"Gabra, you don't have to challenge Lurgi any more." Now the owl has a lot of defense, but it's worth more than 3700

"You only have 1900 force values, but the difference is too big, and you will be abused."

"I'm not going to say it, but it's going to come out."

Looking at the owl who opened the chain of his mouth without any mercy, gabra was in a hurry and said, "owl, your cooperation is absolutely not accurate."

"And last time, you promised not to tell me about my being dumped. The next day, the whole island of SIFA knows about it. I will kill you!"

"No My cooperation is accurate. You all believe that Mr. Spandam has only 9 points of Daoism, while normal people have 11! "

"What's more, my mouth is the most tight, and I can't say anything about other people's rights and wrongs..."

As he spoke, the owl pulled the chain from its mouth again.

However, as long as anyone familiar with the owl knows, he is the first person.

"Asshole owl, shut up. I don't need to fight as an officer." Spandam growled.

"What's more, I have the elephant sword that takes the devil's fruit, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

Looking at spendame, who was angry, the people present were already used to it.

As a spy organization second only to CP0, to be able to join, the lowest foundation is to be proficient in six styles.

In the original book, there is a new man known as the new king, who is only proficient in the three forms, after being defeated.

He was killed by Lurgi directly, and Spandam didn't pursue him.

It can be said that in cp9, its own strength is fundamental.

Even Spandam, as the chief executive, also relied on it.

"Well, chief Spandam, if Nicole Robin's mission is over, I should return to the city of seven waters and continue with the next mission." Said loblurgi coldly.

"I don't have many holidays approved by esbagu. If I delay my time, I may be found out with espachu's caution."

As a latent mission for several years, rob lurch has already figured out the character of esbagu.

In Lurgi's eyes, they couldn't find any trace of the Pluto's design, which was entirely due to espachus's caution.

"Well, that old man, if it's not for fear of scaring the snake, I'll shoot him with one shot!" Spandam gave the table a resentful remake and said, "Luca, this time you've done a great job."

"As long as you can get the design drawing of Hades, I will take you to CP0. By then, we will enjoy endless glory and wealth."

During this time, as long as spendame thought about it, he could wake up laughing in his sleep.

That's a wish that even his father has been struggling for most of his life to achieve.

Now, even the son of the devil who has escaped for 20 years can fall into their hands.

And that gives spendame, like, an infinite impulse to get close to that goal.

"Moximoxi, emergency contact. This is kalifa!"

The rapid call of the telephone bug sounded without warning.

The nerves of all the people present were suddenly pried.

Spandam was stunned at first, then his face brightened, and said excitedly, "it's kalifa's emergency contact. It won't be a good thing. It's the whereabouts of Hades."

In Spandam's eyes, the phone bug for emergency contact had not been ringing for a long time.

Now suddenly, this is the first thing in his mind.

"Sir spendame, don't be too happy too soon, in case it's just empty joy!" Gabra gave a sullen look.

Nicole Robin, who has been on the run for 20 years, is caught by Rob lurch, and if they get even the Pluto's drawings.

In the days to come, for gabra, who always liked to win.

Not only has he been overwhelmed by the combat effectiveness, I'm afraid even the contribution of the mission has been overwhelmed.

"Get on the phone first." Rob lurch frowned and reached for the phone bug.

"I'm luckie. Kalifa needs to use this phone bug to contact me if there's something urgent."

In Spandam's eyes, kalifa's emergency contact may be more of a double blessing.

However, in Lucci's eyes, unless espacho saw through his identity.

Otherwise, it would not. As soon as he left, he showed his flaws and let Califa and others catch him.

"Luca, it's not good. Our stealth mission has failed. Escano has found out his identity. He's coming for Nicole Robin. Kaku and Bruno are seriously injured!"

Califa's rapid voice came from the phone bug.The expression of the people who had different looks suddenly became stiff.

The eyes swipe in unison, locked on the phone bug.

Whether it's gabra or owl.

They just couldn't bear to see Luke finish the task.

However, I absolutely don't want to see the failure of this mission, which took several years, lurking in the capital of seven rivers.

Is this gabra's curse coming out of his mouth?

"Kalifa, what's going on? Isn't escano, the new qiwuhai candidate that the world government intends to recruit? How he got involved with Nicole Robin. " Spandam's face sank, snatched the phone bug from Lurgi's hand, and growled: "Kaku and Bruno, aren't they the elite of cp9?"

"Is not these years of latent mission, let your body grow rust!"


In the face of this evaluation, lurch could not help frowning.

He was also part of the stealth mission.

If, in spendame's words, Kaku and Bruno are rusty.

Does that mean his body is rusty, too?

"No..." Spandam, noticing the change in Lurgi's look, quickly changed the subject and said, "kalifa, you said Kaku and Bruno were seriously injured by escano."

"What about escano's injury?"

"He dares to attack us cp9, which destroys our mission. At least we need to catch him. As for how the five old stars deal with him, that's another matter."

If Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, is a threat to the existence of the world government.

So getting the design of Hades will be the quickest way to enhance the strength of the world government.

Maybe Pluto is hard to make.

However, with the world government, and berga punk, we have surpassed the human mind for 500 years.

Maybe, we can't mass produce Hades.

However, as long as there are enough materials, or alternative materials, it may not be impossible for berga punk to reproduce three or five Hades.

Once it reaches this level, I'm afraid the whole sea will change.