"Don't worry, Dad. I'll let you climb on the sea, the strongest throne, and go to the end of the peak. I won't do it casually." Ace nodded in response.

As for white beard's attention and caution, Rao is a group of captains who are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and now they are strangely silent.

Red haired shanks, after looking at ace a little more, laughed and said, "well, since ace has come out, I'll try and find out the answer from other people's mouths."

"However, white beard, don't forget that we are allies. In this unknown situation, only the alliance can increase the probability of survival, let alone take the initiative in this kind of incident."

"So, if ace really gets any useful information, I hope you don't hide it. You can rest assured that I will share the secret with you."

In the face of this direct way of speaking, many captains on the scene changed their faces slightly.

If in the past, someone dared to talk to white beard like this, they would have learned a lesson.

However, it is not what it used to be. It is known as the strongest group of white bearded pirates in the past, and it has been gradually overshadowed by the blood flag Pirate Group.

If we can not rely on this incident to turn over, I am afraid that the blood flag pirates will become the leader of the new era.

"Humph, red hair, don't use the heart of a villain on me. This time you stopped me and didn't let me deal with Blackbeard, but I will never forget. After this time, if you and I have not been buried on the sea, I will teach you a good lesson and let you know that you will always be an internship kid on Roger's boat in front of me." White beard disdained to snort coldly, threw the pieces of wine bowl in his hand to the sea, and then turned to leave the road.

"Seeing off the guests, I'm tired today too!"

Looking at a sudden, under the white beard, red hair is not only not angry, but a sigh of relief, showing a trace of smile.

Red hair knew, of course, that in the eyes of white beard, he would always be an intern on Roger's ship.

Even if he became one of the four emperors and sat with white beard, he was not valued by white beard.

However, it is for this reason that red hair believes that the white beard, who always loves face, will never break his promise.

Looking at the huge figure of white beard disappearing in the cabin, red haired shanks put down the wine bowl in his hand and said, "brother Marco, things are over here. I'll leave first to find the secret of the final Island, lourderu."

"Ace, you are the blood of Captain Roger, and I hope you can be careful. There are a lot of things in this sea that you can't understand. As pirates, we should have the consciousness of licking blood on the edge of the knife."

"Goodbye, and hope the next time we meet, it's time to unravel the secret of lavdrew."

Leaving this remark, the red haired shanks, who had no intention of staying any longer, jumped forward and landed directly on the riverside.

As for the negotiations between the four emperors, especially at this crucial point.

Laki and Ben Beckman, on board, did not relax at all.

It was not until the red haired shanks returned to the deck that they were relieved.

According to the order of the emperor, the world is still full of wind.

Especially in the Navy headquarters, after the emergence of Yim, the supreme ruler behind the scenes of the world government, the last sentence left behind was a thought-provoking remark.

It has become an invisible hand stirring the sea.

The momentum that set off the sea was no less turbulent than the one in rogue when Roger the pirate king was executed.

In this kind of factor, originally as a great waterway, the most important springboard to the new world, the shampoo islands.

There are waves of pirates.

Those who lurk in the four seas, break through the famous supernovae, also began to show their edge, have flocked to the shampoo islands.

Islands No. 1 and No. 2, which were originally damaged, were directly reduced to important places for pirates to board the islands and to be coated.

In the huge wharf, there are dozens, even hundreds, of pirate ships.

Countless pirates, constantly landing on the island to find a suitable coater, coating ships as soon as possible, and then rush to the new world.

It can be said that the pirates gathered here have only one idea in their hearts.

I want to rely on the unprecedented opportunity in IM's mouth to step up to the sky and stand on the ranks of the strong.

"Raleigh, I didn't expect that you would come here for coating. I don't think you owe money to the gambling house again. During this period of time, there is no selling auction, so you'd better make less money in the future." An old man who was planning to go to the coating, looking at Raleigh out of the crowd, took the lead to say hello.

As a coating craftsman of the shampoo islands, Raleigh's excellent craftsmanship and gambling personality are undoubtedly well known by many people."Oh, old Saul, you're still the same old man, and you like to preach to me." Raleigh stopped, looked up and took a sip of the drink, and said, "but my life is short. If I don't even have a chance to gamble, it's just as tasteless as this drink."

"But this time you're wrong. I'm not here for coating. I just want to see what a famous new man looks like in the shampoo islands during this period of time."

Raleigh dropped the words and looked out on the dock.

In addition to the messy images of the ships, there are also some special pirate ships.

These special pirates will maintain a certain vacuum around the sea.

Those who want to get close to the sea will also show a trace of fear when they see the pirate flag hanging on the top of the mast, and they choose to retreat and leave the sea area one after another.

Of course, judging from the scattered wreckage on the sea surface, I'm afraid there are many people who don't have long eyes.

In the face of these so-called supernovae, a challenge was launched.

It was eventually sunk directly into the sea.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that many interesting people came to the shampoo islands this time." Raleigh grinned, poured a mouthful of wine into his mouth, and said with a slight regret.

"Unfortunately, they were not born at the right time. If they appeared on the sea a few years ago, they might be able to become the dominant maritime power. In time, they will be able to challenge the order set by the four emperors and become a new giant."

"Now, in the face of the red flag Pirate Group and the mysterious stranger Yu Zhibo Qinyu, even the four emperors are overwhelmed, let alone a group of new people."

"Next, I'm afraid the new world will change."