113 Episode 104 vs. Civil Dragon Defense Battle-2

Ethereal sky. countless clouds floating in its bright pale. Sewing and flying in between, a giant white shadow.

A unique squeal that makes the atmosphere tremble fine, somewhere cute to feel.

Exactly. That's nothing short of the white hairballs I keep at Nagahama.


Sleepy, somewhere puffy body.

Wings with the power to float that giant into the universe without difficulty are of the same color as pure white body hair that covers the body.

There is a pair of tactile sensations on the heavenly side of my head, and now I'm under wind pressure and I'm peppered.

I have a creepy, crunchy black double eyed on my face and have a solid view of the situation on the ground.

"Behold, what is that...!

"Huge silkworms......! Are you kidding me, it's a phantom rainbow silkworm!?

"What the hell is going on here?!

At the foot of the earthly dragon, the faces of the Takeda family, who first saw Brahma Maru intervene, look astonished.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

There's only one thing we need to do. Kill this Mother Earth Dragon for the human ego - because that's all.

"Brahma Maru! Odd! Finish this earthdragon, give me a hand!!

The back of a sunny heavenly rainbow silkworm.

Sticking there are cat ears of the same color on pale long hair.

Exactly, the Hidden Peak Party held by the Asai family - its leader, the odd one.

Perhaps you are currently under severe wind pressure.

But she doesn't seem to be passing it by willingly.

Strange being a sitting child. I guess it's because of its high physical ability.


And my wish apparently passed to Brahma Maru.

The white hairball rings loudly, indicating a willingness to understand.

Or maybe through that response, he strangely communicated my will.

The heavenly rainbow silkworm begins to swirl over the earth dragon.

Demons and sitting children who have accepted to lend their strength to the slaying of earthdragons seem eager to intervene.

And me, too, until they get the dragon's hand out of my eyeballs - there's no other way to be a bystander.

"Giggle - giggle, giggle, giggle!

However, the dragon has naturally continued to be a party to me, as I have begun to be a bystander.

A newly revealed demon. The earthdragon, who understood it to be a backcutter who sided with humans, was still raising his voice of anger.

But this demon that inhabits the earth has no effective blow against the heavenly rainbow silkworms that dance high in the sky.

Just enough to wiggle his jaw unacceptably close.

Besides, I'm stuck on my back, so I can't even get my hands off my eyeballs and see what my flying enemies look like.

The earthdragon was no longer the same as it was packed.

It is the same as in the fold of World War II, there was no way for a battleship to exchange to an aircraft departed more than an aircraft carrier.

Whoever crawls on the ground can't beat an attack from above.


And the white hairball, invincibly looking down the lower boundary from above, seems to be well aware of its advantages.

Scissor-like jaw, swinging as it opens and closes violently.

The mission of the white hairball is - to plunge down and approach the earthdragon, dropping the odds over the hand where his demon is sheltering his eyes.

If only that were possible, after which the odds would burn down the arms of the earthdragon with intense electric shock.

"Gi, gi, giggle, giggle, giggle!

But the dragon was desperate, too.

Because I still can't die to survive, and more importantly, to kill Nobunaga, who killed my son, and the streak of reeds.


Did you feel the proximity of Brahma Maru in the air, and the earthdragon almost exactly protruded his jaw in the direction of the white hairball?

One hair at a time, Brahma Maru rolls in the air. Avoid that blow.

And you saw it as dangerous, swirling away from contact with the protruding jaw, and taking a distance with a U-turn in the upward direction.

In modern air warfare, it is called the "Inmelman Swirl" behavior.

By doing so, Brahma Maru, who separated himself from me, once again asked for an opportunity to approach him.

"Giggle - giggle, giggle, giggle!

It was a dirt dragon pointing its consciousness of intense vigilance over the sky, but at that moment - screaming and disorienting.

"Cover everyone, the lieutenant general and that rainbow silkworm! Originally, it was a land dragon that we should be punishing. You can't be proud of your flag!!

Yes, the back leg of the dragon - the Takeda Horseback Riding Regiment was launching a simultaneous assault.

Those who did not join the attack rang bells from on the horseback around the earthdragon, and hung their hearing to shake.

It's a noise that even I'm going crazy. From the earth dragon, it wouldn't be a hoarding one.


And it wasn't a white hairball that missed that gap.

Commonly known as "Split S" - U-turns in the downward direction due to steep speeds quickly pack the distance from the earth dragon.

Magnificent high mobility (Manuba), unimaginable from the gluttonous appearance of rolling from time to time.

And it takes my eyes off me unexpectedly - but I can't say that either.

"Brahma Maru, wow! Not yet!!


Above with earthdragon palms.

A white hairball with a flickering body there and a pale-haired girl coming down in big letters.

A small shadow that flickers in with long hair under tremendous wind pressure all by itself.

And right in front of me, I landed on the claw of a dragon without any hesitation whatsoever.

"... sorry, die"

- With that word, tap the ultra-high voltage current into the earthdragon's arm.

Awesome explosion. The sound of meat burning and bouncing, and the moment its smell drifted.

"Gi, gi, giggle, giggle, giggle!

"- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!"

The strange body was bouncing high above.

Needless to say.

She was on the palm of the dragon and ate the agitation of this demon jumping her arm out of pain.

