Chapter 827 The Mind Reader

Chapter 827 The Mind Reader

Since Alex had told him about Guylaine, Gabriel kept the subject of mana away from the conversation, but that didn't stop him from talking about the game. And lord, did he like the sound of his voice.

They talked about anything and everything while eating their entrees and eventually went for the main course.

Gabriel recommended something to each of them based on what he thought they would prefer, and they decided to go with his recommendation instead of wracking their brains out.

He quickly left to tell the kitchen, and Alex used this time to lean in on Kary's ear again.

"Have you noticed?" he whispered.

Kary frowned lightly, unsure of what he was asking.

"Noticed what?" she whispered back.

"His powers. I figured out what class he is."

Even though they had talked about New Eden, the subject of classes had yet to come up. It was often considered rude to ask a person's class in a game where special classes existed.

So few were the people who asked the question.

Kary looked at him with a strange look.

'How would he know that? It's not like we saw him use his abilities.'

But Alex was a little more sensitive to mind intrusion than Kary was, given all the times he had someone shuffled around in his head. That's how he knew.

He had immediately felt the man entering his head and reading his thoughts. Of course, he could have blocked him out, but that would have made him suspicious.

So instead, he only locked away his deeper thoughts, letting him have free rein in his surface ones. This way, it would only look like he had a more challenging mind to penetrate.

Knowing his powers was half the task he'd given himself. The other half was figuring out whether this was an honest man.

Alexander had detected many more awakened people in the city than he would have liked to, and he knew that most of these were kids. And kids would often think getting powers was a way to become a superhero.

"ToB? Oh, yeah, that game where you became a pro. No, honey. I never had the time to look at those. I am proud of you, but games are games, and I can't focus on those too much."

Kary sighed disappointingly.

"You know, Guylaine, your daughter was one of the top ten players in ToB and an inspiration for many of us who played the game. And she has carved an even better place for herself in New Eden. She is a pioneer for magic users in New Eden," Alex said, sliding his hand into Kary's.

"Yeah, I've seen the leaderboards. But I'm more curious about where you stand on those. After all, my daughter wouldn't date someone who can't perform, right?" Guylaine asked, giving a smirk to Alex.

Alex chuckled.

"Well, that is a complicated subject. I was first for a while. But the trip to the hospital has put me far behind, I'm sure..." Alex said with a sigh.

Guylaine dropped her smirk, feeling bad about her comment just now. She had already forgotten that Alexander had spent a month in a coma.

"I apologize for my snarky comment. That was uncalled for," she said, looking sincere.

Gabriel sat back down at that moment, wondering what they were discussing.

"What comment? Was there a disagreement in the brief moment I was gone?"

Guylaine raised her hands to refute it, but Alex cut her off.

"Nothing of the sort. We were discussing our standings and classes while you were gone, and my mother-in-law had forgotten that I had just spent a month in a coma. But it's nothing worthy of an argument. It happened, and nothing can be done about it."

Gabriel's brow raised.

"Oh? I would also like to know your classes. Of course, I would share mine as well. As far as standings go, well, let's say I'm not a top player. But I manage," he said, doing a cocky smile.

Alex smiled back at him.

"Sure. I don't mind talking about it."

'He walked right into it. I thought he'd be smarter, given he's reading our minds,' Alex thought, locking those thoughts behind a wall.