Chapter 273 Feeling deep down.

273 Feeling deep down.

Professor Night leaned forward, her gaze firm and resolute. "Now, let me provide a more comprehensive understanding of the Mage's Gambit. This competition isn't just about showcasing individual strength; it's about teamwork, strategy, and adaptability."

She began with a brief overview of the tournament structure. "The Mage's Gambit spans fifteen days, during which schools from various regions compete. Each day, teams face different challenges that test their magical prowess, problem-solving skills, and collaboration."

"Eliminations, however, occur at the end of each phase, gradually narrowing down the pool of participants. The criteria for eliminations are based on individual and team performances. Those who consistently fall short face the risk of being phased out, making it imperative for all team members to contribute effectively."

"Now, the first hurdle we face is the Chameleon's Maze," Professor Night continued. "This mystical labyrinth is designed to challenge our adaptability and quick thinking. It constantly shifts its layout, creating an ever-changing maze where one wrong turn can lead to failure."

As she delved into the details, she explained how the maze tested a variety of magical skills, from illusion-breaking to elemental manipulation. "The maze is more than a physical challenge; it's a mental one. Success requires not only magical prowess but also the ability to decipher illusions and navigate the maze's complexities as a team."

"The team that successfully conquers the Chameleon's Maze gains an advantage, both strategically and in accumulating points. These points, accrued throughout the competition, determine the overall standing of each participating school. The stakes are high, as the winning school receives not only recognition but also substantial rewards."

Leaning in, Professor Night revealed a crucial aspect of the competition. "The Royal Palace sponsors the Mage's Gambit, and the rewards are quite substantial. Each participating student, if successful, receives a considerable amount of gold. Furthermore, outstanding individuals may also receive a recommendation letter, opening doors to positions of influence in the kingdom's court or military."

She emphasized the significance of these rewards, "Beyond personal glory, the Mage's Gambit serves as a platform for students to prove themselves on a broader stage. Success here can propel individuals into influential roles, shaping the trajectory of their future within the magical community."

As the gravity of the rewards settled, Professor Night concluded, "Our focus should be on synergy, understanding each other's strengths, and adapting swiftly to the challenges ahead. Remember, the Mage's Gambit is not just a competition; it's an opportunity to leave a lasting mark on the...World itself." nove(l)bi(n.)com

Well looks like she did exaggerate a few points and down played some but other than that it's all fine I guess.

"No..." Adam replied.

"Do you want Aron to share a room with Erik?" I dropped the honorifics, sensing Aron's frustration beneath his mask.

Adam hesitated, glancing at Erik, who seemed like a deer caught in headlights with Aron looming behind him.

"Haaa, whatever." Adam joined Isolde, and I observed Erik slipping away from Aron's grip, giving me a thankful expression before making a swift exit.

The chair screeched as it moved, and I noticed Vexa looking around at me and Aron.

"Your room should be in that direction," I pointed, almost unconsciously. It felt like I had blurted it out without much thought.

For a moment, confusion flashed across Vexa's face, and it dawned on me that I had just acted on an impulse, giving her directions without any apparent reason.

'Eh....why are you this angry all of a sudden?' asked Blaze as even I don't know why but for some reason I felt like....a bit uncomfortable deep down.

It's a very hard to explain feeling as It's not like everyday for me to feel like this but it's as if... everything is annoying.

"I have questions-" Aron couldn't complete his sentence.