121 Called the Warlord Four.

Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force 4th Guard Group Aegis Ship

Enemy attacks are increased in intensity by adding primary as well as secondary artillery.

However, they continue to intercept only high-threat shells with precise interception.

Eventually, the enemy entered the range of the Shokai's main artillery, the 127mm single-barrel flak gun.

Enemy, we're in maximum range.

"Starting with the main cannon!!"

"Starting with the main cannon!!"

Gunner repeats and pulls the firing trigger.

Auto Merara's 54-calibre 127-mm single-barrel flak gun began firing 45 rounds per minute at maximum range.

The gun stabilization system stabilizes the barrel, the FCS projectile control system calculates the relative velocity with the enemy, and fires at the enemy's future position.

The frigate that was sailing behind the wave, the frigate Shimakazu, joined the shelling.In addition, among the 4th Guard Corps that was invading from the port side, the frigate Sarasuma will also join the attack.However, the frigates were still short of their maximum range, and the attack was dropped.


Light shelling sounds are heard at sea.

A storm of shells fired from a total of four escort ships.

Each cannon boasts a firing rate of more than 40 rounds per minute, and two main cannons for a frigate.


Over 200 rounds per minute, roughly 3.5 rounds per second, or barrage of artillery, fell around the Grade Atlaster.

Around the Battleship, a fierce flame of impact appears alongside the roar, and the nearest bullet sweeps up the water of the sea.

The sound of the impact on the water and the unpleasant sound of metal hitting each other.

"Hit!! Hit!! Hit!!"

"Sink!! Sink! Sink!!!"

Enveloped by flames and explosions, enemy Battleships have no idea how much damage they've inflicted.Normally, shooting for more than a certain amount of time makes me want to check the effect, but the convoy didn't let go of the attack.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!!!!"

A 127 mm gun, a number in my mouth, sounds like a small calibre gun.

But the blow... the more power you see, the more fierce the blow is that you think there's nothing to shatter.

They get hit more than 200 times in a minute.

Its maximum range prevents precision attacks.

There are many nearby and out-of-box bullets, but obviously there are many hits.


In the blast flame, the enemy's primary and secondary cannons swirled and a fierce firing flame appeared.

Enemy ships fired!! 12 bullets!!

Interceptor missiles are fired immediately, and again seven artillery shells explode in the air.

As the distance became closer, the angle of inclination of the 46cm cannon and the like was low, making it obviously difficult to intercept.

"The enemy is alive!!!"

"Damn it!!! It's hard... it's too hard!!! What a hardness!!"

Enemy Battleships are alive in the blazing flames and shooting from the blasting flames.

Commander Sakano wraps his tongue around the precise shelling.

◆ ◆ ◆

The 4th convoy was split in two and continued shelling alongside the Grade Atlaster.Obviously, I can hear the impact, but the enemy's attack speed does not slow down at all.

The closer you get, the more accurate you can shoot, the better you can aim below the waterline, but the more you hit the enemy shells, the more dead you will be.

I couldn't decide to get any closer to the shelling of my enemies now.

"Was this the feeling of the American soldiers against Battleship Musashi during World War II...."

Commander Sakano snapped.

On October 24, 1944, the Japanese Imperial Navy Yamato Battleship No. 2 Battleship Musashi was engaged and sunk in the Shibuyan Sea against the United States military.

According to United States military records, 44 bombs, 9 rockets and 25 torpedoes were hit and sunk.

The total number of drops climbed to 161, and 78 hits were fired before sinking.

The direct cause of the sinking was presumably torpedo flooding.

Get close to the torpedo.War basically kills people, but I don't want to let them die if I can.

The wandering took up time and noticed that it was approaching the realm of Nahanat at a distance of 150 km.

◆ ◆ ◆

Royal Nahanat Land Self-Defense Force 5th Ground-to-Ship Missile Regiment

A search target radar was installed near the 8th junction of Mt. Acceid, the spiritual peak at an altitude of 1200m above sea level, the tallest mountain in the Kingdom of Nahanat.

I am fully capturing the enemy ship that is already approaching us from a position of approximately 150 km west of the island, as it is linked to the sea itself.

