The extremely annoying reply, like pouring magic sound at this moment, reverberated in the conference room for a long time, and there was no way to disperse it.

However, klockdall, for a moment, could not refute it.

He knew clearly that he would not play tricks on him at such a critical point because of his position and temperament in the Warring States period.

Since he says now that zephaz has not come to arabastan, he certainly has not.

So, who was the teacher bastieu was talking about?

Or is it that the teacher doesn't exist at all, just bluffing him?

At the thought of this, klockdall subconsciously hung up the phone bug.

Listening to the busy voice coming from the phone bug, in the Marshal's office of the headquarters of the Navy, the Warring States looks stiff at first, and then roars with anger at the next moment.

"Bastard klockdall, just now he's talking nonsense, and now he's hanging up with me. Next time I see him, I'll certainly scrap him."

Looking at the startled Warring States period, the Yellow ape and red dog, who were guarding here, stood up at the same time.

"Since he doesn't come, it's useless to keep waiting. It's time for us to start. After all, we just rely on those guys, but we can't do it." Said the red dog coldly.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, if you think you are angry and there is no place to spread it, you can change it with me. I will stay here for you to watch."

"You get out of here, you little devil of soy sauce!" the Warring States period glared and said, "if you can't finish this task, you'll catch ten pirates who offer a reward of over 100 million yuan

"Damned Kapu, he still doesn't show up yet. When he leaves, he steals Laozi's Xianbei. Next time I meet, I'll have to dismantle his bones!"

looking at the Warring States period, which is going to run away suddenly, he ate the shriveled yellow ape, shrugged his shoulders, and left with the red dog.

In the eyes of the Yellow ape, the new world offers a reward of more than 100 million pirates everywhere, with his fruit ability, it is simply swept away a large group.

Moreover, this kind of task, he has already played soy sauce many times.

After all, in terms of compensation performance, the Yellow ape is the existence of the speed of light. In the Navy headquarters, who can compare with it.

"Well, don't be unlucky here in the Warring States period. If qiwuhai can be relied on, we old bones will have already retired." The crane who stayed here suddenly said.

"However, it is said that this time KAP returned to the East China Sea, under the recommendation of lakasus, he has collected a lot of useful talents, not to mention Kapu's grandson. Among them, there is a pirate hunter, Luo Ya Solon, heizuyama of the Sea restaurant, and a long nosed sniper, whose strength can reach the level of a captain."

"As long as you train more, you will have a great chance to become a general, and maybe you will be able to win the title of a great general."

the voice of Er Chang made the Warring States period recover a little during the violent walk. After being stunned for a moment, he said, "it's not that the guy Kapu drank too much and was bragging about the Bulls!"

"in the East China Sea, there's no genius in it...

" As the weakest of the four seas, it is also because Roger, the pirate king, yelled blindly when he was executed in rogue town.

People who had some strength were cheated to sea.

Moreover, as a naval hero, KAP often finds excuses to go back to the East China Sea.

Those who are a little stronger have already been attacked by him as an excuse.

In the whole East China Sea, it's a naval hero who can't breathe.

"That's what Kapp said, and I can't say anything else." The crane faintly replied: "however, the sea has become more and more chaotic recently, and the big skeleton devil doesn't know where to hide. We should find him as soon as possible."

At the thought of the destruction of the great prison in Pusheng city and the uproar in the shampoo islands, I also feel that there is not enough brain for the crane as a think tank.

"Don't worry. I've sent more people to investigate and contact the world government to let the elite CP spy organization pay attention to the whereabouts of the skeleton demon."

"In the face of this guy, I have a feeling about the four emperors. If I don't solve him earlier, I'm afraid it will be a big problem in my heart."

The crane also nodded, hesitated and said, "by the way, I got a contact from bastieu not long ago, and he is now following laxus in his practice."

"At the same time, I also sent a copy of the materials to me. This is an explanation of the six styles and the profound meanings of the six styles. The level of the explanation is more detailed than that in the current training camp for Navy recruits."

"Among them, there are six types of fusion use, iron finger gun, iron LAN foot and so on, all have annotations."

Looking at the information the crane took out, the more you look at the Warring States period, the more wonderful the look.

Finally, he couldn't help saying, "this... These experiences are not comparable to the teaching system in the training camp. The level of detail and the depth of explanation are all standard textbooks!"

looking at the shocked Warring States period, crane also nodded heavily and said, "when I saw it, it was the same as your cognition.""In particular, the explanation of the six patterns is more detailed than that made by Karp and you. If we apply it to the senior generals of the Navy headquarters, we may be able to raise the overall combat power of our navy to a higher level."

Speaking of this, he Shen Sheng said: "at that time, our navy headquarters may not be three generals, or there will be four generals and five generals at the same time."

"Once such a time comes, I'm afraid it will be the spring of our navy headquarters!"

as soon as this saying goes down, the look of the Warring States can not help changing.

The only version of the six patterns of the Navy headquarters is in the hands of high-level officers. Only when they reach the level of major general, can they have the opportunity to observe and observe.

To the level of the general, you can increase the number of times you apply to watch each year.

However, the Warring States admitted that he and Karp were not teachers at all.

They can reach a certain height, but when they are going to take notes and explain.

But become a little do not know the beginning and end, often note down, can only be understood, can not be spoken.

As a result, very few people in the Navy headquarters can achieve the existence of the six patterns of profound righteousness.

Moreover, it takes more time and effort to understand the profound meaning through the six movements, and it is possible that all the efforts will fail.

On the contrary, many people turned to the pursuit of devil fruit and the cultivation of domineering spirit, totally ignoring the power of the six styles.

After all, as a hero of the Navy headquarters, Kapu is known as an iron fist, a big mountain with one punch.

However, the research and development of the six styles is to take advantage of this to sink the ambition of the Rox pirates.

This alone has shown the importance of the six forms. If equipped with high-level armed forces, their power will rise by two or three levels.

If this manuscript is really promoted, it will surely usher in the spring of the Navy as crane said!
