
Such as the thunder of the explosion, resounding, set off the explosion wave, like a raging tide rolled back and opened.

Let the originally not calm sea, set off a big wave in an instant.

The pirate ship in which, like a boat, became unstable, as if it would capsize at any time.

"Hancock, why don't you send out a distress signal quickly, but the navy is chasing this madman." My mother-in-law leans on crutches, reluctantly stands up, urgent voice proposal way.

Looking at the huge island like ships pursuing more than ten nautical miles behind him, his face was livid.

Half a day ago, they got a signal from the Navy about the meeting place, and they were going to rush there.

I didn't expect to meet the lunatic Bondi Walder, the world destroyer, on the way.

In the face of super long range shells, there is a hundred times the growth of Momo fruit.

It can be said that whether it is to escape or chase, we can not get rid of the huge pirate ship in front of us.

It's a nightmare for anyone who's been targeted.

"Son of a bitch, you let my concubine go to the Navy for help?" Hankuk's face was cold, and he said in a quick voice: "if this incident spreads out, will my wife still have the face to be a seven martial sea?"

"In the future, I'm afraid it will not only become a laughing stock among pirates, but also what the Navy headquarters and even the world government will think of me!"

"A dying old man, can you really take me down? What's more, everyone will forgive me for my decision, because I am the most beautiful. "

The voice of cold words reverberated on the huge deck. In the face of hancook's refutation, a group of female soldiers had already cast a fanatical look.

"Lord Hancock is right. Even if we die, we will never turn to the Navy headquarters for help."

"We are qiwuhai. For the sake of the reputation of the empress, we must be able to defeat these rude people!"

Looking at all of a sudden, hancook, who moved the whole staff's emotions, suddenly became angry.

"Mother in law, my elder sister is right. We can become qiwuhai because we have the ability to frighten the Navy headquarters and even the world government. If we ask for help now, it means compromise. In the future, we will have no voice in front of the Navy headquarters." Sonya said in a deep voice.

"Let's do it according to my elder sister's idea now."

"I agree with it!" Goethe agreed.

"Well, do what you say. Don't blame me for not persuading you!" My mother-in-law clenched the crutches in her hands, stamped towards the deck, and then turned and left angrily.

Looking at this scene, Hancock could not help but snort: "an old woman in the way!"

"Give me your orders. Since he's always chasing me, he'll give me a strong counterattack. I'll sink them and let the world know that we can do things that the Navy headquarters can't do!"

"Lord Hancock is right. Let's kill it!"

"For nine snakes, for Lord Hancock, we'll kill them!"

The hysterical cry of killing spread all over the sea.

The two sea snakes, who had been pulling the pirate ship and were in a hurry to escape, stopped abruptly and then turned to the gulosarche, which was in close pursuit, and went off in a roundabout way.

Standing on the central deck of the guloseyach, Walder on the ship's artillery was stunned and immediately burst into laughter.

"Valololo, who didn't think of the so-called Qiwu sea, gave up running away and instead intended to fight me."

"Let me have a good look at what the so-called qiwuhai, the lackey of the world government, can do."

"Brother binjack, get me boats and cannons. I want them to know that the ward pirates are not something they can provoke."

Crazy laughter echoed on the huge deck.

As the Deputy captain of the ward pirate regiment and the elder brother of Wald, binjack has been weak for a long time and has been on a bottle all year round.

Looking at the unscrupulous ward, he couldn't help saying, "Wald, according to intelligence, the Navy headquarters is still chasing us."

"Now, we should not waste time here. In case the Navy headquarters, like last time, form a encirclement, I am afraid there will not be a second storm to get us out of trouble."

"What's more, with your physical strength now, I'm afraid it's too heavy for you to control the gulosarche for a long time."

As a product of the old times, Wald, at the age of 45, was plotted by the alliance of the Navy and the pirates and sent to the prison of propulsion city.

In the sixth layer, it's frozen.

This treatment, however, was more strict than the Golden Lion sent to the sixth floor at that time.

After all, in the sea at that time, the golden lion was unscrupulous, but not as crazy as Wald.

Whether it is the Navy, or the pirates, even the dragon people, and some islands in the way will be destroyed by him.According to Wald, there is absolutely nothing on the way to get in his way.

However, that kind of arrogance is the product of more than 30 years ago.

After a long period of ice, Wald's appearance did not look very old.

But the real age is 78.

For a long time, the burden of using Momo's fruit ability to speed up the gulosarche is not on him. Now, his old body can completely ignore it.

Now I'm planning to use the ship's guns.

That will bear the pressure, but is infinitely magnified.

Once we encounter the sniping from the Navy headquarters at this critical point, it will undoubtedly make the situation worse.

"Asshole, do you mean I've been eliminated by this era, should I hide?" Wald's face sank and growled.

"If you don't go, I'll do it myself."

With these words, Wald's body swayed, his razor straight across binjack and behind the ship's cannons.

As the big hands shot the huge ships and cannons, the low rotation of gears resounded.

"Wald!" Bingjack's face was in a hurry.

"Get out of the way, don't get in my way. I'll sink them all. Even if the emperor and Laozi come, they can't stop me." Wald roared.

The huge gun barrel, under the gear rotation, is instantly locked on the nine snake Pirate Group which is approaching rapidly in the distance.

Witnessing this scene, Wald's face, can not help but emerge a crazy smile.

"Ha ha, with this ship's cannon, I see how you approach me. Today I'll let you taste the taste of sinking the sea!"

"Momo fruit, 50 times increase!"

With the roar, Wald slapped his right hand at the ship's cannon.

As the sound of the metal crash reverberates, the great fruit power pours into the ship's cannon like a raging tide.