Chapter 730 Another Trip Under The Surface

Chapter 730 Another Trip Under The Surface

Alex was still using his mana vision and noticed something about Clark's last strike.

The mana in his trainer's body had suddenly rushed to his fist!

Plus, the residual mana left in his own body was now blazing to life, with a microscopic thread latching between the two sources.

'I can't let his attack connect!' Alex thought, in panic.

He could feel like his body was being pulled toward the incoming fist, and there was only one thing he could think of.

"Thousand Thoughts."

Time slowed to a crawl from his perspective.

He watched as the thread between his stomach and Clark's fist became taut. He could feel the slow tug at him, telling him this attack was meant to hit a hundred percent of the time.

But he had a terrible feeling about it.

His instincts kicked in, and already his hair was changing colour, as were his eyes. Fur grew on his arms and face as his canines suddenly elongated, slightly protruding from his lips.

'I'm sorry, Clark. This is going to hurt like a motherfucker.'

His movements suddenly accelerated from the meld with White, and he moved much faster than Clark could even fathom. In less than a heartbeat, Alex grabbed the incoming fist, stopping it clear in its trajectory, and his other hand slammed across Clark's jaw.

Clark's eyes went white as they spun to the inside of his head.

The punch was more potent than a human should be able to hit, and it took him out instantly.

Sadly, that wasn't all it did. You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

The transfer of forces from Alex's fist to Clark's face also suddenly caused him to jerk backward. But since Alex was holding his arm, there was a limit to how far he could go.

"Mr. Leduc. You should have expected it. Did you think Mr. Boudreau wouldn't keep an eye on his most precious asset and ally? You should know him better by now," Mr. Gu teased.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. I can already guess where you are taking us. Will Jack be there as well?"

Phoenix entered the limo and sat down, nodding at Jack's assistant, and soon after, the door closed, and the limo lurched forward.

"No. Mr. Boudreau is busy in his office nearby. I am only taking you to the compound for good measure until you meet with Mr. Boudreau. I will then personally escort you back downtown, where you will meet him in his main office."

This seemed like many unnecessary steps to Alex, but there wasn't much he could do. He wasn't going to bust open the limo and escape.

These were his allies, even if they were being excessively snoopy.

"Fine. But I hope you don't intend to rough Clark up too much. I don't think he meant to go overboard like this. I doubt he even knows how strong he's become..."

Mr. Gu shook his head no.

"It wasn't our intention. We will only test his capabilities, as we did for Miss Deveille previously, and then make sure he checks up occasionally. Nothing more."

Alex nodded his head, satisfied with this answer.

The rest of the drive was done in silence as Alex and Phoenix looked out the windows, peeved their day had just gone to shit so suddenly. It felt like shit was always following them around lately, and it was getting heavy.

Once they reached the private hospital on the northern shore, the limousine immediately headed down to the underground parking and stopped before a merchandise lift.

Mr. Gu got off the limo first, reaching the pad next to the lift and typing in a code in a swift, practiced motion. The lift doors opened, and two armed mercs waited inside.

"Come. Let's get this over with. We can check your progress as well, since we are already here. Save you the trip due next week."

Once Alex and Kary had stepped on the lift, Clark still in the former's arms, out cold, it shook slightly and started going down.

Alex wondered how long he would need to come here and 'get checked,' as Mr. Gu said. He felt like it was redundant.

Was there even a need to know exactly how strong he was becoming?

'I'll play along for a while. But not forever. My time is best spent elsewhere.'