Chapter 311 Phantom Chamber -2

Chapter 311 Phantom Chamber -2

As the team made their way to the designated location of the Phantom Chamber challenge, they could feel a palpable tension in the air. The academy seemed eerily quiet, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come. The location chosen for the challenge was a secluded area within the academy grounds, hidden from the prying eyes of curious onlookers.

Upon reaching the site, the students were greeted by a mysterious structure that stood ominously before them.

The Phantom Chamber appeared as a massive, imposing structure, its walls constructed of dark stone that seemed to absorb the light around it. Strange symbols and glyphs adorned its surface, giving it an otherworldly appearance.

The entrance to the chamber was a massive doorway, framed by intricate carvings that seemed to shift and writhe as if alive. As the students approached, a sense of dread washed over them, accompanied by a chilling breeze that seemed to whisper secrets of untold horrors.

Inside the chamber, the atmosphere was even more unsettling. The air was thick with an oppressive darkness, and strange shadows danced along the walls, twisting and contorting into grotesque shapes. The floor beneath their feet felt unnervingly solid, yet somehow insubstantial, as if it could give way at any moment and plunge them into the depths below.

Amidst the eerie surroundings, the students could see various obstacles and challenges scattered throughout the chamber. Some appeared as physical obstacles, such as narrow pathways suspended over bottomless chasms or towering structures that seemed to defy gravity. Others were more abstract, testing the students' mental fortitude and emotional resilience.

As the students gathered inside the chamber, Eldric besides the headmaster of the academy, stepped forward to address them. His voice echoed through the chamber, carrying an air of authority and gravitas.

"Students of the Nexus Academy and esteemed guests from the other schools," Eldric began, his voice ringing out with clarity, "Today, it's start of the Phantom Chamber challenge, a test of courage, resilience, and determination."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing, "Inside this chamber, you will face trials unlike any you have encountered before. These trials will push you to your limits, both physically and mentally, and will require every ounce of strength and courage you possess."

The creature walked towards her—humongous, made of just shadow with glowing eyes.

"Hmm... Grappler," Ren muttered as he recognized the silhouette of the monster.

It was Grappler, a six-star monster found in the Reva Kingdom's northeast region, near the border of No Man's Land.

Grappler's always known for being a chaotic beast to fight against.

Out of nowhere, the Grappler clutches the girl with its massive claws, its shadowy form looming over her like a dark cloud. It stays like that for a moment, the tension palpable in the air, before slowly and steadily applying pressure, threatening to tear her apart.

Silence fills the chamber as the girl's screams pierce the darkness, echoing off the walls in a chorus of agony. The Grappler's movements are deliberate, each motion calculated to inflict maximum pain. With a sudden, brutal snap, the girl is torn in two, her body dropping to the ground in a heap.

A few shouts of concern erupt from her teammates outside the chamber as the Phantom Chamber comes to a halt, the eerie silence punctuated only by the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional drip of blood. The mist begins to clear, revealing the girl's figure, unconscious and bloody, displayed on the holographic screen for all to see, still alive.

"she has lost a point for frostfall," Eldric's voice cuts through the tension, announcing the girl's defeat in the mental challenge.

He calls for the next student to step forward, even as some professors rush forward to escort the injured girl out of the chamber.