Chapter 165 - Meeting Mrs. Nam Joo

Name:Never Date A Man In Pink Author:MizA
It was three days before Ye Rim and Eun Ha's birthday, but they hadn't yet spoken again. Eun Ha tried to call every day and had even gone to the Optimus Entertainment to wait for Ye Rim, but the singer was adamant.

The mere idea of spending their birthdays alone distressed the fairy. They had sworn it would never happen.

But Eun Ha still needed further confirmation, and after some searching, she got the address of Ye Rim's mother. As was known in her hometown, Mrs. Park Nam Joo had left Ye Rim's father, and eloped with the psychiatrist in the neighboring city. However, according to the small town's gossip network, a few years later she left him. And a few years ago she had remarried to a pastor in a Pentecostal service.

Mrs. Park agreed to receive her, however, when she found out who she was.

Eun Ha was a little nervous when talking to Ye Rim's mother on the phone. She had a voice a little like her daughter's, just tinged with maturity minus the energy. The young fairy had chosen a scarf and gloves as a gift for her friend's mother. It was a small gift for the human who had saved her life. She wanted to know the 'Instillation', which was to permanently enchant an object, to make something wonderful for this woman. Mrs. Park wasn't the villain in this story, but a victim. At that time, however, Eun Ha didn't know how to permanently enchant objects to present her with something special.

Getting into the cab she hoped to have the answers she needed, and finally to meet this extraordinary woman.


Ye Rim looked again at the envelope in her hands, while she was inside the car watching the house across the street. That was her mother's address, Park Nam Joo.

Ye Rim had been restless since the latest events revealed things about her past that took many doubts out of her heart. Holding a grudge over facts that her mother had no control over ... She couldn't keep doing this. 

Looking at the seat next to her, Ye Rim saw the gift she had bought. Flowers. She had no intimacy with Park Nam Joo, and didn't know how to present her. Ye Rim just knew she needed to talk to her. Rebuild the bridges that Nam Joo had been trying to rebuild for some time. 

With her cell phone in hand, she was about to call the number her mother had sent her, when she saw a cab stop in front of the house. And from the cab, Eun Ha came out, with a box in her hands!

'WHAT?!' What was that crazy woman doing there ?! Ye Rim was amazed, literally with her mouth agape. She wasn't going to let Eun Ha talk to her mother ... Or did they already talk? 

Ye Rim hurriedly got out of the car, slamming the door. Eun Ha immediately turned around, startled. 

"UNNIE, I MEAN, SRTA JUNG EUN HA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Ye Rim yelled as she crossed the street, looking at her ex-unnie. Eun Ha went white as wax,

"Ye Rim! Y-you… What are you doing here?"

"Are you going to answer me with my question ?! Do you want to die?!"

The fairy looked at her with fear in her eyes,

"Aigoo, Ye Rim. I came to pay a visit to Mrs. Park."

"Ah, did you? What right did you come to my mother's house ?! "

"Ye Rim!" her ex-friend reacted with surprise, "I called! I talked to her and she said I could come today, at this time!"

Ye Rim opened her mouth, amazed. But then she narrowed her eyes accusingly,

"What are you up to this time, 'Eun Ha'?! What can you want with my mom?"

"Good Ye Rim, I need to hear about the day of our birth. I need to unravel this charade once and for all," Eun Ha confessed her intentions with this visit.

"You only think about your interests!"

"That's not it! I always wanted to know, because it's part of my story. But as my best friend would resent it if I came to her mother, so I let ALL THESE years go by without knowing it!" Eun Ha was also exalted, and her boldness to say such things surprised the singer.

"Aish, how brazen!"

"And what are you doing here? Did you know that I would come?"

"Of course not! I am not the one who keeps an eye on other people's lives and sabotages them!"

"Okay, that was offensive, but it was true so I will let it pass! But you still can't stop me from visiting someone ..." 

She interrupted Eun Ha, approaching menacingly,

"Can't I?! Let's see if not," she held up her hands to grab Eun Ha, who was retreating as she cringed.

