So Lin Jing smiled a little. He didn't look that friendly, but he also didn't have a sense of oppression. After getting everything right, he said, "I won't talk about other stuff. You should understand the rules. This month's benefits will be gone for sure."

"Also, I will just treat today's events as the first time and we will all buy a lesson. But after that, it was not allowed to happen a second time. "You should know very well how much the things in the warehouse are worth. Once something goes wrong, it's not as simple as losing money."

As he spoke to here, Lin Jing paused for a moment. His eyes swept over everyone. What was different from before was that this time, no one dared to meet his gaze, and they all lowered their heads.

Satisfied with the result, he continued, "Therefore, in the future, all of your eyes will be brighter. I don't think I need to teach you what can or cannot come in. "Remember, what you recognize are things, not people!"

"Mister Lin, don't worry. I promise you that in the future, you won't be able to get into the pier with just any dangerous goods!" "I am truly sorry for what happened today. We all have dog eyes and do not recognize Mount Tai. There will definitely not be a next time." The leader of the security guards immediately said.

"A good comrade is one who knows his wrongs and can correct them. Alright, everyone works hard in the middle of the night, so go do what needs to be done. First, he would give them a beating, and then let them go back and enjoy their own experiences. Lin Jing could be considered kind and benevolent. If there were still people who didn't know their place, then he couldn't be blamed.

The group of security guards heard what he said and felt relieved. They did not dare to stay any longer and turned around to leave. After a short while, there was not a single person left. The fire department was also very quick. A dozen barrels of kerosene were all brought out in a matter of moments, getting into the car.

The leader of the group greeted Lin Jing and then specially explained the rules of the fire prevention before leaving with his men.

At this point, the night was over. In general, Lin Jing was quite satisfied with the results, but Zhang San seemed to be wanting more.

With a faint smile, Lin Jing said, "Third Brother, I'm sorry. It wasn't easy to catch you, so I let you go just like that."

Zhang San was not stupid either. Since his boss had already said so, he would be stupid. He scratched his head and said, "Boss, your words make me feel embarrassed. It's just a pity." These fellows are trying to harm you with ill intentions. If you let them go just like that, they will definitely return in the future. But you must have your own plans, and I trust the boss. "

"Third brother, I have to thank you. If you trust me so much, you will have to do a beautiful job in the future. I won't let you down." Lin Jing said with a smile, "Alright. Since the business here is over, let's go back and talk."

When they returned from the dock, it was already late. They had been busy for the better part of the night. Lin Jing was also tired, so he returned to his room to rest. Zhang San also busied himself for a few days before letting him go back. Feng Kui stayed inside the store to keep watch, so he had to stand guard on this shift.

For the time being, Ni Fei did not know what he was planning to do. However, this fellow was "I will not give up until my heart is dead". As long as he managed to grab even the slightest chance, he would definitely deal the killing blow. Thus, at any time, Lin Jing had to be vigilant of the Flying Sky Tower.

Although Ni Fei was in power and was not as threatening as Yu Qing, there was a good saying, "Looking down on the enemy is akin to burying yourself." Lin Jing had a clear understanding of the principles behind Lin Qing's actions. In addition, practice had taught him that he had to always be vigilant. Even when he was asleep, he couldn't relax.

The next day, it was already noon by the time Lin Jing woke up. Feng Yuqing was waiting in the shop when Feng Kui went back to rest. Before he left, he explained the situation that night. When Lin Jing came out, Feng Yuqing came up to discuss it with him.

The first round of the Zhou family had passed, but there would still be a second round.

Not only will it come, but it will come faster and fiercer. Lin Jing had used reality to tell them that Baolin's strength was not just for show. It was impossible to make them suffer a loss with just a small trick, but it had to be a battle formation, the kind of method that required true effort.

If the Zhou family knew, then Lin Jing also knew. Feng Yuqing's expression did not improve because of the victory. On the contrary, he became even more serious. With a dark face, he said, "Boss, this time Zhou An suffered a loss. Giving the initiative to us is probably not a good thing either."

"That's right. In that situation, even if I had to go head to head with him, Zhou An still wouldn't admit to this debt. He would only have been able to reap as many benefits as he wanted." "At least the control of the warehouse is in our hands now. If the Zhou family wants to move, they can't." Lin Jing nodded as he spoke, his expression showing his worry.

