The deck of such a large ship suddenly fell into a dead silence.

A moment ago, they may still be skeptical about what they said about red hair.

However, the Warring States, now the marshal of the Navy headquarters, called him personally.

This is enough to show that what red hair just said is not groundless.

"White beard, are you listening to me?"

Another part of the phone bug, again sounded the urge of the Warring States period.

Marco and others return to their senses and subconsciously look at the white beard with a trace of urgency on their faces.

They already had a hunch, but they wanted to confirm it again.

"The Warring States period, you are a rare guest. I didn't expect that you, as a naval marshal, would choose to contact me in this way. It seems that this time, you feel helpless." The white beard said in a deep voice.

"The guy with red hair is on my boat..."

"Red hair?" The Warring States period was slightly shocked, and then recovered quickly, saying, "it seems that there is indeed a secret between you."

"However, I still want to say one more word. Half a day ago, the five emperors, Yuzhi Bo and Qin Yu, led the blood flag Pirate Group to raid the kingdom of he. Kaiduo was beheaded and the group of beasts and pirates was uprooted."

"Charlotte Lingling's bigcom pirate regiment was also defeated."

"Next, I'm worried that Yu Zhibo's ambition will not stop here, and will point to the countries where the bigcom Pirate Group, which also declared war, is located."

"I have received information that Blackbeard is going to all countries, intending to attack the countries of bigmon pirates. White beard is on your way. I hope you will not be impulsive for a moment and fight with Blackbeard."

"I have intelligence that Blackbeard has already captured it." I believe that with the fierce fighting among us pirates, the Navy headquarters and even the world government will never watch the drama and end up in a litter. I'm afraid it will be us. "

At this point, the red hair put down the wine on his shoulder and said, "you can think about it. Maybe give me another face, or I will try to stop you in order to save your white beard pirates."

Leaving that, red haired shanks turned away.

Watching the Reeves sail away again, the huge deck of the ship fell into silence again.

As the leader of the white mustache group, he was also the leader of the White Sea pirates.

He knew clearly that he was in a dilemma when his hands were full of meat.

As a captain, and known as the strongest white beard in the sea, it will be difficult to pull down his face.

"Dad, I also think that we should not act rashly now. We must avenge Saatchi's revenge, but it does not mean that we should act in a hurry." Said Marco in a deep voice.

"If it is spread out and let the outside world know that we, the white bearded pirates, have sneaked into Tyche, who is attacking all over the world. I'm afraid this is similar to the despicable behavior of Tyche."

"We are the white bearded pirates, and dad is the strongest one in the sea. To avenge Sacchi, we need to be honest and upright to declare war. Otherwise, sage under the yellow spring would not like to see it. Because of his affairs, dad and the white beard pirates have fallen into the same treacherous villain as Dick."

At the scene of a group of team leaders, eyes suddenly bright.

They have never been like Marco, with the big picture in mind.

However, compared with Marco, the brainchild of the white bearded Pirate Group, his brain is obviously not so smart.

"Dad, I don't think brother Marco is wrong. Black bearded Tyche is under my command. I will never let him go when he makes such treacherous things on board." Ace echoed.

"If you let daddy commit himself to deal with Dick, once it gets out, outsiders will think that there is no one in our white beard Pirate Group."

"That's right, Dad. Ace and Marco are right. This matter can be delayed for a while. Then we can declare war in an upright manner, and directly sink the so-called black bearded pirates like yuzhibo, Qinyu and kaiduo."