Chapter 425

Second, it's really a crazy challenge to ask for subscription, monthly results and gambling.

Qin Fang knew this rule, but he didn't expect that someone would make a big gamble in this way.

"Think clearly! It's not my match at all

Qin Fang sighed, and then said. Ye Ming's age is similar to that of Qin Fang. He is in his youth. Although he is not the same age as Hua, he is not much different.

But he had to choose such a way to make such a crazy gamble. You know, if he does lose, he may be ruined for the rest of his life.

"Don't worry about that! I only ask you, "bet or not?"

But ye Ming seems to be completely crazy, his eyes are full of firmness and no doubt, it seems that no one can stop him at this time. The second generation of the rich and the second generation of the officials who had been with him had already dodged. Originally, they were just friends of wine and meat with Ye Ming. They were not really friends at all. When Li Yang appeared, they had already dodged. What's more, now ye Ming is forced to gamble by such an unknown young man as Qin Fang. It's no small matter. Gamble your life!

If you lose, you will lose your life. This is no joke. They think their lives are expensive. They would rather lose more money than put their lives into it. Even the young man in the monitoring room was stunned at this time. He didn't expect that things were developing towards a situation that even he didn't expect. Ye Ming's thousand illusions, he also has seen, for such a person, basically will not welcome him to Jincheng guild hall, even if not on the blacklist, also feel not belong to the popular ranks, this kind of person for the fairness of the casino has a considerable challenge.

As for Qin Fang, his treatment is similar, but his skill is more superb, which makes him unable to find any flaws. However, casinos also don't welcome such people. Even in the eyes of today's young people, Qin Fang is more unpopular with him than Ye Ming.

But now these two people are actually pinching each other, and the contradiction has escalated again. They even put forward gambling. Although he is not a man of thousands of doors, he knows some rules of the front door, including the rules that are not close to rectifying feelings.

"I'm having a lot of fun. I'll see what you do." Although this situation was a little out of control, he was very happy to see it. A deep smile immediately appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his attention was also focused on Qin Fang's side.

"Qin Fang..." Jiang Li, who was also excited by Qin's gambling, deified the Thai side in an instant when ye Ming apologized. However, when ye Ming was so crazy about gambling, Jiang Li was worried and immediately asked Qin to refuse such a crazy challenge.

Can I go... " Can Qin refuse?

Of course not!

Qin Fang learned a thousand skills, and then he was a member of a thousand schools. In fact, some members of a thousand schools already knew his identity. It's just that a person of a thousand schools has never been a person who can get together. At most, he is a partner who has worked with him for a long time, such as the common Eight Generals of a thousand schools. Because of this, Qin is one of thousands of people. In the face of this old challenge, Qin can not refuse. Otherwise, it will not be victory, but a series of troubles. Breaking the rules of Qianmen is just like the killers' Alliance. It's not like killing people to win treasure. It's all kinds of tricks. It will definitely make the Qin party in a mess. What's more, it will make the family broken and the family separated This is the end of breaking the rules, so Qin could not violate such rules.

Of course, as a challenger, Qin Fang is not on the same starting line with Ye Ming. Ye Ming is good at gambling on his life, but he is gambling on his own life. It doesn't mean that Qin Fang also wants to gamble on his own life like him. He can have many choices. For example, the most common one is to take out the equivalent to offset. If he wins, he will be overjoyed. But if he loses, he will lose the equivalent. That is to say, with the existence of the old rule of solving gratitude and resentment in this way, Qin would have said that the duel of some thousand skill masters ended up in a rather tragic end.

Lack of arms, lack of hands and feet, these are light, because the final loss may be their own lives, then it is really too serious.

Although Qin Fang knew such a rule, he didn't expect that it would fall on him. It was too sudden. He didn't expect that Ye Ming was still so young, but he had to use this way to decide whether they would win or lose. As Ye Ming said, the Qin side can not refuse, only accept the challenge. Win, Ye Ming lose his life! If he lost, Qin Fang lost his bet, and then he had to pay a certain price, such as abandoning his hands and feet, breaking his tendons and so on. Although it didn't threaten his life, it was a very serious bet. It is also such an old rule that both sides of the gambling team will face a very serious challenge. No one is willing to raise such a challenge unless they have to."Well, I promise you!"

Qin had no choice but to agree to this condition.

As for his own bet, it's a little simpler. It's just the previous two million dollars.

Ye Ming's challenge is just because of the money. Now it's natural to take the money as a bet.

