Chapter 263 Set to Go.

263 Set to Go.

"Hey dude, wake up!" Blaze's voice reverberated through my mind, pulling me from the depths of slumber. I scanned the room, only to realize that morning had already graced the world with its presence.

*Knock, knock*

A gentle rap sounded on the door. Intrigued, I activated my mana vision, recognizing the familiar signature. With a swift motion, I rose from the warmth of my bed, letting my foot greet the cool touch of the floor.

Swift strides carried me to the door, which I opened to reveal Raven, clutching a quill, a paper envelope, and an ink bottle.

"Good morning," I greeted her warmly, leaning casually against the doorframe, while Mrs. Penny glanced up from the stairs below.

"Don't worry, we won't be making any noise," I assured her, closing the door gently.

"So, what brings you here so early in the morning?" I inquired, but Raven seemed preoccupied, her cheeks flushed.

"Hmm? Oh... my bad." I quickly grabbed a robe from the floor, draping it nonchalantly over my bare upper body.

"N-no, it wasn't bad—I mean, I didn't mind... not that I liked—ugh," she stumbled over her words, a mix of embarrassment and confusion coloring her expression. "I came here to give you this."

She handed me a brownish paper note from her pocket.

"Ah, a shopping list," I remarked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. "Do you want me to pick these up?" I asked, and she responded with a nod, her ears flickering slightly.

"Alright," I agreed, placing the note atop the suitcase I had packed the night before. It held nothing but my clothes; the mace I had chosen during the selection matches rested in another sturdy metal box beside it.

"Huh?" She shot me a quizzical look before delving into her pockets, retrieving a leather pouch. "At least ask for some money!" She protested, shoving the sack toward my chest with a playful pout.

"....Okay, but nope. I was already planning to get you something special from Eshmera, so thanks for letting me know what to bring. Saved me a bunch of time, honestly," I said appreciatively, accepting the pouch from her. Stepping closer, I felt her instinctively retreat a little.

Lightly grasping her wrist, I gently slid the pouch back into her pocket with a playful grin.

As I returned the pouch to Raven's pocket, her eyes met mine in a brief yet intense connection. There was something in that fleeting moment—a shared understanding.

"Thank you," she murmured softly, her gaze briefly dropping before lifting again to meet mine, a hint of gratitude shining in her eyes.

"Anytime," I replied with a smile, our interaction brimming with unspoken sentiments. With a subtle nod, Raven turned to leave, her steps hesitant yet purposeful.

Before she could take another step, a thought crossed my mind. "Hey, Raven," I called out gently, prompting her to glance back over her shoulder.

"Would you like to come with us to Eshmera?" I asked, feeling the words tumble out before I could even process them fully. The invitation hung in the air, pregnant with possibilities, as Raven's eyes widened in surprise.

"I mean, if you'd like," I added quickly, the sudden offer feeling impulsive yet strangely right.

Raven hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her expression. For a moment, it seemed as though she might accept, but then a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"I can't." she replied softly.

Well this was just as expected.

"That's fine," I sighed and nodded. "I'll get ready. How about you?" I inquired.

Managed to get control over two outta ten gangs—progress, right? Things are shaping up, but it took some adjustments to the plans. You know how it goes.

Set up a Demacia Guild branch here—needed that extra boost. It's helping to keep things steady, considering the chaos in the city. But no worries, we'll sort it out.

Hestia Empire folks are gettin' antsy 'bout the rise in crime. Gonna need to tackle that soon.

Couldn't snag any land yet; policies decided to play hard to get. If you're curious, you can dive into those policies yourself.

Oh, by the way, congrats on making it to Mage's Gambit! Big achievement. I'll swing by sometime to catch up.

Take care,


"Elder Brother, huh," I winced momentarily at the term but swiftly pushed that discomfort aside, focusing on the contents of the letter.

Alver seems to be faring quite well, considering the opportune time to contemplate initiating a guild in a place like that.

His persistent drive to expand the guild has been on my mind lately. It's evident that power and wealth are part of it, but...

"There's something more to it," I murmured, feeling a yawn escape me as I let the letter gradually burn in my hand.

Seating myself, I retrieved a standard ink bottle and two quills from the drawer, ready to compose a letter.

"Should I write to home?" I glanced out the window; the sun had risen, indicating it was barely eight in the morning.

I pictured Mom bustling in the kitchen, conjuring up something delightful for breakfast, while Dad was likely preparing for his day's work.

A faint smile graced my lips as I set the Lumarite ink aside and began writing with the regular ink.

[Dear Mom & Dad,]

I am delighted to inform you—


[Thirty Minutes Later]

Stepping out of the shower, I vigorously towel-dried my hair and stood before the mirror clad in just my underwear.

As I gazed at my reflection, an odd sense of familiarity washed over me. With each advancement in the Phoenix level, I felt more connected to myself. It was as if the previous Ren's body no longer belonged to me and I got a new one for myself, or perhaps there was something deeper to it. Whatever the reason, it felt right.

My hair, nearly reaching past my shoulders, drew a comment from Blaze within my mind. "Just chop that shit off," he remarked, seemingly done with his first shower in what felt like ages.

"I will when it's necessary," I retorted, securing my hair into a tight bun. Changing into a white shirt paired with grey pants—a combo that suited me—I glanced at the unopened third suitcase under the bed, the one I'd brought upon moving into this room.

Retrieving it and organizing my belongings, I soon found myself outside my dorm room.

"We're all set to go."