In the middle of the mountain, there were already relay devices, projectile command devices, four launcher-mounted vehicles, and four ammunition carriers.

Type 12 ground-to-ship guided missiles... The guided missiles fired rushed into the sea to sew the mountain on a pre-programmed course.

Its range is hundreds of kilometers and it can destroy ships with ground-launched missiles.

It is a very difficult weapon to attack from the offending side. For example, if an enemy state invades Japan, powerful missiles will fly from anywhere unless we secure space as a surface hundreds of kilometers inland.

Ready to fire.

"Hmm... that's right"

Lieutenant Kotsubo snuggled into boredom.

Only one enemy, no matter how huge a battleship, is reckless.

Special Attacks, their intense intentions are conveyed, but in reality they are meaningless.

It will be a good training.

With the power of the ground-to-ship missile regiment, we can easily defeat them.

"Let's just use one first.Otherwise we might waste taxes...

Fire when you're ready, yeah.

Shoot him at a slight interval.It can't be prevented anyway.Maybe we should double our fears. "


Commanders with shady faces give cruel instructions.


Type 12 ground-to-ship guided missiles are fired from the midsection of Mt.

The 12-type ground-to-ship guided missile, which has been sufficiently accelerated with the individual rocket booster, switches the propulsion French to the turbojet engine.

The guided missile proceeded on a pre-programmed course and went out to sea.

The 12-type surface-to-ship guided missile that crawled over the ground pushed toward the target.

◆ ◆ ◆

Gra Vulcan Empire Battleship Grade Atlaster

"Ammunition!! Ammunition!! Ammunition!!"



A fierce... blast of flame that you can't see before.

Enemy shelling that hits in succession.However, the armor of the important section of the iron wall was still alive.

Critical compartment armor was not removed, but the sound of too loud a blast was going to make my ears crazy.

Fear is spreading to the bridge.

"Don't wander!!! The Battleship is unarmed!!!Not enough to fear enemy attack!!! "

Captain Laxter roars.

I've never been hit in a row before.

However, enemy shelling is the same as rain, and battleships are advancing irrespective.

"My ship is immortal!!"

Someone on the bridge shouted.

The strongest battleships in history have a build-up of absolute confidence.

Commander Kaizar is inspired.

"We will invade Nahanato and return Nahanato to the ashes of the Japanese army by shelling!!!

This battleship was awesome!! "


We haven't hit any hostiles yet.However, the enemy's attack can withstand as much as it hits us.

Absolute confidence was born.

The shelling stops for a moment.

The bridge was wrapped in silence.

"Main cannon, reload next!!!"

It was then that I tried to keep attacking.

A ray of light runs through the sky.

"Enemy guided missiles approaching!!!!"


Look up.

The raised rocket turned towards us and eventually became a dot.

"I'm going straight!!!!!!!!!"

Someone shouted.


Commander Kaizar was ready to die and crushed.

Perhaps it's a word against the crew of the ship, or perhaps all of the Imperial forces of Gra Vulcan.

Behind his head, events from birth to the present run like running lights.

When I first heard the name of Japan, I was aware of the extent to which there were countries in transition other than Japan.

When the mighty Perpardia descended, I saw that there was no future rule, and I wasn't even interested in whether it was a country without national power.

Looking at the results of the naval battle off the coast of Khartoum Alpaz, I did not feel the threat posed by the military significance of what a fragile country to operate.

However, their reputation has changed since the fall of Army Base Balcrus.

Information was also collected, but there was a lot of uncertain information, and accurate analysis was not possible.

It was also pointed out that single-ship performance could be much stronger than expected, but the Empire's over-win military common sense prevented it from making an accurate assessment as an organization.

The dispatch of the navy's main fleet was a clear failure, an unprecedented and unprecedented defeat in history.

Our army has lost a lot of ships, and the Japanese army has not sunk a single ship yet.

A defeat enough to mud the history of the Empire.

With the inexhaustible performance difference of weapons that cannot be buried in practice, our country will continue to advance towards extinction.

I want to stop it.

I want to stop it... but my life will never be the same.

Reflects violently on the true mistakes of the Empire and on myself who did not realize them.