"Qin Fang..."

When ye Ming proposed to gamble his life, all the people present were a little silly. Those who could enter here were not ordinary people, rich businessmen or the sons of officials. They were all masters who cherished their lives, but no one was so lucky that they didn't care about their own lives. Therefore, they all despised Ye Ming instinctively and thought he was a man who couldn't afford to lose.

However, what they didn't expect was that Qin Fang seemed to have "his head clipped by the door". He clearly had the overwhelming advantage, but he had to agree to such a clause... " It's funny.

Jiang Li is close to Qin Fang at this time. When ye Ming asks for gambling, she is very angry. She really wants to scold Ye Ming.

But what she didn't expect was that Qin Fang would choose to accept Ye Ming's life gamble challenge. Now Jiang Li was really worried. It was because of her relationship that Sen Fang came to this point. How could she not be worried.

"Qin Fang There's no need for that! "

Not only Jiang Li was worried, but Qiao Zhenfei and Li Yang also changed their faces slightly. They immediately came to dissuade him.

"You don't understand..."

But Qin Fang shook his head and responded to Qiao Zhenfei.

They are not the people of Qianmen. Naturally, they don't know the rules of Qianmen, and Qin can't mention Qianmen in public, so it's hard to explain.

"Bet what, you say."

To avoid these three obstructions, the relatives said to Ye Ming directly.

It's a gamble that can't be refused, so he has to take a hard look and agree. As he said, his thousand skills plus advanced detection skills have a very low chance of losing.

"This time we're betting on stocks!"

Ye Ming was not surprised by Qin's decision.

Compared with those real masters, he is a better one to deal with. In other words, any rational person would choose Ye Ming as his opponent.


Hearing this, Qin Fang's brow couldn't help wrinkling. It was still very tight.

Playing cards were introduced into the Dragon kingdom from the west, which is not a gambling tool born and bred in the Dragon kingdom. Therefore, the skills of Qianmen Qianshu on playing cards are relatively less.

But Yizi is different. Almost from the day it was born, it is a kind of gambling tool, and it is also a kind of gambling tool with the most thousand skills.

Qin Fang has already known about the thousand door magic. Naturally, he also has a very simple understanding of it. He also knows that the most commonly used gambling game for this kind of thousand door magic is Yizi.

It can be said that Ye Ming has the best technology and is also the best gambler to play. That's GuZi.

Qin Fang didn't know how many unique skills Ye Ming had learned at present, but judging from the current situation, it seems that he only learned one of them.

There are many unique skills of Qianmen, but it's quite difficult to completely learn each. Even if you only learn one skill, it's quite good to master it. It can definitely be used for a lifetime.

Thousand magic is undoubtedly one of the most powerful skills in thousand arts. It's easy to learn but difficult to master. If you can pass thousand magic, you can become a very powerful gambling master.

There is no doubt that Ye Ming intends to use his greatest advantage to challenge Qin.

Just now, Qin Fang had a short fight with him, and finally defeated him, but he also had a little understanding of Qin Fang's skill level.

That's why Ye Ming has a little confidence. He thinks that he has a higher chance of winning when he gambles with Qin Fang on Yizi. This is a way to show this thousand magic skills perfectly, which is much better than Wangcai's playing card effect.


Although Qin Fang knew that Ye Ming's attainments in Yizi were much better than him, Qin Fang had no fear of losing.

Ye Ming has his own means, and so does he and Qin.

It's only after a real contest that we can know which one is better. However, Qin Fang is confident that the final winner is himself, just as he defeated Ye Ming before.

"What about yours..." I'll take it! "

Qin Fang looks at Ye Ming, who has regained his self-confidence, and says so in his heart.

Of course, there is no shortage of Yizi in casinos. Soon someone sent neutrinos. All of them passed the test. They are definitely not fake Yizi with mercury or hollow. They are all genuine.

"How do you want to bet?"

There are many ways to gamble in poker, and there are many ways to gamble in stocks. It seems that it is much simpler than poker.Common stock gambling method is not unfamiliar to everyone, such as the size of single and double bet, bet points and so on. The general classification is like this, but in fact, there are many specific gambling methods.

"Twelve shares for each person, points for gambling."

Ye Ming looked at the opposite Qin Fang, his face had returned to normal, and then he said.


before Qin Fang had time to respond, the onlookers below first let out an exclamation.

Most of the people here like to gamble. Of course, Yizi has gambled, but they usually gamble on three stocks or single or double. Occasionally, some of them dare to gamble on points.