"Hey, calm down, Ye Rim! Don't be like that, I already said she agreed. If I knew that… Aiiiiiish!!!" Eun Ha turned and started running while Ye Rim ran after her. 

But Chang Mi, who came in front of her intercepted the singer,

"Stop, noona! I won't allow this kind of situation! I am here to defend you, but I cannot let you be hurt."

"I don't want to and won't attack Ye Rim!" justified Eun Ha. Ye Rim snorted, realizing how pathetic the situation had become. 

Chang Mi suggested, "If the two of you need to talk to Ms. Park, wouldn't it be better to do this together? So any suspicion about the content of the conversation will dissipate. I'm sure there will be no problems with Mrs. Park. She must be eager to see them again."

One looked at the other hoping for agreement. Ye Rim tried to control her grudge, and nodded, agreeing,

"Okay. It's even better that way. I don't want my visit causing a disruption in the agenda. But I won't allow Eun Ha to talk to my mother alone."

She felt Eun Ha looking at her with hurt, and when she looked out of the corner of her eye, she saw her lips tremble. 'Aish, how dramatic!' "Let's go. But don't think about visiting my mother behind my back. If I find out about this, you will feel my fury!" she threatened and made the gesture of cutting her neck with her hand, accompanied by a characteristic sound. Eun Ha winced, but agreed,

"Okay. It will be good for you to hear it too. I imagine it will be a painful conversation, after all."

It was in this way that both passed through the gate of the house, being received by a uniformed employee. The house was comfortable and beautiful, although both girls were feeling uncomfortable at the time. The woman led them down a corridor and saw pictures of the couple and their children, a teenage couple. Ye Rim wondered if they were really her half-siblings. She had no details. The door opened to a comfortable room, where Ye Rim and Eun Ha saw Park Nam Joo.

Ye Rim felt her chest tighten. She thought she had already forgotten what her mother was like, but the closeness brought back the oldest memories of her life. She swallowed, watching and being watched by her mother.

But noticing that her mother looked like a dead person distressed her the most. There was no shadow with her, but there was 'something' with her. Ye Rim, however, didn't know what it was.

Thick tears started streaming down Nam Joo's face, looking at the two people. She just wrung her hands, not knowing how to act around the children, now a.d.u.l.ts, that she abandoned. Only when it seemed unbearable, did she abruptly express,

"Forgive me! Forgive me!"

The two had the same impetus, and embraced her, without words to express the intensity of this reunion.

Just a little later, they could sit down, and have a conversation. Nam Joo didn't know them nor did they know her. They started by telling what they were currently doing. Ye Rim's mother revealed that she had married Reverend Jo 8 years ago. Nam Joo had been converted to this denomination 12 years ago. He was a widower and had two children from his first marriage. She helped with Church activities.

Nam Joo had a beautiful exterior appearance, although she looked frail and sickly. Not at all with the fussy girl from the photos her father kept hidden in a box at the bottom of the closet. Now Ye Rim could understand the great transformation that the day of her birth caused in his mother.

Nam Joo held the hands of the two women beside her, as if seeking energy and contact with them. 

Ye Rim felt a scar on his mother's palm, and turned her hand to look. There was an ugly scar, as if something had pierced and burned right in the center of the palm. Ye Rim might not see a shadow, but she felt that this was where her energy was draining away. She noticed Eun Ha, on the other side, peering and widening her eyes when she saw the scar. This confirmed her suspicions, even though Eun Ha said nothing. 

But Eun Ha asked, before her,

"Mrs. Park! This scar ... It's not normal! That happened on the day of our birth, didn't it?"

Park Nam Joo smiled slightly,

"At least you're going to believe me, aren't you, Eun Ha?"

"I'M GOING TO BELIEVE TOO," Ye Rim interrupted, regretting that she had been so aggressive in her intrusion. But her mother also smiled at her,

"Okay. So I need to tell you how it all happened."