Chapter 275 Aurora Haven-2

Chapter 275 Aurora Haven-2

The morning sun cast its gentle glow over the tranquil orphanage, creating a serene atmosphere that belied the darkness that had transpired there. A carriage rolled to a stop in front of Aurora Haven, and a man with a broad build and golden-brown hair stepped down. His name was William, a figure of authority and care in the lives of those residing within these walls.

As the carriage driver prepared to depart, William engaged in a brief conversation, expressing his gratitude for the journey and sharing a few laughs. The driver tipped his hat, acknowledging the camaraderie they had shared during the ride.

"Haa, good to be home," William sighed, his gaze filled with a mixture of relief and nostalgia. The orphanage, despite its somber past, was his home, a place where he played a significant role as a protector and guide for the children within.

Pulling his trunk behind him, William made his way past the gate, absorbing the unusual quietness that hung in the air. It felt odd, a departure from the lively and sometimes chaotic atmosphere he was accustomed to. However, his attention was quickly drawn to a little girl picking something up from the ground.

"Hey! I'm back!" William enthusiastically waved his hands above his head, expecting the usual excitement that greeted his return.

To his surprise, the girl initially showed no reaction. Her eyes seemed hollow, distant. It took a few seconds, but then, as if emerging from a trance, she brightened up, offering him a warm smile. Without hesitation, she ran towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug. William felt a mixture of joy and concern, sensing that something might have occurred in his absence.

The girl, with a beaming smile, informed him that everyone was having breakfast in the main hall. Determined to share a good news, William followed her, the trunk clattering behind him.

Upon entering the main hall, he observed the children enjoying their breakfast in relative peace. However, the peace was disrupted by the sight of Warden, the woman William affectionately referred to as "mother." Spotting him, she hurried over, excitement and concern etched across her face. She demanded that he accompany her to the office immediately.

William, while appreciating the warmth of her welcome, declined with a gentle smile. "I'll join you after a shower and a quick check on things. Got some good news to share," he explained.

As he made his way to his quarters, memories of the past month flooded his mind—months spent dealing with the harsh realities on the Reva Kingdom border.

William entered his room, greeted by an unusual level of cleanliness that caught his attention. The atmosphere seemed a bit too pristine, raising an inkling of suspicion, but he dismissed it, assuming that Mother had taken the liberty to tidy up for his return. Ignoring the peculiarity, he proceeded to freshen up and change into more comfortable attire.

Leaving the room, he headed to the main hall, expecting to find the children engaged in their usual activities. However, the hall was now eerily empty, with only a familiar maid silently cleaning the tables. Perplexed, he inquired about the whereabouts of the children.

The maid, glancing nervously around, informed him that all the children had returned to their rooms. It struck him as odd; it was their designated time for play and activities. Ignoring the strange occurrence for the moment, he requested some food and sat alone at the table, the main hall now devoid of its usual cheerful chatter.

As he finished his meal in solitude, he felt an unsettling stillness in the air, an unusual quietness that heightened his senses. Something felt off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Deciding to investigate further, he made his way to the office. Upon entering, he immediately noticed the conspicuous absence of several items. The office, once adorned with sentimental trinkets and mementos, now bore a stark, stripped-down appearance.

Mother greeted him with a smile, ushering him to sit in a nearly empty office. The atmosphere inside felt tense, and the anticipation built as he sensed an impending revelation.

"I thought it would bring some positive energy to the orphanage, especially given the recent challenges," William explained, trying to gauge Mother's sentiments.

"It's a remarkable achievement for him, and I'm genuinely happy for Adam," Mother responded, the warmth returning to her smile. "This calls for a celebration, don't you think?"

William agreed, but the next thing Mother said made him feel weird.

"Anyways, what is this Mage's Gambit exactly?" she asked about what Mage's Gambit is.

"...," and soon, William went silent. It was a long pause, making Mother nervous.

The longer the silence persisted, he looked around the room and asked if something had happened when he wasn't around because Mother is acting weird. After all, who wouldn't know about the Mage's Gambit?

Is this really Mother? Someone who has told him stories growing up about the competition?

Mother's smile faded, and William grew more anxious.

"Eat," her words and the dark orb that was sent towards him from the back were so fast that before he could react, his head was blown off.

William died, and Mother's warden's face began to melt as it revealed Vexis's eyes.

She looked at the door where the small girl, the same one that hugged William when he arrived, holding onto the leash tied around the neck of a low-class demon, walked inside the office.

The girl outstretched her hand and pulled off the leash, letting the demon devour William's body.

The next thing that happened was—

The moment the demon was done eating, the girl muttered under her breath, and it began changing its body shape and appearance in a very gruesome manner.

And in the blink of an eye, another William, as if he never died, stood in front of them, but his eyes were dead.

"Contact Zephyrion and tell him-" Vexis looked at the girl,"we are done here and everything is under control."