However, it is limited to a relatively small number of perseverance, so through the ear force of the record. Practice, vaguely can also touch a certain rule, some dice master is so trained out.

Three is not fun, and the difficulty is relatively small, so there are six more difficult Yizi. Most of them are very good players. Most people can't play. Even if they rely on luck, they are easy to lose in a mess.

When the six Yizi hit and whirled in the Yi cup, the unpredictability was much greater. Even some very powerful gambling experts were not sure that they would win.

It's just that Ye Ming is more ruthless. He doubled the number and turned it into twelve Yizi. The difficulty is not so big, but quite big. Most of the people on the scene were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths for a long time.

"Big? Small

Qin Fang's face is not very good-looking. It's very troublesome to block up the twelve Yizi. Although he has learned a thousand skills, his proficiency is not high. He can't really be of great use, let alone Ye Ming, who has learned a thousand magic skills.

There are several types of bets, such as single and double bets, or specific bets.

BET specific points this basic can be ruled out, 12 pitches, points can be from the lowest. It's possible that some experts can shake 12 stocks in the casting cup, that is, the lowest one point. The floating number range is larger, and it's almost impossible to guess the specific points. Qin Fang can't do it, and Ye Ming can't do it himself.

It's impossible to bet on single or double. This is half the chance. Qin can rely on it. The 50% hit rate is too high.

So that's the final bet.


Ye Ming said confidently. At the same time, he was afraid that Qin didn't understand. He immediately added. "Twelve Yizi, we each shake once, who shakes the lowest points, who wins."

Sure enough!

Almost when ye Ming said that he wanted to bet on the size, and he was still young, Qin conveniently guessed this possibility.

The biggest difficulty of twelve Yizi is not to shake out twelve six points, but to shake out a pillar of the sky, that is, the smallest number of points in theory is one by one.


Although Qin Fang's eyebrows were deeply locked, he pondered a little, but still nodded and agreed to Pingji

"you are very confident?"

Looking at Ye Ming's confident and proud face, Qin said with a smile.

"Why not be confident? Is it because I lost to you? Then you look down on me! I forgot to tell you, my master has a nickname, which is called casting demons

Qin's psychological tactics didn't seem to play any role. Ye Ming pushed it away directly with a Taiji pusher. At the same time, he revealed a message.

"Scatter the devil!"

Hearing this name, Qin Fang's heart couldn't help beating.

There is no shortage of experts in gambling among thousands of schools. Some of them are no less powerful than those world-class gambling kings, but they are not famous. After all, thousands of schools belong to the left-handed side, not as orthodox, Most of the people in Qianmen are low-key. Even those famous Qianmen masters, few people know that they are from Qianmen.

For example, Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Zhang Liang, and later Zhuge Marquis Wu are all famous in history, but the fact that they were born in thousands of schools is almost the guess of later generations, and they have never mentioned half of them.

If they don't mention it, it doesn't mean that no one knows about them in Qianmen. Generally, they all have their own names in Qianmen. The names of these people can't be traced. However, Ye Ming's master has the name of casting demons. It can be seen that he has profound skills in Yizi. In other words, he is definitely a top master of Qianmen magic.

"Twelve stocks are too few. If we want to play, let's play big. If we want to play eighteen, no, just twenty..."

Ye Ming put forward twelve Yizi. Naturally, there is room for him. Maybe his real strength can reach fourteen or fifteen or sixteen.

Naturally, Qin Fang couldn't make him feel better. He just added eight more, and 12 of them became 20. It wasn't a little bit more difficult.With every one more pitcher, the uncertainty increases by ~ times, and now 12 pitchers become 20 pitchers. The increase of uncertainty is more than ten times.

Qin Fang was almost certain that twelve pitching Ye Ming might be able to achieve the goal of one pillar, but twenty I'm afraid it won't be so easy. If any pitching problem occurs, it will destroy all the other Yizi. If you want to build a pillar of heaven, it's really not as easy as climbing heaven. Maybe Ye Ming's master can still do it.

"Good, twenty!"

Ye Ming was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

Twenty Yizi really exceeded his limit, but he worked hard on pitching, which was much better than Qin Fang.

He saw that Qin knew that his advantage in Yizi was not obvious, so he used the way of increasing pitching to attack himself.

"Hum, let you see my real strength!"

In his heart, Ye Ming secretly decides that he also wants to challenge his level beyond the limit. Only such a challenge can give the greatest impetus to progress. (to be continued
