Chapter 124 - The Horned Fairy

Name:Never Date A Man In Pink Author:MizA
Eun Ha slipped into the service area, passing by the kitchen and grabbing a tray. Using the object as a shield where she could hide behind. The fairy sped up her pace and entered the first door she saw, hoping it was a pantry or something, where she could hide and use her cell phone to call her teacher. Looking at the reflection of the tray, Eun Ha saw her little horns protruding from her forehead, while her cheeks and nose were crimson. The magic tingled throughout her body, causing chills and sobs. And she was under the impression that this was just the beginning!

But Eun was not in a pantry, but in a hallway. Some supervisor shouted near the door,

"How many times I need to say this door is out of limits?! If someone goes up to the offices, I will fire them without payment, are you listening?!" 

When the man opened the door to spy if everything was okay, Eun Ha hid in the shadows, shaking. The door slammed shut. 

The fairy pulled out her wand and tried to change her appearance, but the chaotic sensation in her body prevented the use of magic. Next, she tried to call Professor Shin, but his phone was off. 'Damn, I need to find him! Is he upstairs?'

Taking a deep breath, she moved forward cautiously, since she couldn't back down.

Going upstairs, Eun Ha reached a luxurious floor full of locked doors, with indirect and pleasant lighting. A crack of light escaped under a door at the end of the corridor. Was this where Stylist Zhang was talking to his partner, Vivian Park?

This was not important now, as he could not see her in that state. Realizing that someone was about to open that door, Eun Ha opened the first door she found unlocked and entered. The lights were off, but the huge window had the blinds open, allowing light to enter the elegant office. The spotlights on the terrace were strong enough to light up the room, leaving only streaks of darkness.

Somewhere nearby, a door slammed shut, but the stylist could not identify the origin.

Eun Ha tried to call the Hunter again, without success. Then, as she decided to risk going out into the hall again, she heard a noise outside the window.

The fairy retreated to the dark side of the room, startled. The window opened from the outside and someone entered, with some difficulty, and trying not to make a noise. Eun Ha remained hidden in the shadows as she watched the woman carefully closing the window. Eun Ha had a sense of familiarity when she saw her, but the fairy could not recognize her at once.

The short-haired woman wearing a beautiful Park & ​​Zhang dress was probably her age or a little younger. In addition to the unusual situation of coming in from outside the window, she was panting and looking panicky. Although on one hand, Eun Ha wanted to step out of the shadows and ask what had happened, she also felt some disgust for the young woman. It was the same feeling she had when entering Kim's cafe on the first Hunt. The fairy suspected that the girl was being parasitized by wraiths.

The woman seemed tempted to go back to the window, but at the same time, she acted as if paralyzed and stuck to the floor. She brought her fist to her mouth, but then resolutely closed the blinds.

'Is she struggling with the voices of the wraiths? What should I do?' Eun Ha stirred, feeling pressured to act, although knowing that she would expose her nature in doing so.


"Excuse me too, I'll be right back," said Jun Hyeon, making a sudden decision. He would meet Ye Rim, and he would not end tonight without telling her they should stop this farce. He would confess tonight.

The doctor just followed the woman in red's trail, avoiding people he knew at the party. In the distance, he saw her asking people and gesturing about a short person in a big hat. Someone pointed to one side, and Ye Rim moved on. Attentive only to her, Jun Hyeon tripped over someone, and stopping to apologize briefly, noticed an elegant lady coming from the opposite direction where Ye Rim was going. This lady gave orders to two security guards, who left their posts, looking concerned.

The woman then looked at the party for a moment, and felt her clutch discreetly. While walking without looking back, the woman didn't notice that she had dropped something.

It wasn't a problem for Dr. Kim to take the object and return it. 

"Lady? Excuse me, you dropped something," he said, bending down to pick up the object. It was a small pack of pills, with a familiar name. As a doctor, Jun Hyeon knew that they were anticonvulsant pills, commonly used by people with epilepsy. It was certainly important to return them!

The woman seemed nervous when receiving the medicine from his hand, but as a doctor, Jun Hyeon knew that many people were embarrassed to have this type of illness. She didn't even thank him, and left.

'Aishh, what a rude person!' still, he looked for Ye Rim with a look, and followed her up the stairs.


Eun Ha could no longer stand to watch that beautiful woman crouched with her hand on her head, seeming to struggle between conflicting thoughts. A person started knocking on the window, outside, looking desperate,

"Yuna!! Yuna?! Daughter?! Yuna! Open it! Open Yuna! I'm begging, open it!"

Eun Ha recognized the voice on the other side of the window: it was Stylist Zhang! So this was his only daughter and assistant, Yuna Zhang!