But there are Brahma Maru in the sky. I'm sure that white hairball would have picked it up.

At least that's what I believe. So...

"You finally showed me those beautiful eyes...!

- Without any hesitation, I raised a stone split light near the dewy earthdragon's eye hole.

"I'm sorry, but you kill. You must be nothing wrong. It's just alive - so this is just a convenience for us humans."

"Giggy, giggy, giggy"

I say, staring into a giant eye stained with anger and sadness.

I don't know what the devil's words are, but I know what this dragon thinks.

The grief of being deprived of a child.

Anger at the violence that comes down unreasonably.

And a protest against torn pain.

More than alive, the thought will be exuded and deserved.

Peace and tranquility. Peaceful raw. Dignity that should be life.

It is only natural to try to fight against enemies who seek to seize them.

"So sorry. Let me eat your soul."

Then, at once, shove the blade tip of the stone split and light down to the eyeball.

Fluid that sprays up in the circumference.

Even when I heard that hot rush and agony, it should be noted that as far as my powers were concerned - I kept pruning my life out of the dragon.

Hang your feet on the sword pattern, drop weight and continue to penetrate deeply. Knowing that was the blame, until the power was completely lost from my mother's earth dragon's body - I never loosened that hand.

The body of the earthdragon sinks into the forelock and falls down.

As soon as that happened, the wah and cheer boiled.

The men belonging to the three houses of Asai, Oda, and Takeda look at me and exclaim.

But I couldn't be happier.

It's like killing a child and taking care of an angry mother. If this were a human opponent, what would have happened - I would think about that.

But still, I have to act like a hero.

I felt it on my skin.

When the three families think about deepening their relationship, it's probably me that's the common topic.

The idea that a giant dragon was planted in cooperation with me is necessary to increase the sense of companionship.

I pulled out the stone split light and let it roar high - somewhere in my heart, I was finding myself empty.

I wonder what would have happened if this had been a reversal of the position.

I wonder what would happen if the city princess who killed my child turned into a scenario where she challenged the demons and was quoted as killed.

I knew it was prying, but I had to stick with it.

The sun was already setting.

I don't know exactly what the time is right now.

The only thing I know is that I'm exchanging cups with the faces of the two houses in front of the castle gate, both of which belong to Oda and Takeda called Miaoki Castle.

Many humans laughed, relieved that they had defeated the current threat.

Many humans drank, ate and laughed.

The townsfolk seem to be celebrating the success of the interception of the earthdragon all over the castle town, and it can be said that the whole Nakatsu River is full of life.

And the other side. The remains of the mother and child of the earthdragon are still left in the wild.

If I say it in addition, I say that I am not going to move it as I leave it.

To hear, oh, the bodies of such demons are eaten and processed by other demons on their own - it seems that humans only cut out the necessary parts from the carcasses and use them as weapons.

What taught me that was Sousuke Seung-tak of the Takeda family like no other.

At the same age as Nobunaga's righteous breath, he liked me, Nobunaga's brother-in-law.

Perhaps that's the only thing that makes me feel more nervous about being close to my age.

I don't know about the Takeda family, but everyone around me will be respectful, and there's no reason for Seung-tak himself to show a gap around...

That's all I get anymore, and I guess it's a lot of trouble.

I snort and laugh at the winning favor of talking to me.

As an image of a warlord, I was wondering if a warlord named Seiyu Takeda - one way or another - would fall into the category of a warlord.

But in front of him he is clearly intelligent, and he can feel one very sophisticated way of discussing it.

He was a refreshing good young man inside, and he was the one I wanted to keep friends with without fighting if I could.

And Nobunaga was liquoring in an upbeat mood while watching such an exchange between the two younger edgers.

"My brother-in-law."

Nobunaga safely slaps me on the shoulder and says, pointing to the corner of the ballroom.

"Why don't you introduce the modest ones there to Lord Seiyu? He will be a useful actor in this battle."

"... Ha"

Nobunaga pointed, needless to say. It's weird and Brahma Maru.

Some restless oddity in Brahma Maru, which is tightly rounded in the corner.

In contrast to the Oda family, which originally knows to embrace sitting children, it is probably the face of the Takeda family, which does not know the facts.

Why are demons, and why are sitting children mixed with the dignified Asai family? No, I don't know what the relationship is in the first place - I could feel that gaze from time to time.

"Miao, Brahma Maru. Come here."

When I call it in, it brightens my face.

And Brahma Maru, who shuddered her body and swelled up, walks over here.

Whatever the oddity, Brahma Maru was clearly huge, and Takeda and Oda generals moved everywhere to pave the way for it.

"Oh, I'll introduce you. Even so, as your brother-in-law may already know - this one is strange, the bigger one says Brahma Maru. They are all important ministers of the Asai family."

Seung-yu stays with the glass of booze, in a calm voice - but responds with a slight eye opening.

"Hmmm... the demon and the sitting boy... are you"

"Yes, because demons and sitting children are important in Biwaku."

That's what I told you.

"If possible, both demons can live without harming each other or inhibiting each other... Don't you think it would be nice if such a Tahei world were to come?"

"Don't do harm to both demons... Hmm, right..."

Understanding what I was saying, he stared in the direction that the mother and son of the earthly dragon were going wild, and Master Takeda sighed quietly.