Chapter 1454

Name:NO.8 Bride Author:妃子一笑
He can feel that he doesn't want to say it.

She was not forced to, "well, you read to me."

"What books do you want to hear?" ASA took out his cell phone.

"All right. Read me a novel."


ASA found a short story on his mobile phone. He thought it was a common folk story, but it turned out to be a ghost story.

When it comes to scary places, ASA doesn't want to talk about it. He's afraid to frighten him.

"Let's get another one. This is not very good."

Although darling is afraid, but listen to infatuation, "do not, I want to hear this."

ASA laughed, "are you not afraid?"

Darling suddenly pulled his hand and held it tightly.

She laughed at him with innocence: "that's not afraid."

Asawi was stunned, and his heart was suddenly soft. This little girl really makes him want to protect himself in his heart.

ASA continued to tell the ghost story, which was really terrible.

He didn't feel at all, but he was very scared in his heart.

She was afraid, judging by her constant grip on his hand.

"Do you want to listen? It's going to be more terrifying." ASA couldn't bear to keep scaring her.

Good courage to nod: "you say, I'm ok."

"It's really scary."

"It doesn't matter..." She pretended to be calm.

ASA had no choice but to continue to say: "she ran on the road, dark all around, nothing to see, suddenly, the wind sounded, she felt someone blowing behind her neck. She was so scared that she couldn't help looking back, but she saw a face that had lost half of her face, that face... "

Hearing this, he closed his eyes and grasped ASA's hand.

ASA spoke as softly as he could, not daring to create any atmosphere of terror.

But I'm still scared.

He protected her so well that she could hardly touch anything bad or anything.

So for her, who rarely comes into contact with ghost stories, such stories are very frightening.

But she was curious about this strange thing

ASA finally finished, and he felt relieved that he was more nervous than a good boy.

"Well, the story is over. Don't be afraid. It's fake. It's not terrible at all." He comforted her in a soft voice.

Obediently slowly opened his eyes and nodded calmly: "well, it's fake. It's not terrible at all."

ASA couldn't help laughing. "Sleep now. Don't think about the rest."

"ASA, tell me another story." Good but ask.

"No rest?"

"I can't sleep. I want to hear better stories."

"What do you want to hear?"

"Pride and prejudice," he said with a smile

The horror, the whole story is not good.

ASA readily agreed to tell her the story.

But less than a fifth of the story was told, and she fell asleep.

She still held his hand tightly.

ASA suddenly had an illusion that she didn't want to hear new stories. She just didn't want him to go.

This girl, afraid, how to be so brave?

But it's cute, too.

ASA gazed at his sleeping face and couldn't help laughing. His eyes were full of tenderness that he didn't know.

After sleeping for hours, ASA stayed with her and didn't leave.

His hand had been held by her all the time.

When he woke up, he saw that he was still beside the bed, and he laughed out: "ASA, I really don't have nightmares."