Chapter 288 The Guardian Of The Ruins

Chapter 288 The Guardian Of The Ruins

The scene unfolded with the bustling energy of Eshmera's inhabitants, gathered around the participants of the Mage's Gambit. The streets were alive with excitement as the people eagerly awaited the commencement of the competition. Cheers erupted from the crowd as the students made their way through the throngs of onlookers, their faces a mix of nervousness and determination.

Amidst the sea of eager faces, the participants could feel the weight of expectation upon them. They exchanged glances, finding solace in the camaraderie of their fellow competitors. Professor Night stood by their side, offering words of encouragement and guidance as they prepared to embark on their journey. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

As the time drew near, multiple carriages arrived to transport the students up into the sky and onto the floating piece of land where the ruins of Eshmera awaited. Amrose Nexus, towering above the crowd, addressed the participants, urging them to heed the counsel of their guides and professors before boarding the carriages.

"We've got this," Adam said, his voice filled with determination.

"Yeah, let's show them what we're made of," Isolde added, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Professor Night stood by their side, offering words of encouragement and guidance.

"Remember, stick together and trust each other," she said, her voice steady and reassuring.

As the time drew near, multiple carriages arrived to transport the students up into the sky.

"Here we go," Blaze muttered, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement but-

"Ren leave that cat down here," said professor.

"Yeah," Ren picked Blaze off his shoulder and threw him on the ground.

"Whoa!!?!!! What??" Blaze asked.

"No contracted beasts are allowed for this round, Smokeball." Ren gave him a mental note.

"Oh fuck it, who even wants to go...." Blaze's irritated tone was evident in Ren's mind.

But then, something caught their eye—a dark shape descending from the sky.

A wyvern.

The majestic creature landed gracefully before them, its powerful wings beating the air. The students watched in awe as a figure dismounted from its back.

The man wore a robe of purest white, his face obscured by a hood. His presence commanded attention, and the air seemed to crackle with energy as he approached.

"This year's crop looks promising," he declared, his voice echoing across the ruins.

The students exchanged uncertain glances, unsure of what to make of this unexpected arrival. But one thing was clear—this was no ordinary guy.

As the students gazed upon the mysterious figure in white, a hush fell over the crowd. His presence seemed to radiate power and authority, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in his presence.

With a voice as ancient as time itself, he spoke, his words carrying the weight of centuries. "I am known as Eldric," he began, his voice low and resonant, each word dripping with wisdom and age. "I am the Keeper of the Ruins, guardian of this sacred place."

The students listened intently, captivated by his words.

"I am here to oversee the Mage's Gambit," Eldric continued, his gaze sweeping over the assembled students. "To ensure that the trials are conducted with fairness and integrity."

His words echoed in the air, filling the ruins with a sense of solemnity. The students couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spines at the gravity of his presence.

"As you embark on this journey, remember that you do so not just for yourselves, but for the honor of your academies and the future of magic itself," Eldric intoned, his voice carrying a note of solemnity.

With that, he stepped back, allowing the students to prepare themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. But his words lingered in their minds, a reminder of the responsibility they bore as participants in the Mage's Gambit.

'The first transcendent-' Ren thought in his mind,'- this bozo is hard to forget.'