Chapter 282 Nexus Institute

Chapter 282 Nexus Institute

As we stood in awe of the grandeur of the central chamber, Nari and Alder stepped forward, ready to provide us with insight into the history of the Nexus Institute of Magic.

"The Nexus Institute has stood for centuries as a beacon of magical knowledge and enlightenment," began Alder, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Founded by the greatest wizards and sorcerers of old, it has served as a bastion of learning, fostering the talents of countless generations of magic users." Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

Nari nodded in agreement, her blindfolded eyes seemingly gazing into the depths of the past. "Throughout its long history, the Institute has weathered many trials and tribulations, but it has always remained steadfast in its commitment to the pursuit of magical excellence."

As they spoke, images flickered to life around us, depicting scenes from the Institute's storied past. We saw ancient wizards poring over dusty tomes in the library, students practicing spells in the courtyard, and teachers imparting wisdom in the classrooms.

"These walls have witnessed the rise and fall of kingdoms, the birth of legends, and the forging of alliances," continued Alder, his voice filled with reverence. "But through it all, the spirit of the Nexus Institute has endured, guiding countless magicians on their journey to mastery."

Nari stepped forward, her presence commanding attention despite her blindness. "Today, you stand on the threshold of greatness."

"Still not greater than Imperial Academy though," came the voice from the back.

I didn't have to turn around to see who that was, as I already knew.

Erik turned around and exclaimed, "Knight— I mean, Headmaster Amrose Nexus!" he named.

"Hoho, good to know I am still known despite giving up on— ugh," he cleared his throat as he walked past the group and stood in front of us.

A bald old man, looking as frail as a twig of a stick, wearing armor made out of white material— which only a few know is the dragon's bones— stood in front of us.

His face was full of wrinkles, while a thick pair of glass lenses were perched over his nose bridge.

My eyes met his as he eyed Adam from top to bottom. "I've seen you, young man. Adam Stales, right?" he coughed at the end of his statement.

The same could be said for Isolde.

"I'll show you the way to the rooms," Nari immediately dismissed the topic and showed us the way.

As Nari guided us through the labyrinthine corridors, the soft echo of our footsteps mingled with the gentle hum of magic in the air. The path weaved through arches adorned with intricate carvings, illuminated by the warm glow of sconces that dotted the ancient stone walls.

She shared insights into the layout of the Nexus Institute as we walked. "The institute is divided into various sections," she explained, her voice carrying softly through the empty halls. "There are classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and of course, the student dormitories and common areas."

Adam nodded, absorbing the information as we continued along the winding path. "And where are we headed now?" He asked, eager to explore more of the institute I guess.

"We're making our way to the residential area," Nari replied, gesturing ahead. "It's a quieter section, away from the main corridors."

We soon reached a nondescript door set into the stone wall. Nari pushed it open, revealing a narrow staircase leading downward. "Follow me," she said, leading us down the stairs.

At the bottom, we found ourselves in a cozy corridor illuminated by soft, dim lighting. Wooden doors lined the walls, each bearing a brass plaque with a name and room number.

"This is where you'll be staying," Nari explained, indicating the doors. "Each room comes equipped with the essentials: a bed, desk, and wardrobe."

I nodded to myself, appreciating the simple yet comfortable accommodations. "It looks great," I remarked under my breath.

"It certainly does," said someone in a small voice.

"He—?!" I flinched back a bit as I saw Vexa standing beside me. She was just close enough that she could be in my armpit... When did she get here!?

Everyone turned around to look at me and Vexa, who now was a bit back.

"It's... nothing," I said, looking at her uncomfortably as she kept her face straight.

How was she able to sneak up this close to me without me noticing anything at all?