Chapter 491

First of all,

"Damn, these bastards!"

Looking at those scurrying gangsters, mouse Qiang's thin face was full of gloom, and his eyes seemed to be on the verge of fire.

"Brother Qiang, why don't we ask our brothers to copy their nests?"

A little brother next to him also said hatefully that in the past two or three days, they have suffered enough from these guys. They don't want to sleep at ease all day. No one knows whether these bastards will suddenly rush out and smash the shop behind them.

To the police?

Come on, these people are so slippery that they can't even be caught by those who are specialized in the road. It's even more impossible for those policemen to send people to guard here 24 hours a day.

What's more, the police station has only a little police force. If these people do something in other places, the police will have to deal with it in the past. It's impossible to stay here.

As for the store behind, although it hasn't been open for a long time, it has made quite a name in Ninghai's catering industry. Although it can't compare with those five-star hotels with the highest grade, it is absolutely famous.

The reason is that the taste of the dishes here is quite good, and it is also very characteristic. This is an important aspect, but another reason that can not be ignored is that the owner of this store has a very strong identity background.

It is said that he was once the third most powerful person in Ninghai after Tang and Li, and even his reputation was not as good as his.

Who is this?

It's Qin Fang Qin Shao who accidentally fell off a cliff and died in the rumor two days ago

"You think I don't want to! But Oh, forget it, brothers, hold on. After a while, the beauty of the night in the lotus pond, which do you want? Brother Qiang, it's my treat

Mouse strong face a little slow, the heart is also quite moved, but it's a pity that finally or helplessly shook his head.

He is a trusted person promoted by Qin Fang. At least he thinks he is. He is absolutely loyal to Qin Fang. Although he has gone now, he will never forget his kindness.

So when fangfeixue was disturbed by a group of hooligans, and even the news of smashing, splashing paint and throwing feces spread to the tiger, rat Qiang was the first one who volunteered to come and guard.

What's the origin of these people? In fact, rat Qiang knows very well. It's a small Gang with about 200 people in Ninghai. Rat Qiang even knows where their home is.

But he can only take his men to guard near fangfeixue. When these people appear, they will be finished.

As for going to their hometown, it is absolutely impossible.

Sensible people all know that the boss of this small Gang is actually a former horse of Ninghai underground overlord Li Rui. Although he has set up his own house, he still relies on Li Rui's name to get to his present position.

The news of Qin Fang's death naturally can't hide from Li Rui. The whole Ninghai knows the news of Li Rui's discord with Qin Fang. Isn't the reason why Qin Fang's fame has risen is that he broke through the Bihai Pavilion at the beginning?

It's just because of the Tang Dynasty, Li Rui can't deal with fangfeixue, an industry under Qin Fang's name. But he has a lot of people in his hands. If he arranges for it casually, someone will be the rookie. Now this group of people are

"If Qin Fang is still alive, these bastards dare to..."

Mouse strong heart silent sigh for a while, the expression on the face also becomes very sad.

It is undeniable that his acquaintance with Qin Fang was very unhappy. He even almost met Qin Fang's woman. However, Qin Fang didn't deal with him much later. Instead, he assigned him to work under Li Dong's hands, so that he had today's little power. Unfortunately, Qin Fang

"Listen to me, little ones. If you catch these bastards again and beat them hard, as long as you don't kill them, you'll be ok..."

The mouse strong immediately to behind those younger brothers ordered a, although these younger brothers, including himself, have no rest for two days and two nights, at most is nest in the corner just a little nap.

I can't help it. There are more than 200 people on the other side, and there are only about 30 people on their side. The other side can take turns to replace them, but they can't.

If there are fewer people and they are not the opponent of the other party, then if they don't succeed in beating others, they will be beaten.

But there are too many people, and the other side is not good at it. The impact of large-scale fighting is too bad. The police must take action, so both sides are more restrained and dare not use too many people.

"Rat strong, how about there?"

Both Tang Cheng and Ning Weiqiang know about fangfeixue being smashed, but they are not convenient to use their own energy to deal with it, so they can only let the tiger send people here.

