large, but we can see that these people are very careful.

Most of these gamblers are local people. Some of them are well-dressed and look rich, while some of them are a little bit shabby. But all of them are very enthusiastic and have a red face and thick neck.

This is an underground casino, but it's not so formal. It's all cash to cash gambling. The red banknotes are piled on the gambling table one by one.

Close to the inside, there was a separate compartment. Qin Fang noticed that there was a table with several people squatting on it. On the table, there were a row of banknotes, the number of which was more than one million. When some people lost all their money, some people took it, issued IOU and borrowed a loan from usury.

It's just that although these people clearly know that they are borrowing usury, they have a red eye for gambling. They don't care about it at all. They all seem to be very excited. It seems that they can get the money back immediately. They can not only repay the usury, but also win a lot

Qin Fang knows very well that the more people borrow from usury, the more impossible they are to win, and the more they will lose Just like Tao Yihai.