"It's too late."

He quietly meditates.

The 12-style surface-to-ship guided missiles of the 5th Surface Self-Defense Forces regiment hit near the bridge of Grade Atlaster, the largest and most powerful battleship in the history of the Gras Vulcan Empire, causing a violent explosion.

The humans inside the bridge evaporated in an instant, and the blast flame engulfed the ship.

In an instant, the chain of command and the ship that lost its steering slowly begin to spin.

But the attack continues.

One hit, one more hit, and the ship was severely damaged.

Marine Okano was trembling with fear.

The bridge is blackening the sky with gouges and flames from enemy attacks.

And with no chance of winning, there was more attack.

Each bullet exploded enough to envelop the ship, a fierce explosion far beyond our main cannon.

If you go like this, you will definitely die.

Not only Okano, but all the Marines were afraid.

Someone speaks.

"I'm gonna die like this. Shouldn't we leave the ship?"

Okano heard only the word "disembark."

The word "disembark" I heard when I was about to be crushed by fear.

I don't know who said it, but it even sounds like salvation.

Before he dies, he interprets it as convenient for himself.

He shouted loudly.

"All aboard!!! All aboard!!!"

The bridge was destroyed, the chain of command was messy, and the words "all aboard the ship" in the state of death and adjacency, those who heard them, repeat loudly for those who have not yet heard them.

The words of Okanol were conveyed as if it were a legitimate order, and the soldiers jumped into the sea first.

The next guided missile will strike as soon as it remains aboard.

The soldiers kept jumping into the sea to take a slight chance of life rather than a definite death.

Eventually, the Super Battleship Grade Atlaster begins to drift.

Meanwhile, the Eighty-Eight fleets that were heading for the aerial battleship Pal Kimeira will be overwhelmed by a careful Meteos attack.

This day, the Japanese invasion of the Imperial Naval Fleet of Gras Vulcan, which sent a large fleet of 1,000 ships, ended in failure.

The last Special Attack Battleship Grade Atlaster was devastated by as many as six ground-to-ship guided rounds and 235 artillery rounds.

Fly into the sea and the surviving crew will be taken prisoner.

The Empire's largest ship, Battleship Grade Atlaster, was captured, towed to Wu City, Hiroshima Prefecture, and thoroughly investigated.

◆ ◆ ◆

Wu, Hiroshima Prefecture

"This is... amazing..."

An old man with a white beard snapped.

A thoroughly destroyed warship is docked in the harbor.

A ship a little bigger than a frigate, no, more than three times bigger, exposes a painful wound.

"This is the enemy's main ship, which is said to resemble the Yamato."

A man in a Ministry of Defense uniform gave an overview of the battle to an elderly man.

"This world is full of hegemony.Until now, Japan has been caught in the war by the common sense of the former world, and has not shown any military power.

Don't you think? "

"As an official of the Ministry of Defense, it's hard to answer."

"Well, my father was a crew member of the Battleship Yamato.

I wasn't told the name of the ship at the time, but I was always proud to say that I was on the most powerful battleship.

After the war, I received a report of my father's death and learned that he was riding Yamato.

Japan needs battleships.I want to resurrect the Battleship. "

"Oh my God!!"

"It may be genius that this enemy battleship, Grade Atlaster, resembles Yamato in detail, with the exception of engines and projectile control systems.

Well, it's still under investigation.

Equipped with the Japanese version of the Easy System, it is equipped with state-of-the-art armor and armor enhancement.

If you use the word "young", it seems to be called "magic modification."

"But how about using enemy equipment in the name of a typical Japanese ship?

There may be a political way to use it in the Grade Atlaster situation.... "

"I don't know how to say this.You're too early. [M]

Hmm, sure, for those who love their homeland, putting the name of a representative Yamato on the enemy's ship is a big rebellion, and I think it's strange.

Modify the Grade Atlaster.

I want to build a Yamato Battleship using modern technology.

There is Yamato in Japan, and a big symbol would be a good deterrent to other countries.

I want to realize this.Let's move politics. "

A man of great influence in Japanese politics dreamed of repairing Grade Atlaster and resurrecting a domestic Battleship.