After seeing the four of us descend, the rest of the people followed us from the captain's quarters to the deck. When they heard a strange sound coming from the cabin, they immediately grabbed their weapons and looked in the direction of the cabin warily.

After a while, a strong smell of blood assaulted our nostrils. Soon after, we saw four sea ghosts covered entirely in blood appear at the cabin's exit. There was even a slightly smaller sea ghost eating a person's hand!

To tell the truth, I was terrified when I saw this scene. However, with so many people present, I suppressed the fear in my heart. Replacing it was anger!

"F * ck, what the hell is this thing?"

"Who cares about him!" Let's kill them first! "

It was unknown who let out a loud roar, but soon after, almost everyone fell into a frenzy. With a loud shout, they lifted up the weapons in their hands and lunged towards the four bloodied things!

For a moment, the scene became very chaotic. Although it was our men who blocked the monsters in the cabin, one of them directly withstood everyone's attacks and used his body to block the fish spears and steel pipes that we stabbed at!

When the fish spear pierced through the sea ghost's stomach, a dark green fluid could be clearly seen flowing out from its stomach, emitting an extremely strong stench. Moreover, when the monster's stomach was ripped open by the fish spear, a few fingers had seeped out from the thing's stomach!

However, due to the Sea Ghost's sacrifice, it successfully left a path for the three smaller Sea Ghosts behind it to fight. The three Sea Ghosts also successfully rushed out and jumped into the sea without even looking back!

The Sea Ghost in front of us, even though it was heavily injured, still continued to roar and stubbornly resist. However, fish guns were not something to be trifled with. They were made of fine steel and were powerful enough to pierce through a swordfish's skull! Furthermore, there was a godly person like Zhang Zi Kong present!

The Sea Ghost struggled for a few moments before lying on the ground without moving. It is hard to imagine how many holes were pierced through its body by our men! Aside from a puddle of stinky green juice, there were also some human organs that flowed out from the sea ghost's stomach.

At this moment, the sea ghost standing on the bow of the ship also let out a resentful hiss before diving into the sea. The storm had finally passed.

Afterwards, I heard Dong Hai and Liu Jie say that although they had stabbed the sea ghost a few times, they had not been able to injure its vitals. Furthermore, according to their descriptions, the sea ghost's forehead originally had a hole, as if it was the same sea ghost that I had shot earlier.

As the sea ghost's corpse stank too much, everyone only took a few pictures before throwing the corpse into the sea. They even got a lot of seawater and detergent before finally cleaning the deck.

While Dong Hao was ordering his men to clean the deck, Liu Jie brought his men into the cabin to inspect. In the end, just as Bighead had said, they found a broken corpse in a warehouse that had been used to store fish.

By the time Liu Jie took out that man's body and stored it in the container, that man had already been eaten up by those Sea Ghosts until there was only half a head and some broken limbs left. Since that warehouse was completely dyed red by that man's blood, Dong Hao ordered the closed warehouse to be closed.

When the sky turned dark, everyone was extremely depressed, just like a black cloud that was drifting towards them on the surface of the sea.

According to the two experienced captains, the legendary Sea Ghost is very vengeful, usually searching for food in a family. If a member of the family is injured by a sailor, he will retaliate at all costs, but we simply killed a member of that family!

"This is actually better! [My brother died so miserably! I was just afraid that they wouldn't come! "

Amongst all of the people gathered at midnight, almost none of them had any interaction with each other. Only Ah Tian and Ah Bing were brothers, and now that Ah Tian had been eaten by the Sea Demons, his heart was filled with hatred.

With Dong Hao's words of consolation, even though Ah Bing was still filled with resentment towards Nie Tian, he eventually agreed to let Dong Hao and the others go together.

After comforting Ah Bing, Dong Hao stood up and scanned everyone before saying loudly: "I know everyone is tired, but right now we have no choice but to get together! "The captain also said that after tonight, when the sun rises over the sea tomorrow, we will be able to leave this region of the sea!"

Dong Hao's words seemed to cheer everyone up, but I felt as if he was saying that there would be a storm tonight. At this time, the board also came close to my ear, "Brother Zhou, I smell a strange smell on this boat!"

After hearing those words, I immediately turned my nervous gaze towards the big board! Only the heavens knew if there were any messy things in this sea besides sea ghosts!

"What smell?" It's that sea ghost again? Or is there something else? "

"I feel that smell, it doesn't feel like it has anything to do with water. It's very fragrant, but it also makes people feel an inexplicable sense of fear!"

Hearing this, I finally felt a bit more at ease.

If it had nothing to do with water, then at least it wasn't something from the sea. Right now on the ship, other than the people who specialize in using Gu worms, the four great families have already gathered three families. There are some strange things that are not surprising, so I didn't take it to heart.

However, when it was time for dinner, Dong Hao looked for me with a serious expression. "Now that we're all on the same boat, we'll both suffer losses at the same time. You should understand this principle, right?"

Originally, I didn't have any good impression of him. If I hadn't inexplicably followed Zhang Zikong onto this boat, I wouldn't have known where I would have been able to enjoy myself! However, since he was already here, there was no other way out. Unless they went ashore and split up, it would be as he had said, both prosperity and losses.

So, I looked at him impatiently and said, "If you have something to say, just say it. I'm not a person who doesn't know what's important. I don't want to bring up other matters from the past until I get ashore!"

"Good!" "Since you've already said so, I am relieved!"

After saying that, he passed a cigarette to me and Big Board. Then, he suspiciously asked, "Ever since that Sea Ghost was forced back by us, did the Wood Ox in your hand have any abnormal reactions?"

After hearing this, I started to get suspicious.

The wooden cows in my hands were indeed modified by his sister, and they also had the function of foretelling danger. However, since the appearance of the sea ghost, they have never posed any threat to me.

However, his words clearly pointed to something!

Sure enough, after seeing me shake my head, Dong Hao took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the people eating at the table, "Including the two crew members, we originally had eighteen people. After the incident, we counted the number of people. Including the captain and vice-captain, we still have sixteen, but how many do you think we have now?"

After hearing this, a bad feeling welled up from the bottom of my heart!

Fuck, including me, there are a total of 17 people sitting in the driver's seat eating dinner!