"We just need to wait for them to make their move. It's not good for us to deal with them whenever we see them. They're too passive. "I think we have to take the initiative. Otherwise, the Zhou family will have to lead us by the nose." Feng Yuqing said, his eyes twinkling, as if he had already thought of something.

"That's the truth. Furthermore, Ni Fei's side should have more or less been arranged." If we don't move fast enough and he and the Zhou family come to an agreement, it will be even harder. Do you have any ideas? Lin Jing said as he pondered.

"In fact, I've been thinking for the past two days that the Zhou family's most dangerous situation was still the issue with these goods. You say they're fake, but from our point of view, they're not so fake. Truthfully, these are all things that everyone knows. Which family hasn't gotten their hands on them before? "

The expression on Feng Yuqing's face flickered as he continued, "But to be more precise, from the point of view of management rules, these are indeed not acceptable. Normally, a small fight would not be a problem, but since they had made it so big, it was only a matter of time before they would capsize. I feel that since you want to flip through it, why don't we do it ourselves! "

Hearing this, Lin Jing's eyes lit up. He slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, how could I not have thought of that!?" The Zhou family has pulled us into this leaking boat and they want us to drown in it, so we might as well just tear it down. It's just a assembling of goods. So what if I've spread it out! "

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Jing felt that if he really did this, then he might be able to completely destroy his roots in the matter of taking off his pants and farting. After all these years, how many people had been cheated to the point of losing everything, and how many had been harmed.

If he could do it well, he could at least clean up the filth and do something good.

Thinking of this, Lin Jing continued to say, "The Zhou family has so many samples laid out in front of us. If we don't use them, isn't it just letting them down? The Treasure Convention had been held quite a few times, so everyone was able to witness it. "It just so happens that the counterfeiting methods on the market are also changing with each passing day, we can be considered to be learning how to communicate with each other now."

"The authenticating committee, boss, you did a good job. This is the first time this has happened! In the past, those things had taught people how to be serious, but in reality, they weren't really of much use. You said that those free visitors had watched a few programs and checked the internet for videos. They didn't even touch anything, so how could they match up? "But it's much easier to admit that it's fake. I think it's feasible." Feng Yuqing immediately agreed.

"That's exactly what I meant. The Zhou family's storehouse also covers all the items in it. In addition, their cooking skills are considered top-notch, so using this as a sample would be perfect. " Lin Jing had already made up his mind to do this, so he quickly made arrangements.

"This is not something that can be done just because our family is in high spirits. If we want to make a move on everyone's cake, we have to have an old boss supporting us from behind. Let's go down to the Dong Clan Auction House to talk about this with Dong Bingfeng. If we can come to an agreement with him, with the help of an auction house, the chances of success are much higher. "

"Ok. Boss, go discuss it. I'll prepare the materials for you now. When the time comes, you can use them." Feng Yuqing said decisively.

He had been in the literary industry for most of his life, and he had a pretty good idea of what was going on. In addition to all the materials and materials that had been accumulated during this period of time, not to mention all of them, there were at least fifty to sixty percent of them. This was enough to support the Conference.

Lin Jing went straight to the Dong Clan Auction House, while Feng Yuqing went to the warehouse to sort out the information.

Halfway there, Lin Jing called Dong Bingfeng. Elder Dong had already set off. He should be arriving at the Imperial City by now, so he asked about Elder Dong's situation.

Although he had set off overnight to avoid some danger, there was still a chance that something might go wrong with Zhou An, so Dong Bingfeng was most likely following him around the entire time. Although his physique was high, even an iron man would not be able to withstand it.

After receiving Lin Jing's call, Dong Bingfeng's voice didn't sound tired at all. On the contrary, he sounded energetic and said, "Little brother, from now on, Eastsea City will be ours. "Well, do you have any new plans?"

"Brother Feng, I called just to talk to you about this. "I have a task I need to complete, which is offending someone, and a business deal I should like to discuss with you. Right now, we are on our way. We will be at the auction house immediately." When Lin Jing heard Dong Bingfeng's tone, he immediately felt more confident and said this.

"Haha, then come quickly, I can't wait any longer! "F * ck, these guys from the Arts Channel have made this place so smelly. I wanted to sweep all of them into the trash can!" Dong Bingfeng on the other end of the phone said in a very heroic tone.

After hanging up, the smile on Lin Jing's face became even wider.