Li Dong is the boss of rat power. At the same time, he controls the area around the university town. The oil and water here is relatively less. In addition, Li Dong's business in this area is quite good. Li Rui's hand can't be extended for the time being, but he can transfer some people to help.He has a good relationship with Qin Fang. This time, he feels sorry for Qin Fang's fall at such a young age.

With the care of the above two people, he is also very attentive to this matter. He can't leave the University Town himself, but he will call rat from time to time to inquire about the situation here.

"Beat back another attack But the brothers are very tired. I'm worried... "

Mice strong to now still have a little bit of fear, under the younger brothers are really tired, just about to be beaten back is not the other side, but they!

If the other party calls again, his heart is already very bottomless, but relying on his heavy money temptation, his younger brothers will continue to insist, otherwise they will withdraw!

"Just hold on, I'll send someone to support you right away! By the way, I'll tell you some good news... "

Different from the previous worries, this time his eldest brother Dongge did not hesitate to send someone to support him, which was beyond the expectation of rat Qiang. After all, tiger brother told him long ago that their people need to check and balance Li Rui and can't move. Fangfeixue relies on them.

"Good news? What's the good news? Did Li Rui suddenly turn up his hair? "

Rat Qiang is also slightly stunned. What they have heard these two days are all bad news. If it's really good news, what he wants to hear most is Li Rui's sudden death

"No nonsense! Can you talk about Li Rui? "

Li Dong immediately scolded, but no one could tell that there was no reproach in his words.

It is an indisputable fact that Li Rui and tiger are enemies. Li Dong is one of tiger's most loyal brothers. Of course, he had long hoped that Li Rui would be arrived.

It's just that it's not easy to talk about these things in public. It's OK to whisper a few words behind the scenes.

"Well, look at my mouth..."

Mouse strong immediately said, "brother Dong, you don't lose my appetite, or hurry to tell me the good news..."

Mouse strong is a very clever master, he heard that Li Dong's mood is quite good, it can be seen that this good news is absolutely quite good news, he immediately asked.

"I'm not kidding you. I'll tell you! Qin Shao is not dead... "

Li Dong also smiles. He knows that the reason why rat Qiang works so hard this time is because Qin Fang takes care of him and immediately tells him the news.

"What! Not dead! "

Mouse strong smell speech suddenly a burst of exclamation, his face is full of incredible, but with even a burst of joy, the whole person with the wind like, "really not dead! Really not dead! Great... "

"Don't be too proud. At present, only a few people know the news. This matter must be kept secret. We are going to give it to the other side when we haven't got the news yet."

Li Dong's slightly gloomy voice came from the other side of the phone, but it didn't make the mouse feel afraid. On the contrary, it made him more excited.

"Don't worry, brother. I know how to do it!"

Mouse strong is a personal essence, Li Dong said, he immediately understood, immediately patted the chest to Li Dong guarantee way.

"Just understand, but at the last moment, be careful yourself..."

Li Dong simply explained two words before hanging up the phone.

As for the mouse strong side, it can not be calm for a long time. The news of Qin Fang's fall made him very sad for two days. Now he suddenly knows that Qin Fang is still alive. Can he not be happy or excited?

"Young people, cheer me up! When I see those bastards, they beat me hard. I want you to play with a woman. I want you to fly with two This time I'm not going to the lotus pond at night. Brother Qiang, I'll take out my blood. Let's go directly to the Tycoon! "

Mouse strong at this time is really too excited, at the thought of Qin Fang is coming back, his heart is thumping.

Qin Fang didn't die. Naturally, he was the most powerful. He resisted the attack of the other party for two days and two nights in a row. This was a great credit to him. Qin Fang might not be able to treat him badly when he came back.

Tycoon is the best nightclub in tiger's territory. It's much higher than Li Dong's lotus pond. In the south of the city, it's like Li Rui's Bihai Pavilion.

Ask his younger brother to play with the rich, the mouse is strong, this is really under the blood!

"Brother Qiang is powerful!"

"strong brother is awesome!"

"Cheer up! Damn, I want to play with ten most beautiful girls at a time... "

had to say that the rat had done enough to help him. He was tired of all those little brothers, and all of them were awesome.

If they were expecting each other not to show up before, so that they can have a good rest, now they are expecting each other to show up, so that they can make contributions, go to the rich and play women, and play many games at a time ro! ~!