'My God! That woman locked her father on the railing! She looks upset, but I can't let her commit a crime!'

Eun Ha came out of the shadows,

"What did you do Yuna?!"

The crouched woman looked up at the figure that emerged from the shadows, and her face paled in terror. Eun Ha sighed, "Don't pass out just because you're seeing a horned, red-faced creature coming out of the dark corner of the room! What you did is much worse!"

However, instead of obeying or passing out, the woman ran to the door, leaving before Eun Ha could hold her. The stylist wasted no time and ran to the window to open it. But when trying to do that, she realized that it was the type of window that had a small key, and of course, Yuna had taken it with her!

'Damn it!'

"Calm down, Stylist Zhang, I'll get you out of there!" she didn't quite understand what the two of them were doing on the building's on a party night, but she knew it was too risky. "Just don't move too much, I'll open the window!"

The man on the other side looked at her, seeming for the first time to look at Eun Ha through the glass. 'Damn, who would calm down when he knows that there was a damn horned creature on the other side of the window?' she pondered as she took out her wand.

Unfortunately, Eun Ha still couldn't command her magic. Breaking the window close to Stylist Zhang was dangerous, so she figured she might find the way he had come. Hurriedly leaving the room, she tripped over Hunter Shin,

"Professor, where were you? Forget it! We need to save stylist Zhang!" 

Fortunately, the Hunter didn't need many explanations. He just stopped her for a moment, holding her by the shoulders, to look at her face. 'BWAAAA! I must look awful!' Eun Ha lamented herself intimately. But the Hunter ignored it, and they both ran to the room where Eun Ha had seen the light on before. 

There was no one there, but the window was also closed. With no hesitation, the Hunter broke the window and jumped out, and had no trouble rescuing the famous stylist, paralyzed with terror on the narrow

Stylist Zhang was an elegant, kind and good-humored man, but at that moment he was in shambles. He looked like he was about to pass out, totally disoriented.

Eun Ha didn't think of herself at that time and took a glass of water for him to drink. Strangely, Stylist Zhang didn't comment or ask about Yuna, the younger stylist noticed. Upon returning the glass to Eun Ha, Alexander Zhang smiled weakly. 

"I am grateful. I have a… neurological problem, and I'm having what they call an 'aura' right now. On the phone on the table, can you call Mr. Cha? He's my driver.

"Stylist Zhang," said Eun Ha, while the Hunter did what was asked, "Isn't it better to go to a hospital in this case?"

"No, Miss. Jung. I took medicine when the symptoms started, about half an hour ago. I just need to rest. And…"

It amazed her! Stylist Zhang, even in such a situation, had recognized her!

"Does Sunbaenim know who I am?"

"Of course, darling. You're still splendid in every way. And I liked the headpiece a lot. Very thought-provoking!" Zhang replied, getting up when the driver came running. He was keeping his elegant manners despite showing a bit of slowness in his reactions, as if drunk.

Eun Ha was torn between being ecstatic and concerned about the whole situation. The stylist also said, before leaving,

"Miss. Jung, let's exchange business cards! I want to speak to you at a more opportune time, when I'm not seeing lights. Although I took my medicine, I think I need to see my doctor. My pills are not relieving me anymore ... And ..." as he took a business card out of his pocket, and Eun Ha did the same, he quietly suggested,

"I know I can count on your discretion."

"Sure, Sunbaenim," Eun Ha was still too shocked to reason properly. 'He really wants to talk to me!'

When they were alone, the Hunter commented,

"I came across a woman possessed by wraiths. I threw them out. But they'll be back to her, I'm sure. I think it was she the one who…" he stopped, realizing that Eun Ha wasn't listening.

"Oh, I forgot, look at this!" he looked concerned, turning to the horned fairy.

"Will I die?!" Eun Ha asked with eyes full of tears, "Am I going to die right now?"

"No, you have allergy symptoms. I'll take you home," he put a hand on her shoulder, to lead her out. However, suddenly the Hunter changed his mind, and closed the door. "But why are you still crying? Didn't I say it's just an allergy?"


Ye Rim had gone up the stairs and saw her unnie and the man dressed in clothes designed by Eun Ha leaving a room at the end of the hall. Suddenly, the handsome man took Eun Ha by the shoulder and romantically turned her around, going back inside and closing the door behind him.

"Uh la la! Is it the French teacher?" she exclaimed, thrilled. However, in a second thought, there was something wrong with the whole scene, which was sudden. It was better to check if Eun Ha was safe.

Tiptoeing, Ye Rim approached the door. Checking if she was alone, she put her ear to the door.